The Original Whistle Stop

(626) 796-7791

Magazines, Used and New Books Listing

Sunday, March 30, 2025 4:28:20 PM

New Books

Subject               Title                     Publisher            Stock #   Author               Cond       $   Inv #
                                                                     2013                           Hard       60 106203
                                                                                                    Hard          106206
           Prototypes for Modelers: Vol.1       Link Pen Pub.        2006      Charles M. O'Herin   Soft       28 083406
           RP Cyc Volume 15                     RP CYC               2007      RPC                  New        30 107535
 e5 Homage Burlington Bulletin #57              BRHS                 2019      BRHS                 New        35 116708
 Freight E Frisco/katy color guide              MSB                  MKTvol01  Molo                 New        60 057139
 No. Ameri Illust. Treas. of Mod. Frght cars    DPA-LTA              2006      Kerr                 New        20 082090
 SP Equip. SP color guide to Freight & Pass.    MSB                  SPvol03   Kinkaid              New        60 077975
1940s - 19 Railway Milk Cars, Vol 1             Rutland Railroad His 2005      Liljestrand          Soft       15 075641
1956 Denve Burlington Bulletin #55              BRHS                 55        BRHS                 New        50 115174
1956 Denve Burlington Bulletin #55              BRHS                 55        BRHS                 New        50 115178
2-10-2/2-1 SF Pictorial vol. 3                  Monte Vista          2013      Ainsworth            New        28 106167
2nd Gen. R C&NW Power 1963-95 in color vol.4    MSB                  2017      Timko                New        60 113064
2nd Gen. R C&NW Power 1963-95 in color vol.4    MSB                  2017      Timko                New        60 113065
4-6-2/4-6- Santa Fe 3400-3500 series vol.16     Monte Vista          2019      Ainsworth            New        28 117420
A&D        A&D Railway Company                  TLC                  2006      Griffin Jr.          New        30 082873
A&D        A&D Railway Company                  TLC                  2006      Griffin Jr.          New        30 082875
A&D        Atlantic & Danville Rlwy Co.         TLC                  2006      Griffen Jr.          New        30 087092
AC&F       American Car & Foundrey Box cars     SigPress             2017      Kaminski             New        75 113010
AC&Y       AC&Y and Akron & Barberton Belt      MSB                  2015      Lucas                New        60 111244
ACL & SAL  The Sleeping Car                     ACL & SAl Hist Soc   2004      Theodore Shrady      New        33 068270
Alaska     Alaska/Yukon Railroads               OSO Pub              1999      Clifford             New        43 072496
Alco       A Centennial Remembrance             Author               2003      Steinbrenner         New        70 059013
ALCo       ALCO Treasury                        White River          ALCo      S Berry              Soft       25 121616
Alco & GE  California's Locomotives             Shade Tree           2012      Strapac              New        35 105346
Alco Rdswi SP Historic Diesels vol 8            Shade Tree           2012      Strapac              New        25 105156
Alco/GE Di SP Historic Diesels vol. 18          Shade Tree           2013      Strapac              New        35 107184
Alco's     Alco Locmotives                      Voyageur Press       2011      Solomon              New        40 102723
America fo American Diner                       Voyageur Press       140273    Witzel               New        20 111953
America's  Trains to Victory                    Heimburger           2010      Kelly                New        60 100475
Amtrak     Amtrak Power in Color vol. 1         MSB                  2014      Timko                New        60 108036
Amtrak     Metroliners                          White River          2016      Goldberg             New        60 112442
AMTRAK 197 Fify Years of AMTRAK Trains          White River          WRPAtk50  Warner               Hard       80 121956
Angels Fli Images of Los Angeles Angels Flight  Arcadia              2015      Dawson               New        20 110353
Angels Fli Los Angeles Angels Flight            Arcadia              2013      Dawson               New        20 106245
Angels Fli Los Angeles Angels Flight            Arcadia              2013      Dawson               New        20 106246
App. & Pie Railroad Atlas                       SPV                  2004      Walker               New        30 075017
APP. & Pie Railroad Atlas of North America      Steam Powered        2004      Walker               New        30 076474
App.& Pied Railroad Atlas of North America      SPV                  2004      Walker               New        30 079933
ARA BC     ARA Standard Box Cars of 1932        Speedwitch Media     2004      Culotta              New        70 072815
Arcadia    Images of America  Arcadia           Arcadia              2008      Arcadia HS           New        20 091729
Arizona Tr STEEL TRAINS                         Steel Rails West Pub 2008      J.R.KNOLL            New        33 094939
Arizona Tr STEEL TRAINS                         Steel Rails West Pub 2008      J.R.KNOLL            New        33 094940
Arrowhead- Arrowhead Springs                    Landis Pub           53495     Landis               Hard       37 108337
Athearn    Athearn Model Trains                 Krause Publications  1998      Urmston              New        25 058434
Athearn    Standard Guide to Athearn            Krause Publications  2003      Blaisdell            New        25 058342
ATSF       Santa Fe Heritage Volume Four        Paired Rail          2003      Priest               Hard       60 077380
ATSF       Sante Fe Heritage vol 1              Paired Rail          SFH v1    Priest               New        60 053326
ATSF       Sante Fe Heritage vol 1              Paired Rail          SFH v1    Priest               New        60 053328
ATSF       SF Stillwater District               Author               2002      Cammalleri           New        50 052827
AVI        A V I: The Electric Way              South Platte Press   1999      Collins              New        18 069591
AZ&New Mex Railroad Atlas of North America      Steam Powered        2006      Walker               New        30 098403
Az. & New  Railroad Atlas of North America      Steam Powered        1995      Walker               New        30 066171
Azusa      Images of America  Azusa             Arcadia              2007      Cornejo Jr.          New        20 095064
B & A RR   Bangor & Aroostook RR in color       MSB                  B&A       Angier               New        60 067866
B & O      Baltmore & Ohio in color vol. 1      MSB                  B&Ovol01  Mainey               New        60 056416
B&O        B&O 2-8-8-4 EM-1 Locomotive          TLC                  2007      Withers              New        24 095626
B&O        B&O Pass. Service vol. 2             TLC                  1997      Stegmaier            New        27 069572
B&O SR,ILL Trackside around  Louisville         MSB                  Louisv    Tipton               New        60 081085
B&O Steam  B&O Steam Locomotive                 TLC                  2003      Jehrio               New        30 063876
B-4 Merger Outbound Trains                      Boston Mills Press   2005      Boyd                 New        50 075565
BA&P       Wired for Success                    WSU Press            2002      Mutschler            New        32 054015
BA&P       Wired for Success                    WSU Press            2002      Mutschler            New        32 054018
Baggage an Passenger Equipment of the PRR       PRRT&HS              2006      Sweetland            New        18 080469
Baldwin Ar Timber Titans                        White River          TT artic  M Hansen             Hard       80 121615
Baldwin's  Baldwin Locmotives                   Voyageur Press       2011      Solomon              New        40 102724
Baldwins A TIMBER TITANS                        White River          WRP       Martin E Hansen      Hard       80 119065
Baldwins A TIMBER TITANS                        White River          WRP       Martin E Hansen      Hard       80 119069
Baldwins A TIMBER TITANS                        White River          WRP       Martin E. Hansen     Hard       80 119000
BALDWIN-WE INTERURBAM ELE LOCOS                 Shade Tree           2008      JOSEPH A.STRAPAC     New        33 094947
BC,Reefers Railway Prototype Cyc vol. 16        RP CYC               2007      Hawkins              New        28 091977
BC,Reefers Railway Prototype Cyc vol. 16        RP CYC               2007      Hawkins              New        28 091978
BLW artic  Timber Titans                        White River          WRP TT    Hansen               Hard       80 121952
BLW artic  Timber Titans                        White River          WRP TT    Hansen               Hard       80 121953
BLW Loggin Timber Titans                        White River          BLW Artic M. Hansen            Hard       80 120198
BLW Loggin Timber Titans                        White River          BLW Artic M. Hansen            Hard       80 120199
BN         Northwest Passage                    Hundman              1998      Leachman             New        60 060710
BN Loco's  Burlington Norhtern in color vol. 3  MSB                  2015      Timko                New        60 110029
BN Special Burlington Bulliton #48              Burlington Rt Hist S 2012      BNHS                 New        30 104590
BN Special Burlington Bulliton #48              Burlington Rt Hist S 2012      BNHS                 New        30 104591
BN Special Burlington Bulliton #48              Burlington Rt Hist S 2012      BNHS                 New        30 104593
BN Special Burlington Bulliton #48              Burlington Rt Hist S 2012      BNHS                 New        30 104594
BN Suburba BN - E Unit Finale                   McMillan             BN Eunit  B Nelson             Soft       31 123076
BN Suburba BN - E Unit Finale                   McMillan             BN Eunit  B Nelson             Soft       31 123078
BN&SF      BN&SF Railway  Loco Review           GN Pacific Pub       2003      Grosso               New        39 060954
BN&SF      BN&SF Railway Loco review            GN Pacific Pub       2003      Grosso               New        39 058304
BNSF       BNSF 2003 Loco review & RCU          GN Pacific Pub       2003      Grosso               New        39 059308
BNSF       BNSF 2004-2005 Loco Review           Great Northern Pac   2005      Del Grosso           New        42 073816
BNSF       BNSF Northwest                       GN Pacific Pub       BNSF/ N   Grosso               New        49 053479
BNSF       BNSF Northwest                       GN Pacific Pub       BNSF/ N   Grosso               New        49 053485
BNSF       BNSF Rlway So. Calif. style          Great Northern Pac   2005      Grosso               New        52 077900
BNSF       BNSF Rlwy CO. 2008 Loco Review       Great Northern Pac   2008      Grosso               New        48 092378
BNSF       BNSF Rlwy CO. 2008 Loco Review       Great Northern Pac   2008      Grosso               New        48 092370
BNSF       BNSF Rlwy Co. Review & Diagrams      Great Northern Pac   2007      Grosso               New        48 085738
BNSF       Windy City to the Twin Citites       4-Ways               CB&Qwc    Leopard              New        60 066261
BNSF       Windy City to the Twin Citites       4-Ways               CB&Qwc    Leopard              New        60 066264
BNSF merge Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway MBI                  2005      Solomon              Hard       50 075648
Box Cars   Amer.Rlwy Asocc. BC 1932             Speedwitch Media     2004      Culotta              New        70 068770
Branch Lin Katy Northwest                       IndianaU             1976      Hofsommer            New        60 063857
Brass guid Brass Train Guide Book               Partners Internation 2011      Glasure              New        75 102409
Brass guid Brass Train Guide Book               Partners Internation 2011      Glasure              New        75 102414
Brass Mod  Tenshodo  50Th Anniversary           Erie Ltd             050       Tenshodo             New       150 043578
Bridge &Tr Bridge & Trestle Handbook            Carstens             1992      Mallery              New        23 086915
Bridge &Tr Bridge & Trestle Handbook            Carstens             1992      Mallery              New        23 086916
Bridge &Tr Bridge & Trestle Handbook            Carstens             1992      Mallery              New        23 086917
Building L Lionel Fastrack Model Railroads      Voyageur Press       2009      Schleicher           New        30 098909
Burl Rte   Burl Rte Strmlne Observation Cars    TLC                  2010      Boyle Jr.            New        23 101293
Burl Rte   Burlington Rte Strmlned Obs cars     TLC                  2005      Boyle                New        23 091751
Burl. Nort BN Through Pass. srvce in color      MSB                  2008      Stout                New        60 094921
Burlington Burlington in Transition             MilePost             1967      Corbin               New        65 062072
Burlington Burlington Rte. Pict. Vol. 1         4-Ways               CBQvol01  Holck                New        50 052549
Bus, & Spe SF Rlwy Ref Series vol. 4   SFRHMS               2013      SFRHMS               New        65 107226
Bus,Prvt,e SP Offical Car vol. 6                SPH&TS               2018      Munger               New       135 115638
by the #'s NYC Power in color vol. 1            MSB                  2017      Pinkepank            New        60 113059
by the #'s NYC Power in color vol. 1            MSB                  2017      Pinkepank            New        60 113062
C & O      C & O Railway in color vol. 2        MSB                  C&Ovol02  Plant                New        60 057607
C&NW       C&NW in Color Vol 3: '59-'64         MSB                  CNWcolor3 Keyser               New        60 070360
C&NW       Loco Facilities C&NW &CStPM&O        C&NW HS              2001      Follmar              New        45 080250
C&O        C&O Rwy at Mid-Century               Voyageur Press       150078    Tom Dixon            Hard       35 111942
C&O        C&O Rwy at Mid-Century               Voyageur Press       150078    Tom Dixon            Hard       35 111943
C&O        C&O Super power Steam Locomotives    C&O HS               2005      Huddleston           New        33 073871
C&O        C&O, vol 1                           4-Ways               C&O,vol 1 Stegmeirer           Hard       50 075904
C&O        Chesapeake & Ohio  Pict. vol. 2      4-Ways               C&Ovol02  Stegmaier            New        60 073449
C&O        Chesapeake & Ohio  Pict. vol. 2      4-Ways               C&Ovol02  Stegmaier            New        60 073451
C&O        Chesapeake & Ohio color Pict. vol. 2 4-Ways               C&Ovol02  Stegmaier            New        60 075489
C&O        Chesapeake & Ohio color Pict. vol. 2 4-Ways               C&Ovol02  Stegmaier            New        60 075493
C&O B&O N& Trackside around West Virginia       MSB                  2006      Withers              New        60 081891
C&O, N&W,  Appalachian Conquest                 TLC                  89795     Huddleston           New        30 056253
C&S        C&S Railroader's photos & memories   Klinger Pub.         C&S rp&m  T Klinger            Hard       60 124189
C&S        C&S Railroader's photos & memories   Klinger Pub.         C&S rp&m  T Klinger            Hard       60 124190
C&S        C&S Railroader's photos & memories   Klinger Pub.         C&S rp&m  T Klinger            Hard       60 124191
C&S        C&S, Platte Cnyn Memories            Klinger Pub.         C&S2008   Klinger              Hard       65 095804
C&S Frght, Narrow Gauge Pictorial  vol. 8       Robb                 2012      Poole                New        35 105888
C&S Narrow C&S PLATTE CANON MEM&THEN SOME       Klinger Pub.         2008      Klinjger             New        65 094607
C&S Narrow C&S PLATTE CANON MEM&THEN SOME       Klinger Pub.         2008      Klinjger             New        65 094605
C.B.&Q     C.B. &Q in color vol. 4              MSB                  CB&Qvol04 Spoor                New        60 056571
CA & NV     RR Atlas of N. America              Steam Powered        2002      Walker               New        24 053897
CA & NV    Railroads of Nev & E. Cal vol II     Nevada               2003      Myrick               New        75 055394
CA & NV    RR Atlas of North America            Steam Powered        1997      Walker               New        30 064305
Cabooses   Norfolk & Western Cabooses           NWHS                 1994      Bower                Hard       50 099719
Cabooses   SP Freight Cars Vol. 2               SigPress             2008      Thompson             New        65 093474
cajon pass Cajon Pass                           Arcadia              2010      Hall                 Soft       22 100204
Calif Logg When Steam was King                  Eureka Pub           9774721   Gerald French        Hard       65 082704
Calif. & N Railroad Atlas of North America      SPV                  1997      Walker               New        30 077027
Calif. & N Railroad Atlas of North America      SPV                  1997      Walker               New        30 077026
Calif. Cnt Images of Rails of Calif.Cntrl Coast Arcadia              2008      Rice                 New        20 091708
Canada     Canadian Steam                       Railroad Press       2005      Boreskie             New        17 070396
Canadian T Rocky Mountain Sunrise               Steamscenes          2009      Huxtable             New        40 098332
CB&Q       Way of the Zephyrs                   TLC                  2005      Doughty              New        35 074614
CBQ Pass   Burlington Pass Car Photo Album      Quincey House        CBQPassPA Glick                Hard       70 084332
Central El The Last Interurbans                 CERA                 2003      Middleton            New        55 057872
Centrl Cal Pacific Coast Railways               Benchmark            1998      Westcott             New        61 093973
Cerro Gord Images of America Cerro Gordo        Arcadia              2013      Vargo                New        22 106235
CGW        Corn Belt Route                      Northern Illinois Un 1984      Grant                New        38 059074
Chessie    Chessie the Raolroad Kitten          TLC                  1988      Dixon Jr.            New        12 088572
Chicago -  C&NW The Harvard Line                4-Ways               90975-0-0 Lewnard              Hard       70 123184
Chicago -  C&NW The Harvard Line                4-Ways               90975-0-0 Lewnard              Hard       70 123185
Chicago St Chicago Union Station                Pixels Pub.          2003      DeRouin              New        30 098161
Chicago to Pennsylvania RR Pictorial V. 3       FourWays-NO-use 4-Wa 2002      Sweetland            New        60 102300
Chicago to Penn. Railroad Vol. 3                4-Ways               PRRvol03  Sweetland            New        60 052671
Chicago Tu Chicago Tunnel Story                 CERA                 2002      Moffat               New        55 057007
Childrens  STEAMER,  the Railroad Dog           Trak Works           52095     Ken Johnson          New        21 118712
Childrens  STEAMER,  the Railroad Dog           Trak Works           52095     Ken Johnson          New        21 118715
Civil War  Civil War Railroads                  IndianaU             1961      Abdill               New        50 062932
Classic To American Flyer Classic Toy Trains    Friedman             2002      Souter               New        35 052615
Cleveland  Trackside around Cleveland           MSB                  Clev      McKay                New        60 070929
CN         CN Facilities in color vol.1         MSB                  2009      Holland              New        60 097333
CN         CN Facilities in color vol.1         MSB                  2009      Holland              New        60 097334
CN         CN Steam in color                    MSB                  CNstm     Holland              New        60 071659
CNRR       Canadian National RR                 Voyageur Press       137469    Murrey               Hard       33 111930
CNRR       Canadian National RR                 Voyageur Press       137469    Murrey               Hard       33 111931
CNW        Chicago & NorthWestern vol. 4        MSB                  2013      Keyser               New        60 106263
CNW        Chicago & NorthWestern vol. 4        MSB                  2013      Keyser               New        60 106264
coach, Smk SF Rlwy Pass. Car Ref. Series vol.2  SFRHMS               2011      Kistler              New        60 102232
Coal & Fue Steam Loco Coal & Die Fuel Facil     TLC                  2002      Thomas Dixon Jr      New        20 085791
Coal Field Clinchfield RR in the Coal Fields    TLC                  2004      Helm                 New        33 065118
Coal Mines Appalachian Coal Mines & RR's vol.1  MSB                  2013      Timko                New        60 107745
Colo. NG   Gilpin Gold Tram                     Heimburger           1998      Ferrell              New        40 090487
Colo. Rail NG to Central & Silver Plume  #10    CRM                  CRMvol10  Jenson               New        50 055003
Colo. Rail NG to Silver Plume                   CRM                  CRMvol10  Colo. RR Museum      New        50 055822
Colo. RR   Colorful Colo. RR IN THE 60's        CRHF                 1992      Hill                 New        25 057566
Colo. Spri Short Line to Cripple Creek          CRM                  CRMvol16  Wilkins              New        30 079141
Color Guid Conrail                              Morn Sun - Use MSB   2100      DeYoung              Hard       55 103680
Color Phot Classic Railroad Scenes              Kalmbach             soft cove Peterson             New        28 116414
Color Phot Classic Railroad Scenes              Kalmbach             soft cove Peterson             New        28 116417
Color Phot SP Off. Color Photo vol. 1           MSB                  SPvol01   Thompson             New        55 054117
Color Phot SP Off. Color Photo vol. 1           MSB                  SPvol01   Thompson             New        55 054118
Color Pict C&S Southern division                4-Ways               C&Ssouth  Fulcomer             New        50 053542
Color Pict Pennsylvania Railroad Vol. 3         4-Ways               PRRvol03  Sweetland            New        60 053039
Color Pict Pennsylvania Railroad Vol. 3         4-Ways               PRRvol03  Sweetland            New        60 053041
Color Pict Rock Island  vol 2                   4-Ways               CRIPvol03 Marre                New        50 053563
color pict SP Scenic Coast Line                 FourWays-NO-use 4-Wa 2012      Ryan                 Hard       60 106059
Colorado   Colo. Modern Narrow Gauge Circle     Omni                 2002      Monroe               New        38 053474
Colorado   Colorado 1870-2000 Then/Now Photos   Heimburger           2000      Fielder              New        95 042700
Colorado   Funiculars of Golden Colorado        Author               2013      Warden               New        12 107424
Commutor R Pacific Coast Commutor RR            Iconografix          2008      Dorin                New        30 094579
ConRail    CONRAIL Busines & Research Trains    Garbelly             58000     Kerchner & Reminder  Hard       80 119801
Conrail.   Conrail Atlantic Region vol.1        MSB                  2013      Erdman               New        60 107059
Constructi Railway Car Construction             Orange Empire        1999      Voss                 New        25 078456
CP,GN,     Steam Along the Boundary             Sono Nis             2007      Turner               New        50 091564
CP/CN      Trackside Around British Columbia    MSB                  TsBC      Riddell              New        60 077336
CP/CN      Trackside Around British Columbia    MSB                  TsBC      Riddell              New        60 077331
CPR        CP Facilities, vol 1                 MSB                  58248-188 Holland              Hard       60 082936
CP-UP      Iron Horses to Promentory - 150 Anni Golden West          UPCP1869  Best                 Hard       75 118461
Creameries Creameries of upstate NY             Author               2002      Hudson ll            New        18 067041
Critters   Railroad Critters in color vol.4     MSB                  2013      Timko                New        60 107934
CSt.PM&O R The Omaha Road                       Hundman              2004      Mailer               New        60 081119
CStPM&O    Omaha Road                           Hundman              2004      Mailer               New        60 076191
CSX        CSX Transportation  vol. 1           Howell Publication   2001      Helper               New        25 062070
CSX        CSX Transportation  vol. 1           Howell Publication   2001      Helper               New        25 062071
CSX 2004-2 CSX Transportation Loco Directory    Withers              2005      Withers              New        25 095120
Cyclopedia Steam Locomotives Cyclop. vol. 1     Kalmbach             1960      Westcott             New        50 062467
D&RGW      D&RGW Durango to Alamosa vol.2       RD Pub               2005      Dorman               New        49 095611
D&RGW      D&RGW: Rky Mountn RR vol. ll         RD Pub               2005      Dorman               New        48 074824
D&RGW      Narrow Gauge Pictorial vol. 1        Grandt               2003      Grandt               New        33 054515
D&RGW      Rio Grande 2-8-0 Pictorial vol.5     Monte Vista          2009      AAinsworth           New        28 098304
D&RGW      Texas & New Orleans                  4-Ways               2011      Goen                 New        60 103502
D&RGW      The R.G.S Story vol. X               Sundance             2003      McCoy                New        72 057888
D&RGW Pict D&RGW Color Pict. vol. 1             4-Ways               2019      Copeland             New        60 117359
Dakotas &  RR Atlas of North America            SPV                  2005      Walker               New        30 075215
Dakotas &  RR Atlas of North America            SPV                  2005      Walker               New        30 075218
Data-Drawi Railway Prototype Cyc. 1             RP CYC               1         RPC                  New        21 114544
Data-Drawi Railway Prototype Cyclopedia 31-32   RP CYC               2016      RPC                  New        60 112114
Data-Drawi Railway Prototype Cyclopedia 31-32   RP CYC               2016      RPC                  New        60 112119
Data-Drawi Railway Prototype Cyclopedia 31-32   RP CYC               2016      RPC                  New        60 112120
Death Vall Images of Rail RR's of Death Valley  Arcadia              2011      Palazzo              New        22 104015
Depression An American Journey                  Hot Box Press        2000      Vandercook           New        25 057643
Diesel     Classic Diesels of the South         TLC                  1997      Lamb                 New        27 057619
Diesel     Pool Power West                      4-Ways               PPW       Hanggie              New        50 063965
Diesel Swi Alco's HH Series                     Withers              2006      Diesel Era           New        30 095121
Diesels    Contemporary Diesel Spotters Guide   Withers              2000      Withers              New        25 070669
Diesels    Contemporary Diesel Spotters Guide   Withers              2000      Withers              New        25 069561
Diesels    Contemporary Diesel Spotter's guide  Withers              2000      Withers              New        25 087643
Diesels    Modern Locomotives 1966-2000         MBI                  2002      Solomon              New        30 057732
Diesels 19 Mo Pac Power in Color                MSB                  773-1     Stout                Hard       70 119869
Diesels 19 Contemporary Diesel Spotter's Guide  Withers              2000      Marre & Withers      New        25 055495
Dining Car Dining Car Panorama                  Wayner               2014      Wayner               New        25 108990
Dining Car Dining Car to the Pacific            Uni Minn.            1990      McKenzie             New        25 075019
DLW Milk C Railway Milk Cars Vol 4              Author               2001      Bahrs                New        20 081144
Dolly Vard Steel Rails & Silver Dreams          Benchmark            2007      Muralt               New        30 088361
Dolly Vard Steel Rails & Silver Dreams          Benchmark            2007      Muralt               New        48 088360
Donner Rou Steam Over Donner                    Monte Vista          2007      Still                New        65 089107
Downtn Pas Downtn Pasadena's Erly Architecture  Arcadia              2006      Scheid               New        20 088550
Drawings   Trolleys from the past               Author               2017      Hiney                New        32 113556
DRGW       COLORFUL CO RR in the 60's           CRM                  CRMhill   Ron Hill             Hard       50 087852
DRGW       Rio Grande Steam Locomotives         Heimburger           2003      Heimburger           New        43 055706
DSP&P/DL&G South Park Line Ltd Ed. #018         Hundman              2003      Ferrell              New       195 059287
DSP:&P/DL& South Park Line Ltd Ed. #017         Hundman              2003      Ferrell              New       195 060006
Durango &  R.G.S Story vol. XI                  Sundance             2005      McCoy                New        75 088516
Dwntwn Pas Images of America Dwntwn Pasa.       Arcadia              2006      Scheid               New        20 085534
DWP        Duluth,Winnipeg & Pacific in color   MSB                  2006      Schauer              New        60 081630
DWP        Duluth,Winnipeg & Pacific in color   MSB                  2006      Schauer              New        60 081627
DWP        Duluth,Winnipeg & Pacific in color   MSB                  2006      Schauer              New        60 081628
DWP        Duluth,Winnipeg & Pacific in color   MSB                  2006      Schauer              New        60 081629
E&PRR      Eureka & Palisades                   White River          E&PRR     G Maxwell            Hard       80 121613
E,I & TH h History of the Ev, Ind & TH Railroad Author               2006      Kenneth  Reed        New        23 085938
East. Can. Canadian Trolleys in color vol. 1    MSB                  CTvol01   Halperin             New        60 080023
EBT        Colorful East Broad Top              Heimburger           1993      Ferrell              New        27 073317
EBT        Colorful East Broad Top              Heimburger           1993      Ferrell              New        27 075815
Edison Big Railroad that Lighted So. Calif.     Stauffer Pub         1997      Johnston             New        30 085964
EI&TH RR   History of the EI&TH RR              Reed                 2006      Reed                 New        25 078642
EI&TH RR   History of the EI&TH RR              Reed                 2006      Reed                 New        25 078646
EL NJ      Trackside EL, NJ Commuter            MSB                  EL-NJ     Brennan              New        60 071652
EL NJ      Trackside EL, NJ Commuter            MSB                  EL-NJ     Brennan              New        60 071654
El Pueblo  So. Calif. First Railroad            Omni                 2011      Robinson             New        11 102736
Elctro-Mot Santa Fe Power in Color Vol. 4       MSB                  1716-E    Mackinson            New        70 120408
Elect Rlwy Hudson-Bergen Light Rail             RailPace             2002      Fazio                New        25 089528
Electric A Faster than the Limiteds             CERA                 2004      Bullard              New        55 066026
Electronic Complete Model Rlway Electronics     MBI                  126464    Amos                 New        38 111816
EMD        Trackside awith EMD Field Rep.       MSB                  EMD field Cavanaugh            New        60 070933
EMD        Trackside awith EMD Field Rep.       MSB                  EMD field Cavanaugh            New        60 070934
EMD        Trackside awith EMD Field Rep.       MSB                  EMD field Cavanaugh            New        60 070937
EMD 4-6-Mo SP Historic Diesels vol. 21          Shade Tree           2018      Strapac              New        37 114757
EMD SD-45  SOUTHERN PACIFIC HISTRIC DIESELS     Shade Tree           2008      JOSEPH A.STRAPAC     New        33 094961
EMD,E-2,E- Strmlnr Creations Union Pacific      RPC                  2007      RPC                  New        67 094189
EMD,F-3 F- Streamliner Creations NP             RPC                  2007      Randell              New        27 093186
EMD,TA,E-3 Strmlnr Creations Rock Island        RPC                  2007      RPC                  New        40 094200
EMDs       UP Big EMDs DD-35 & DDA40X           Withers              2012      Withers              Soft       40 105482
Empire of  Invisible Giants                     IndianaU             2003      Harwood Jr.          New        50 067048
Encyc. RR  Encyc. of No. American RR            IndianaU             2007      Middleton            New       100 085228
EP&SW      El Paso & Southwestern System        SPH&TS               EP&SW     Vernon Glover        Hard       70 121517
EP&SW      El Paso & SW Railroad System         SPH&TS               EPSWRS    V Glover             Hard       70 124084
EP&SW      El Paso & SW Railroad System         SPH&TS               EPSWRS    V Glover             Hard       70 124085
EP&SW      El Paso & SW Steam Locomotives       SPH&TS               EPSWstm   V Glover             Hard       70 124086
EP&SW      El Paso & SW Steam Locomotives       SPH&TS               EPSWstm   V Glover             Hard       70 124087
EP&SW Stea ElPaso & SW Steam Locomotives        SPH&TS               EP&SW Stm J Strapac            Hard       70 124173
EP&SW Syst ElPaso & SW Railrioad System         SPH&TS               EP&SW     V Glover             Hard       70 124174
Equipment   Crawlers & Dozers vol. 1            Heimburger           2003      Heimburger           New        55 063277
Erie       Erie Lackawanna in color vol. 5      MSB                  ELvol05   Canfield             New        60 063907
Erie       Erie Lackawanna in color vol.6       MSB                  ELvol06   Canfield             New        60 078972
Erie       Erie Lackawanna Trksde w/McCarthys   MSB                  2006      McCarthy             New        60 081894
Erie       Erie Lackawanna Trksde w/McCarthys   MSB                  2006      McCarthy             New        60 081897
Erie RR    Erie RR Facilities in color vol. 1   MSB                  Erie Fac  Yanosey              New        60 080661
F-7,PA, WP Strmlnr Creations Burl. Rte          RPC                  2007      RPC                  New        59 094188
Facilities Chesapeake & Ohio Facilities         MSB                  2008      Hudleston            New        60 093443
Facilities Chesapeake & Ohio Facilities         MSB                  2008      Hudleston            New        60 093444
Facilities SL,CS&DL Fueling Facilities          TLC                  2002      Dixon Jr.            New        20 073654
Feries of  Images of America Ferries of SF Bay  Arcadia              2007      Trimble              New        20 091731
Fire Truck Mack Fire Trucks 1911-2005           Iconografix          2005      Eckart               New        33 075747
Florida's  Orange Blossom Special               ACL & SAl Hist Soc   2010      Shrady               New        27 101620
Florida's  Orange Blossom Special               ACL & SAl Hist Soc   2010      Shrady               New        27 101621
Ford Photo FORD Medium-Duty Trucks              Iconografix          2006      McLaughlin           New        25 079735
Foundry fo American Car & Foundry Box Cars      SigPress             2015      Kaminski             New        75 110788
Foundry fo American Car & Foundry Box Cars      SigPress             2015      Kaminski             New        75 110789
Foundry fo American Car & Foundry Box Cars      SigPress             2015      Kaminski             New        75 110790
Foundry fo American Car & Foundry Box Cars      SigPress             2015      Kaminski             New        75 110792
Foundry fo American Car & Foundry Box Cars      SigPress             2015      Kaminski             New        75 110795
Freight    RP Cyclopedia Vol 14                 RP CYC               Vol 14    RP Cyc               New        25 081586
Freight &  SP Color Guide vol. 1                MSB                  SPvol01   Thompson             New        50 054115
Freight ca BNSF Freigt cars Vol3                Great Northern Pac   2008      Grosso               Hard       55 096135
Freight ca BNSF Freigt cars Vol3                Great Northern Pac   2008      Grosso               Hard       55 096139
Freight ca Narrow Gauge Pict. vol. 4            Grandt               2011      Grandt               New        30 103188
Frght Cars Railway Prototype Cyc. #14           RPC                  RPC14     RPC                  New        25 114512
Frght Cars Railway Prototype Cyc. #14           RPC                  RPC14     RPC                  New        25 114510
Frght Cars Railway Prototype Cyc. #14           RPC                  RPC14     RPC                  New        25 114511
Frght Cars Railway Prototype Cyc. #16           RPC                  RPC16     RPC                  New        28 114517
Frght Cars Railway Prototype Cyc. #19           RPC                  RPC19     RPC                  New        30 114522
Frght Cars Railway Prototype Cyc. #19           RPC                  RPC19     RPC                  New        30 114523
Frght Cars Railway Prototype Cyc. #19           RPC                  RPC19     RPC                  New        30 114524
Frght Cars Railway Prototype Cyc. #19           RPC                  RPC19     RPC                  New        30 114525
Frght Cars Railway Prototype Cyc. #19           RPC                  RPC19     RPC                  New        30 114526
Gallery    Steam Power                          MBI                  145623    Solomon              New        18 111842
Gallery    Steam Power                          MBI                  145623    Solomon              New        18 111845
GB&L RR    Over the Georgetown Loop             White River          GTLoop    Abbott               Hard       80 124413
GB&L RR    Over the Georgetown Loop             White River          GTLoop    Abbott               Hard       80 124416
GE         Interurban  Electric Locomotives     Shade Tree           2004      Strapac              New        33 067575
GE         Interurban  Electric Locomotives     Shade Tree           2004      Strapac              New        33 067579
GE &EMD    GE & EMD Lococmotives                Voyageur Press       2015      Soloman              New        30 110839
GE locos a Santa Fe Power vol. 5                MSB                  1730-E    Mackinson            Hard       70 119361
Georgia Pa Forest Rails -Goergia Pacific RR's   White River          2018      Tedder               New        80 115073
Gldn, Cent Colorado Central RR                  Sundance             2007      Abbott               New        79 088967
GM FT Loco The DIESEL That did it               IndianaU             FT        Abbey                Hard       49 121324
GN         GN Through Passenger Srvce in color  MSB                  2015      Doughty              New        60 110024
GN         Great Norhtern Pict. vol. 7          4-Ways               GNvol07   Strauss Jr.          New        65 059256
GN         Great Northern Pict. vol. 3          4-Ways               GNvol03   Strauss Jr.          New        50 064858
GN         Great Northern Pictorial #3          4-Ways               2012      Thompson             New        50 105259
GN Railway Steam Locomotives of the GN Rlway    GNHS                 2010      Middleton            New        60 101623
GN, Burl.  Trackside around the Twin Cities     MSB                  2008      Isaacs               New        60 094834
GN, Burl.  Trackside around the Twin Cities     MSB                  2008      Isaacs               New        60 094835
GN/CB      Locomotive Quarterly                 Metaphor             SP2003    Farrell              New        13 057584
Golden CO  Colorado Rail Annual #35             CRM                  CRM35     Abbott               Hard       90 123071
Golden CO  Colorado Rail Annual #35 - 2024      CRM                  CRM35     Abbott               Hard       90 123070
Golden CO  Rails around Table Mountains -signed CRM                  CRM35     Abbott               Hard       90 123074
Golden CO  Rails around Table Mountains -signed CRM                  CRM 35    Abbott               Hard       90 123075
Golden CO  Rails around Table Mtn               CRM                  CRM35     Abbott               Hard       90 123072
GP7-GP20   EMD Early Rd. Switchers: GP7-GP20    Specialty Press      2006      Solomon              New        25 099155
Granger Co Trackside around Granger Country     MSB                  Granger   Boyd                 New        60 067259
Great Lake Railroad Atlas of North America      Steam Powered        2003      Walker               New        30 061738
Great Lake Railroad Atlas of North America      Steam Powered        1996      Walker               New        30 076475
Greyhound  Going the Greyhound Way              Iconografix          2013      gabrick              Soft       40 106701
Greyhound  Greyhound Scenicruiser               Iconografix          2013      McNally              New        37 106606
GS-7/GS-8/ SP's Second-Hand Steam Vol.4         Aeronaut             881957    Herris/Inman         Soft       40 119757
Guide      Compreh. Guide to Ind. Loco's        Author               2002      Reed                 New        26 057629
guide      Diesel Spotter's Guide               Withers              2008      Marre/Withers        New        35 093377
Guide      Guide to NA Diesel Locomotives       Kalmbach             2018      Wilson               New        28 115106
Guide      North American Diesel Locomotives    Kalmbach             2017      Wilson               New        28 114050
Guide      So. CA. Local Frght Trains 2015/16   Author               2015      Freericks            New        22 111133
Guide 2000 Contemorary Diesel Spotters Guide    Withers              2000      Withers              New        25 074215
Guide Book Tourist Trains Guide Book 6th Edit.  Kalmbach             2017      Trains               New        23 113268
Guide SF S The ILL. Guide  Brass Loco's         Redding              1997      Redding              New        50 059031
Guidebook  Tourist Trains Guidebook 7th edition Kalmbach             2019      Kalmbac              New        23 116386
Gulf,Colo. Santa Fe Depots                      SFRHMS               2014      Pounds               New        55 109083
Gunnison   South Park's Gunnison Div. Memories  Klinger Pub.         2012      Klinger              New        62 106078
Hand cars, RP Cyclopedia  vol.10                RPC                  2016      RPC                  New        25 112106
Hawaii     Hawaiin Ry Album Vol 4               Railroad Press       Vol 4     Treiber              New        22 088784
Hawaiian R Hawaiin Rlwy Album WW II Vol  3      Railroad Press       2007      Treiber              New        24 089342
Hawaiin Rl Hawaiin Rlwy Album Photo's vol.3     Railroad Press       2007      Treiber              New        24 095513
Head end E Southern Pacific Pass. Cars vol.3    SPH&TS               2011      SPH&TS               New       125 103539
Heritage p NS Heritage in Color                 Morn Sun - Use MSB   2013      jeremy f plant       Hard       60 107919
Historic C Chicago-City on the Move             Chicago City Files P 2007      Williams             Hard       40 088501
Historic S So. Rlwys Historic Spencer Shops     Arcadia              2011      Neal Jr.             New        22 103648
History    Ironhorse                            Crescent             1987      Lorie & Garratt      New        28 079773
History    Moffat Tunnel                        CRM                  CRMmoffat Forrest              New        15 062780
History    Ten Turtles to Tucumcari             Uni NM               2003      Garrett              New        28 071024
History &  Guide to North America Steam Loco's  Kalmbach             2002      Drury                New        28 052975
History of Over the Georgetown Loop             White River          57995     Abbott               Hard       80 124375
History of Over the Georgetown Loop             White River          57995     Abbott               Hard       80 124376
History of Over the Georgetown Loop             White River          57995     Abbott               Hard       80 124377
History of Great Northern Railway A History     Uni Minn.            2004      Hidy                 New        30 088671
History of Great Northern Railway A History     Uni Minn.            2004      Hidy                 New        30 088672
History of Rails To Paradise                    Gorham Printing      2005      Russel H. & Jesse M. New        65 082472
History of The Wymore Story                     South Platte Press   2002      Kistler              New        25 053106
HO Scale R Model Railroading w/ John Allen      Benchmark            2011      Westcott             New        64 103025
Hollywood  Hollywood's Railroads vol. 3         Cochetopa Press      2015      Jensen               New        20 109795
Hollywood  Hollywood's Railroads vol. 3         Cochetopa Press      2015      Jensen               New        20 109798
Hollywood  Hollywood's Railroads vol. 3         Cochetopa Press      2015      Jensen               New        20 109804
How To Bui HO Narrow Gauge RR you can Build     Benchmark            2008      Furlow               New        20 094160
how V&O wa V&O Story                            Carstens             2013      McClelland           New        20 107091
Hudson Riv RR's of the Hudson Rivr Valley 79-08 Grit                 2008      Mcbride              New        45 097300
Hudson Riv RR's of the Hudson Rivr Valley 79-08 Grit                 2008      Mcbride              New        45 097302
Ice Refrig Pacific Fruit Express #1B            Apache Press         1978      Da Costa             New        30 077214
Ice Refrig Pacific Fruit Express #1B            Da Costa             2003      Da Costa             New        25 056383
ILL. Centr ILL. Central color Pictorial vol. 2  4-Ways               ICvol02   Downey               New        60 079026
Ill. Centr Illinios Central color Pict. vol. 1  4-Ways               ICvol01   Downey               New        60 072620
ILL. Centr ILLinios Central Railroad Story      Transport History    1993      Lind                 New        49 088568
in color   Santa Fe Passenger service V1        Morn Sun - Use MSB   2012      Stout                New        60 105663
in color   Southern Railway V3                  Morn Sun - Use MSB   2012      Reisweber            New        60 105658
In Color 1 Sante Fe  Vol. 4                     MSB                  SFvol04   Stragner             New        50 053093
Indiana RR Indiana Rail Road Company            IndianaU             2006      Rund                 New        45 079192
Internal f For Pullman Eyes Only                ACL & SAl Hist Soc   2012      Shrady               Soft       25 105605
Interurban Pacific Electric's 500 class cars    Shade Tree           2010      Smatlak              Soft       31 101859
JCL        Jersey Central Lines in color vol.3  MSB                  JCvol03   Appel                New        60 054571
JCL        Jersey Central Lines in color vol.3  MSB                  JCvol03   Appel                New        60 054572
JCL        Jersey Central Lines in color vol.3  MSB                  JCvol03   Appel                New        60 054574
Jerome & N RR's of Arizona vol. 6               SigPress             2011      Myrick               New        60 103612
K-28       Rio Grande's  NG K-28 Locomotives    White River          K-28      Day                  Hard       80 124417
K-36       Rio Grande's  NG K-36 Locomotives    White River          K-36      Day                  Hard       80 124418
Kansas Cit Kansas City So. in the Deramus Era   Withers              1999      Marre                New        48 069565
KC         Kansas City Southern Lines           PRRP Ltd             2005      Sommers              New        60 072080
KC         Kansas City Southern Lines           PRRP Ltd             2005      Sommers              New        60 072081
KC NW RR   MP Northwest                         Author               2002      Quastlet             New        30 054152
KCS        Kansas City So. color Pict.          4-Ways               KCS       Goen                 New        50 059249
KCS        Kansas City Southern in Color        MSB                  KCS       Boyd                 New        60 058730
KCS        Kansas City Southern Lines           PRRP Ltd             2011      Sommers              New        60 102201
KM Hydraul The KM Hydraulics                    SPH&TS               MK        Robert John Zenk     Hard       90 123254
KM Hydraul The KM Hydraulics                    SPH&TS               MK        Robert John Zenk     Hard       90 123257
KM Hydraul The KM Hydraulics                    SPH&TS               MK        Robert John Zenk     Hard       90 123260
K-M US Imp The KM Hydraulics - 2nd edition      SPH&TS               K-M US    R Zenk               Hard       90 124176
KSC        Kansas City Southern                 Withers              1999      Marre                New        48 056765
L CLASS 2- RIO GRANDE VOL1                      Monte Vista          2008      JEFF AINSWORTH       New        28 094957
L CLASS 2- RIO GRANDE VOL1                      Monte Vista          2008      JEFF AINSWORTH       New        28 094958
L&N        Dixie Lines                          Hundman              2003      Oroszi and Flanary   New        65 064289
L&N, KSC N Trackside in the South 1946-1959     MSB                  2008      Holland              New        60 091060
LA Angel's Angel's Flight                       Arcadia              2010      Dawson               Soft       20 100209
LA to Bars Santa Fe California Division vol. 17 Monte Vista          2019      Ainsworth            New        28 117404
LA to Bars Santa Fe California Division vol. 17 Monte Vista          2019      Ainsworth            New        28 117411
LA to Inla Pacific Electric- vol. 1             Monte Vista          2019      Ainsworth            New        28 116128
LA to Sant Pacific Electric- vol. 2             Monte Vista          2019      Ainsworth            New        28 116130
LA to Yuma SP Western Sunset Route Pictorial    Monte Vista          0121      Ainsworth            New        28 119408
LA Yellow  Images of Rail LA Railwy Yellow Cars Arcadia              2011      Walker               New        20 103642
LA&Pasaden Old Los Angeles & Pasadena           Arcadia              2001      Zimmerman            New        20 072072
Lac RR - F Lackawanna RR - Facilities, vol 2    MSB                  LacFac2   Yanosey              Hard       60 091397
Lackawanna Lackawanna RR Facil. in color  vol.1 MSB                  2007      Yanosey              New        60 087592
Lackawanna Lackawanna RR in color vol. 2        MSB                  Lackvol02 Plant                New        60 056404
Lackawanna Lackawanna RR in color vol. 2        MSB                  Lackvol02 Plant                New        60 056405
Lackawanna Lawawanna RR Facilities in Clr vol.3 MSB                  2009      Yungkurth            New        60 096485
Lake Super Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Rlwy  IndianaU             2009      Gaertner             New        50 095737
Lake Tahoe Rails around LAKE TAHOE              SigPress             Lake Taho M.H. Ferrell         Hard       60 120777
Lbty LTD / First Class to our Nation's Capitol  PRRT&HS              LLtd-CapL Wrabel               Hard       70 118369
Lbty LTD / First Class to our Nation's Capitol  PRRT&HS              LLtd-CapL Wrabel               Hard       70 118368
Lehigh Val Lehigh Valley Facil. in color vol. 1 MSB                  2008      Bednar               New        60 091065
Lehigh,New Lehigh & New England                 MSB                  2013      Bednar               New        60 107111
Lghtwght h Railway Prototype Cyc. 31-32         RP CYC               31-32     RPC                  New        60 114533
Lghtwght h Railway Prototype Cyc. 31-32         RP CYC               31-32     RPC                  New        60 114535
Lghtwght s Railway Prototype Cyc. #11           RPC                  RPC11     RPC                  New        25 114492
Lghtwght s Railway Prototype Cyc. #11           RPC                  RPC11     RPC                  New        25 114493
Lghtwght s Railway Prototype Cyc. #11           RPC                  RPC11     RPC                  New        25 114494
Lghtwght s Railway Prototype Cyc. #11           RPC                  RPC11     RPC                  New        25 114497
LIMA       LIMA Super Power steam Locomotives   TLC                  2010      Dixon Jr.            New        33 101282
LINES WEST PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD                Railroad Press       2008      Hipes/Oroszi         New        60 093783
LINES WEST PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD                Railroad Press       2008      Hipes/Oroszi         New        60 093784
Lionel     Lionel Fastrack Book                 Voyageur Press       2011      Schleicher           New        35 102815
Lionel     Lionel Fastrack Book                 Voyageur Press       2011      Schleicher           New        35 102816
Lionel     Lionel FasTrack Model Railroads      Voyageur Press       2010      Schleicher R         Soft       30 099837
Lionel Fas Lionel FasTrack Railroads            Voyageur Press       147135    Schleicher           New        30 111954
Lionel Lay Lionel Fastrak Model Railroads       Voyageur Press       2013      Schleicher           New        30 106460
Lionel Lay Lionel Fastrak Model Railroads       Voyageur Press       2013      Schleicher           New        30 106461
Lionel pri Lionel-Pocket Guide-1901-2019        Kalmbach             108719    Greenberg            Soft       22 115329
Lionel pri Lionel-Pocket Guide-1901-2019        Kalmbach             108719    Greenberg            Soft       22 115330
Live Steam Building Small Steam Locomotives     Voyageur Press       147812    Jones                New        40 112001
Lnge,Dome, SP Passenger Cars vol.5              SPH&TS               2013      SPH&TS               New       145 106449
Loco 315 H Locomotive 315                       Durango Hist Soc     2012      Niederrauer          New        80 104282
Loco 315 H Locomotive 315                       Durango Hist Soc     2012      Niederrauer          New        80 104283
Loco Cyc.  Locomotive Cyclopedia vol. 2         Hundman              2005      Hundman              New        70 081002
Loco Cyc.  Locomotive Cyclopedia vol. 2         Hundman              2005      Hundman              New        70 074417
Loco Roste 2013 Locomotive Rosters              DPA-LTA              2013      Kerr                 New        40 106380
Loco Termi Steam & Diesel Loco Terminals & srvc TLC                  2007      Dixon Jr.            New        23 093635
Loco. Cyc. Locomotive Cyclopedia vol. 2         Hundman              2005      Hundman              New        70 074210
Locomotive The Official 2008 Loco Rosters-News  DPA-LTA              2008      James w. Kerr        Soft       30 088776
Locomotive The Official 2008 Loco Rosters-News  DPA-LTA              2008      James w. Kerr        Soft       30 088767
Locomotive The Official 2008 Loco Rosters-News  DPA-LTA              2008      James w. Kerr        Soft       30 088775
Loco's     First Locomotives in America         Astragal press       2003      Brown                New        28 064239
Locos of t Narrow Gauge Pictorial               Grandt               2008      Grandt               Soft       33 093416
Logging     Logging in the Central Sierra       Arcadia              2008      Fregulia             New        20 096655
Logging     Logging in thePlumas County         Arcadia              2008      Lawson               New        20 096660
Logging    Island Timber                        Sono Nis             2000      Mackie               New        40 074099
Logging    Logging to the Salt Chuck            NWSL                 1990      Labbe                New        37 065373
Logging    Minnesota Logging Railroads          Uni Minn.            1981      King                 New        26 079045
Logging    Pino Grande                          Robb                 1984      Polkinghorn          New        35 072616
Logging    Rayonier                             Heimburger           1999      Spencer              New        43 067879
Logging    RR Logging in the Klamath Country    OSO Pub              2003      Bowden               New        50 062960
Logging    RR Logging in the Klamath County     OSO Pub              2003      Bowden               New        50 062539
Long Islan Long Island RailRoad                 Voyageur Press       2007      Fischler             New        37 085709
Los Angele Santa Fe Los Angeles                 SFRHMS               2014      John R Signor        New        80 108618
M Class 4- Rio Grande  Pictorial vol. 2         Monte Vista          2013      Ainsworth            New        28 106179
Madison Ya TRRA of St. Louis                    TRRA of St Louis     2014      TRRA                 New        40 109454
Maintenanc SP Lines Maintenance                 SteamAge             2002      Petty                New        20 053899
Maps       RR Atlas - Prairies West             SPV                  2005      Walker               New        30 073669
Maps       U.S. RR Traffic Atlas                Ladd                 2005      Ladd                 New        28 073691
Marklin    Marklin HO, Z & 1 Yearbook           Marklin              16392     Marklin              New        28 070222
Marklin    Marklin HO, Z & 1 Yearbook           Marklin              16392     Marklin              New        28 070224
Mason      Mason  Steam Locomotives             Heimburger           2004      Wallace              New        53 066052
McCloud    The McCloud River Railroads          SigPress             2017      Moore                New        70 113013
Mechanical Santa Fe Rolling Stock               SFRHMS               2007      Moore                New        55 089007
Mills      Gold & Silver Stamp Mills:           Western Scale Models 2005      Western Scale Models New        20 095339
Milw Rd    Milwaukee Road in Chicago #6         White River          2007      Burke                New        20 096408
Milw Rd    Milwaukee Road in Chicago #6         White River          2007      Burke                New        20 096405
Milw. Rd   Milw. Rd. Guide Frght & Pass. Equip. MSB                  2015      Nighswonger          New        55 109962
Milw. Rd   Milwaukee Rd Pass. Train Srvc        TLC                  2004      Dorin                New        30 080601
Milw. Rd   Milwaukee Road 261                   South Platte Press   2004      Glischinski          New        25 083760
Milw. Rd   Miwaukee Rd in Chicago               White River          2007      Burke                New        20 096622
Milw. Rd.  Milw. Rd through Pass. Srvce vol. 2  MSB                  2015      Stout                New        60 110077
Milw. Rd.  Milw. Rd. to Frght & Pass. Equip. #2 MSB                  2015      Nighswonger          New        55 110030
Milw. Rd.  Milw. Rd's Western Extension         Museum of N Idaho    2007      Johnson              New        75 084231
Milw. Rd.  Milw. Rd's Western Extension         Museum of N Idaho    2007      Johnson              New        75 084232
Milw. Rd.  Milw. Rd. Through Pass. Srvce vol.1  MSB                  2015      Stout                New        60 110033
Milwaukee  The Milwaukee Road                   Author               2003      Derleth              New        23 054460
Mine & Coa Railway Car Contruction              TLC                  2001      Wolfe                New        30 057366
Modeling   The Cyc. of Ind. Modeling            M2FQ                 2002      Freytag              New        32 056079
Modern Loc Vulcan Locomotive                    RailHead             1998      Wilke's              New        28 066767
Monon      Monon in Color                       MSB                  Monon     Lewnard              New        60 053120
Motive pow Canadian National                    Monte Vista          2010      Ainsworth            Soft       40 102035
Mount Lowe Images of Rail Mount Lowe Railways   Arcadia              2007      Patris               New        20 091742
Mount Lowe Images of Rail Mount Lowe Railways   Arcadia              2007      Patris               New        20 091740
Mount Lowe Postcard History Mount Lowe          Arcadia              2012      Patris               New        22 104959
Mount Lowe Then & Now  Mount Lowe Railway       Arcadia              2014      Crise                New        22 108731
Mount Lowe Then & Now  Mount Lowe Railway       Arcadia              2014      Crise                New        22 108733
Mount Lowe Then & Now Mount Lowe Railway        Arcadia              2012      Crise                New        22 104437
Mount Lowe Then & Now Mount Lowe Railway        Arcadia              2012      Crise                New        22 104439
Mount Lowe Then & Now Mount Lowe Railway        Arcadia              2013      Crise                New        22 106240
Mountain P Railroad Atlas                       Steam Powered        2000      Walker               New        30 059503
Mountain R Professor T.S.C. Lowe                PacRailSoc           2003      Burden               New         7 054457
Movie Indu Hollywood's Trains & Trolleys        LARRHF               978-53015 Wanamaker            Hard       40 117463
Movie Indu Hollywood's Trains & Trolleys        LARRHF               978-53015 Wanamaker            Hard       40 117465
Movie Indu Hollywood's Trains & Trolley's       LARRHF               978-53015 Wanamaker            New        40 117817
MPL        MP Lines Frght Train Srvce & Equip.  TLC                  2010      Dorin                New        29 101280
N & W      The N & W as I knew it!              N&W HS               2002      Thieme               New        65 057655
N & W      The N & W as I knew it!              N&W HS               2002      Thieme               New        65 057657
N&W        N&W...As I Knew It!                  TLC                  2002      Thieme               New        65 059808
N&W        Norfolk & Western..                  Hundman              2007      Ferrell              New        60 088819
Narrow Gau C&S PLATTE CANON MEM&THEN SOME       Klinger Pub.         2008      Klinjger             New        65 094601
Narrow Gau CA High country NG RRs               OSO Pub              1965      Turner               New        40 056011
Narrow Gau Hollywood Railroad - vol 3 NG Co     Cochetopa Press      vol3-NG C Jensen               Soft       20 115947
Narrow Gau In Quest of Colo. Narrow Gauge       M2FQ                 2002      MacDonald            New        64 056539
Narrow Gau In Quest of Colo. Narrow Gauge       M2FQ                 2002      MacDonald            New        64 056542
Narrow Gau Nevada County Narrow Gauge           Heimburger           est       Best                 New        42 103571
Narrow Gau California High Country              OSO Pub              402       George Turner        New        40 052744
NC&StL     Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis   TLC                  2002      Schult               New        40 063171
NE& Mariti Railroad Atlas                       SPV                  1999      Walker               New        30 075033
NE&Canada  Railroad Atlas of North America      Steam Powered        2003      Walker               New        30 061740
Nelson Blo Steamtown in color                   MSB                  2011      Boyd                 New        60 102576
New Haven  New Haven in color vol. 1            MSB                  NHvol01   Doughty              New        60 060613
NG         Birth of Calif. Narrow Gauge         Stanford             2003      MacGregor            New        80 060744
NG         Birth of Calif. Narrow Gauge         Stanford             2003      MacGregor            New        80 060746
NG         CRA#26: Stairway to the Stars        CRM                  CRMvol26  Abbott               New        45 072589
NG         Narow Gauge Pictorial vol. 11        Grandt               1997      Grandt               New        35 066405
NG         Narrow Gauge Country w/Slip cover    Heimburger           2006      Ferrell              New       100 079718
NG         Narrow Gauge Pict. Vol. 11           Grandt               1997      Grandt               New        33 063184
NG         NG Pictorial vol. 1                  Robb                 1981      Grandt               New        33 063011
NG         NG to C&SP Route of Georgtwn #10     CRM                  CRMvol10  Hauck                New        40 062784
NG         Rio Grande Chasing the NG            Heimburger           2002      Richardson's         New        55 067151
NG         Rio Grande NG Varnish  #25           CRM                  CRMvol25  Danneman             New        55 075940
NG Country Hollywood Railroads vol. 3           Cochetopa Press      2018      Jensen               New        25 115016
NG County  Hollywood's Railroads Vol. 1         Cochetopa Press      2015      Jenson               New        20 110549
NH         New Haven in color vol. 3            MSB                  NHvol03   Doughty              New        60 072930
North Huds Metro-North's Hudson Line            Depot Square         2004      Panettiere           New        40 071071
Northeast  Comprehensive RR Atlas of No. Am.    SPV                  2002      Walker               Soft       30 077362
Northeast  Railroad Atlas                       SPV                  1998      Walker               New        30 072499
NorthEast  Railroad Atlas of North America      SPV                  1998      Walker               New        30 077030
Northern r Rialroads of Nevada & E. California  Uni Nv               2007      Myrick               Hard       65 097863
NP         Norhtern Pacific Pict. vol. 5        4-Ways               NPvol05   Strauss Jr.          New        65 057076
NP         Northern Pacific                     Hundman              2002      Sanders              New        75 060714
NP         Northern Pacific                     Hundman              2002      Sanders              New        75 060716
NP         Northern Pacific Pictorial vol. 1    4-Ways               1994      Shine                New        50 090284
NP         Northern Pacific vol. 4 Pict.        4-Ways               NPvol04   Strauss              New        60 072622
NP Diesels Northern Pacific-Diesel Power vol1   White River          NPDvol1   Dale Sanders         Hard       90 121709
NP Diesels Northern Pacific-Diesel Power vol2   White River          NPDvol2   Dale Sanders         Hard       90 121711
NPR        NPR Pass. Srvc. Postwar Yrs.         TLC                  1997      Koester              New        27 058514
NY Divisio Erie Lackawanna in color vol.8       MSB                  2013      Yanosey              New        60 106405
NY Station NYC Stations & Terminals             TLC                  2002      Doughty              New        29 052603
NY Station NYC Stations & Terminals             TLC                  2002      Doughty              New        29 052604
NY&NH RR   Dining on the Shore Line Route       TLC                  2003      Frattasio            New        25 060876
NY,NH&H RR Dining on the Shore Line Route       TLC                  2003      Frattasio            New        25 061118
NY,NH&H RR Dining on the Shore Line Route       TLC                  2003      Frattasio            New        25 061124
NYC        New York Central color Pict. vol. 1  4-Ways               NYCvol01  Sweetland            New        50 057081
NYC        New York Central Pictorial vol. 4    4-Ways               1968      Sweetland            New        60 090280
NYC        New York Central Pictorial vol. 4    4-Ways               1968      Sweetland            New        60 090281
NYC        Niagara Peninsula 1953-1976          MSB                  ISBN 5824 Koenig               Hard       60 064606
NYC        NYC color Pict. vol. 2               4-Ways               NYCvol02  Sweetland            New        60 080862
NYC        NYC Color Pict. vol. 3               4-Ways               NYCvol03  Sweetland            New        60 074225
NYC        NYC Color Pict. vol. 3               4-Ways               NYCvol03  Sweetland            New        60 080055
NYC        NYC Color Pict. vol. 3               4-Ways               NYCvol03  Sweetland            New        60 074221
NYC        NYC Steam- On the Harlem & Putnam    White River          2018      May                  New        20 115433
NYC        NYC Through Pass. Srvce. vol.1       MSB                  2008      Doughty              New        60 099370
NYC        NYC Trackside                        MSB                  2013      Roberts              New        60 106260
NYC        Trackside around NYC 1953-68         MSB                  NYCts     Malinoski            New        60 053477
NYC  Pass. NYC Lghtwt Trains & Travel           TLC                  1997      Doughty              New        29 066777
NYC  Ventu Building The Independent Subway      Quadrant             2002      Kramer               New        16 052701
NYC Steam  NYC Steam Pwr W. of Buffalo v.1      Railroad Press                 May                  New        22 088462
NYC Stm    NYC Stm, West of Buffalo             Railroad Press       NYCsteam  May                  Soft       25 084619
NYC,Grand  Trackside around Detroit & Windsor   MSB                  2013      Pinkepank            New        60 106120
Oahu Rlwy  Next Stop Honolulu                   Sugar Cane Press     2004      Simpson              New        60 067736
Observatio OBSERVATION CAR Pict'l vol 1 A to C  MSB                  ObsVol1   Yanosey              Soft       40 119640
Ontario No Century of Travel on the ON Railway  Author               1978      Smith                New        40 070115
Ontario No Century of Travel on the ON Railway  Author               1978      Smith                New        40 070114
Oregon Cou The Siskiyou Line                    Webber               2002      Webber               New        49 052904
P&LE       Pittsburgh & Lake Erie RR in color   MSB                  P&LE      Borkowski Jr.        New        60 068146
Pacific El Pacific Electric Red Cars            Arcadia              2006      Walker               New        20 088541
Pacific El Life and Times of the PE             OERM                 2011      OERM                 New        10 102667
Pacific No Pacific Northwest RR's of McGee etc. Northwest Short Line 1997      Green                New        60 095167
Pacific No Railroad Atlas of North America      Steam Powered        1998      Walker               New        30 082094
Painting l How to Draw & Paint Trains           MBI                  140315    Markovitz            New        20 111831
Pasadena   Pasadena Bungalow Heaven             Arcadia              2012      Delgado              New        22 104742
Pasadena a Pasadena a Business History          Arcadia              2007      Conyers              New        20 088557
Pass. Cab  SP Historic Diesels vol.20           Shade Tree           2016      Strapac              New        39 111478
Pass. Cab  SP Historic Diesels vol.20           Shade Tree           2016      Strapac              New        39 111481
Pass. Car/ Pass. cars of the Burl. w/Roster     Quincey House        2016      Glick                New        30 111335
Pass. Cars Passenger Cars  1930-1960's          Wayner               1960      Wayner               New        24 080968
Pass. cars Passenger Cars 1930-1960's           Author               0000      Wayner               New        24 092572
Pass. Cars Passenger Cars 1930s-1960s           Author               1960      Wayner               New        24 073233
Pass. Trai Century of Passenger Trains          RMC                  2001      Thode                New        40 065588
Pass. Trai Cenurty of Passenger Trains          Rocky Mt             2001      Thode                New        40 068993
Passenger  Sleeping Car - General Guide         ACL & SAl Hist Soc   2004      Shrady               New        25 068622
Passenger  Milwaekee Road Passenger Train       TLC                  None      Patrick  Dorin       New        30 071204
Passenger  Pennsylvania Railroad                TLC                  None      Harry Stegmaier      New        40 071267
PE         Pacific Electric in Color Vol 2      MSB                  PEvol02   Copeland             New        50 061365
PE         Pacific Electric Railway             Arcadia              2013      Crise                New        22 106221
PE         PE & the Growth of the SF Valley     Shade Tree           2012      Coscia               New        65 105918
PE         PE in color vol. 1                   MSB                  PEvol01   Copeland             New        50 066721
PE         PE Railway Guide                     Author               1903      Smith                New        13 059191
PE         PE to Pasadena & Beyond vol. 4       Monte Vista          2019      Ainsworth            New        28 116232
PE         PE..LA to Glendale & Burbank         Monte Vista          PEvol7    Ainworth             Soft       28 118559
PE         The Big Red Cars                     SPH&TS               PE Red    Joe Stapac           New        70 122591
PE         Then & Now Pacific Electric Rlwy     Arcadia              2015      Patris               New        22 110347
PE & Ozark Railroad Atlas                       SPV                  2004      Walker               New        30 075804
PE North   PE vol 4- Pasadena and Beyond        Monte Vista          PEvol4    Ainsworth            Soft       28 118263
PE North   PE vol 6 - Back to Inland Empire 2   Monte Vista          PEvol6    Ainsworth            Soft       28 118268
PE Red Car Images of Rail PE Red Cars           Arcadia              2006      Walker               New        20 083688
Photo's     RR in America's Heartland           Garrigues            2005      Warsher              New        50 079797
Picture Bo The Northern Pacific                 Hundman              Hundman   Dale Sanders         New        75 052470
Pike's Pea Colorado Rail Annual No. 34          CRM                  CRM 34    Hundhausen           Hard       80 119095
Pittsburgh Trackside around Pitssburgh          MSB                  2013      Timko                New        60 106265
Pittsburgh Trackside around Pitssburgh          MSB                  2013      Timko                New        60 106266
Prairies E  Railroad Atlas of North America     SPV                  2004      Walker               New        30 068331
Prairies W RR Atlas - North America             Steam Powered        2002      Walker               New        25 053331
Prairies W RR Atlas of No. America              Steam Powered        2002      Walker               New        30 062815
Price Guid Lionel Trains Price Guide 1901-2018  Kalmbach             108718    Greenbergs           New        22 114746
PRR        Penn.  RR of the world vol. 1        MSB                  PRRvol01  Murray               New        55 064350
PRR        Penn. Elect.Loco & Mu Cars           Author               1962      Sweetland            New        18 072777
PRR        Penn. RR color Pict. vol. 1          4-Ways               2003      Sweetland            New        50 055573
PRR        Pennsylvania Eastern Lines           Carstens             2005      Stewart              New        31 072635
PRR        Pennsylvania RR in Cincinnati        PRRT&HS              2004      Tipton               New        50 065522
PRR        PRR Facilities in color vol.4        MSB                  2009      Yanosey              New        60 098050
PRR        PRR Facilities vol. 2 in color       MSB                  2009      Yanosey              New        60 096064
PRR        PRR in Cincinnati                    PRRT&HS              2004      Tipton               New        50 066959
PRR        PRR Sayre-Towanda-Waverly            MSB                  PRRsayre  Plant                New        60 055702
PRR        The Broadway Limited                 RailPace             2001      Gallo                New        25 059782
PRR        The Pennsylvania RR at Bay           IndianaU             2003      Wallis               New        45 055160
PRR        The PRR Under Wire                   Kalmbach             01110     Middleton            New        22 053156
PRR        Trackside on the Pennsy  vol 2       Highland Station     2004      Scherb               New        17 082594
PRR        Trackside on the PRR Delmarva Lns    MSB                  2008      Stroup               New        60 092048
PRR        Triumph V                            Roberts              2002      Messer               New        65 053679
PRR 1847-1 Pennsy Power III                     Staufer              1993      Staufer              New        75 096242
PRR Coache Pass. Equip. of the PRR.vol. 1       TRP                  2001      Sweetland            New        14 069651
PRR EMD Sw PRR Diesel Locomotive Pict. vol. 10  Withers                        Wither               New        23 080882
PRR Pictor PRR Deisel Loco vol. 6               Withers              2002      Withers              New        25 054175
PRR Pictor PRR Diesel Loco vol. 6               Withers              2002      Withers              New        25 053924
PRR Pictor PRR Diesel Loco vol. 6               Withers              2002      Withers              New        25 053925
PRR,B&O,NY Trackside around Toledo 1946-1976    MSB                  2012      Pinkepank            New        60 104664
Pull,Hwght Railway Prototype Cyc. 33            RPC                  2016      RPC                  New        60 112716
Pull,Hwght Railway Prototype Cyc. 33            RPC                  2016      RPC                  New        60 112721
pullman    Cars of Pullman                      Voyageur Press       2010      Welsh                Hard       40 100194
Pullman    Travel  by Pullman                   MBI                  None      Joe Welsh            New        35 070963
Pullman    Travel by Pullman                    Motor Books          2007      Welsh & Howes        New        13 087846
Pullman ca RP Cyc #11                           RP CYC               2010      RP Cyc               New        25 100653
Pullman ca Travel by Pullman                    MBI                  2004      Welsh                New        35 066948
Pullman Po The Pullman Porters & West Oakland   Arcadia              2013      Tramble              New        20 106242
R.G.S      R.G.S Story vol. 4                   Sundance             1994      McCoy                New        72 061385
Rail Trave Yellowstone by Train                 PictHist             2006      Waite                New        25 086894
Railroad A Railroad Atlas - Appalachia          MBI                  None      Walker               New        30 070967
Railroad A Railroad Atlas - Texas               MBI                  None      Joe Welsh            New        30 070964
Railroad l Modern Diesel Locomotives            MBI                  123265    Halberstadt          New        15 111884
Railroad P A Passion for Trains                 W&W Publishers       2004      Steinheimer          New        65 068336
Railroad S Locomotive & Terminals               Carstens             C 98      Hal Carstens         Soft       19 052309
Railroadin Golden Age of Railroading in America Garrigues            2005      Warsher              New        50 090575
Railroads  Steel Wheels Rolling                 Boston Mills Press   SWR-JPL   J.Parker Lamb        Hard       45 076014
Rails acro Rockville Bridge                     Withers              2002      Cupper               New        30 054184
Randsburg  A Road to Riches                     Omni                 2004      Serpico              New        30 064209
Ransburg M Road to Riches                       Omni                 2004      Serpico              New        30 065807
Reading Li Trackside Reading Anthracite Country MSB                  Reading   Plant                New        60 075576
Reading RR Reading Railroad's - Mighty Pacifics Author               2008      Bernhart             New        40 092672
Recipes    Dining on the Shore Line Route       TLC                  1-883089- Marc Frattasio       New        25 063823
Reefers    Refrigerator car "Color Guide"       MSB                  Reefer    Green                Hard       60 074720
RF&P       RF&P RR Pass. Srvce 1935-1975        TLC                  2000      Griffin Jr.          New        27 072671
RG NG      Rio Grande chasing the NG            Heimburger           2002      Richardson's         New        56 080996
RG SG Pass Colorado Rail Annual No. 33          CRM                  CRM 33    Davis, Danneman      Hard       70 119090
RG Stndrd  Colorado Rail Annual #33             CRM                  2019      Davis                New        70 116075
RGS        RGS Chasing the Narrow Gauge vol.3   Heimburger           2011      Richardson'          New        59 103337
RGS,Ouray, NG RRing in the San Juan Triangle    Ridgeway RR Museum   2016      Ridgeway RR Museum   New        20 111321
RI         RI Color Pictorial  vol. 3           4-Ways               CRIPvol03 Marre                New        55 069067
RI         RI Pictorial vol 2                   4-Ways               CRIPvol02 Marre                Hard       50 068504
RI         Rock Island Steam Power              Edson Publications   2002      Krambeck             New        40 058109
RI         Rock Island Steam Power              Edson Publications   2002      Krambeck             New        40 058106
RI 601-490 Rock Island Power in color vol. 2    MSB                  2015      Yanosey              New        60 110039
RI Photo A Rock Island Railroad                 Iconografix          2011      Kelly                New        33 102710
Rio GRANDE RG2-6-6-2 4-6-6-4 Pictorial vol.4    Monte Vista          2008      Ainsworth            Soft       28 093464
Rio Grande Rio Grande Car Plans                 Wayner               2006      Wayner               New        22 078146
Rio Grande Rio Grande Chasing the Narrow Gauge  Heimburger           581539    Richardson's         New        55 054817
Rio Grande Rio Grande Chasing the Narrow Gauge  Heimburger           581539    Richardson's         New        55 054822
Rio Grande Rio Grande Chasing the NG            Heimburger           2002      Richardson's         New        56 081947
Rio Grande Rio Grande NG in color vol.1         MSB                  RGNGvol01 Brunner              New        60 074376
Rio Grande Rio Grande Railroad                  MBI                  2003      Griffin              New        37 081056
Rio Grande Rio Grande Secrets Places vol.1      CRM                  RGSPvol1  Farewell             New        35 063147
Rio Grande Narrow Gauge Pictorial Vol 1         Robb                 2002      Coleman              New        33 053000
Rio Grande Narrow Gauge Pictorial Vol 2         Robb                 002       robb                 New        35 098236
Rio Grande Galloping Geese  Colo. Annl. #9      CRM                  CRMvol09  Rhine                New        30 057559
Rio Grande The R-G-S Story vol. 4               Sundance             2002      Collman              New        72 054000
Rio Grande Trackside in the West 1946-1959      MSB                  2008      Holland              New        60 094842
Rock Islan Rock Island Power in Color vol. 1    MSB                  2015      Yanosey              New        60 109968
Rock Islan Rock Island Color Pictorial vol 2    4-Ways               CRIPvol02 Louis Marre          New        55 055733
Roseville  SP Photography  Vol.1                MSB                  484-1640  Wolverton            Hard       60 119167
Roster & N 2011 Off. Loco Roster & News         DPA-LTA              2010      Kerr                 New        38 101761
Roster & N 2011 Off. Loco Roster & News         DPA-LTA              2010      Kerr                 New        38 101763
RR         Steam Echoes                         Timber Times         SEB       Breier               Hard       59 076050
RR         WAITING for the LIGHT                Huxtable             WftL      Huxtable             Hard       65 119411
RR Around  Trackside around Southern Calif      Morn Sun - Use MSB   2012      Donat                New        60 105473
RR Atlas   California & Nevada                  SPV                  2002      Walker               New        30 077956
RR in Mexi Railroads of MEXICO, vol1            Sundance             RRmexv1   Franco               Hard       60 124481
RR of Cajo Chard Walker's Cajon                 SigPress             2007      Walker               New        60 088716
RR of Neva RR of Nevada & Eastern Calif Vol II  Uni Nv               1992      Myrick               New        75 085357
RR Paintin In the Traces                        IndianaU             2000      Garver               New        50 057686
RR Photo's Extroardinary Rwy Journeys  (Signd)  New Holland          2004      Savio                New        40 069629
RR Roster  2007 Edition Loco Roster & News      DPA-LTA              2007      Kerr                 New        30 082077
RR Roster  2009 Locomotive Rosters & News       DPA-LTA              2009      Kerr                 New        30 094803
RR Signals Railroad Signaling                   Voyageur Press       2010      Solomon              New        25 101426
RR to Beac When the RR went to the Beach        Depot Square         1999      Tracy                New        50 071079
RR visions Railroad Vision                      Getty Pub            2003      Lyden                New        50 063066
RR's in WW Trains to Victory                    Heimburger           2009      Heimburger           New        60 098029
Rte 66     Images of America Rte 66 in Calif.   Arcadia              2010      Duncan               New        22 100003
Rte 66     Images of America Rte 66 in Calif.   Arcadia              2005      Duncan               New        20 085527
Rte 66 in  Route 66 in California               Arcadia              2005      Duncan               New        20 081410
San Franci SP Photography  Vol.2                MSB                  484-1654  Wolverton            Hard       60 119168
San Gabrie Images of America San Gabriel        Arcadia              2013      Arnold               New        22 107743
Santa Fe P Santa Fe Pass Ser Vol 2              Morn Sun - Use MSB   2010      Stout                New        60 102063
Santa Moni PE Along  the Beach                  Monte Vista          2019      Ainsworth            New        28 117492
ScratchBui Scratchbuilding for Model RRing      Carstens             2011      Walker               Hard       20 102801
SF         Amazing Journey of SF's RDC cars     PacRailSoc           2008      Saalig               New        60 097010
SF         CoastlineS & Valley Freights         McMillan             SFvol6    McMillan             Hard       90 119534
SF         Costlines & Valley Freights          McMillan             SFvol6    McMillan             Hard       90 119829
SF         Costlines & Valley Freights          McMillan             SFvol6    McMillan             Hard       90 119830
SF         Costlines & valley Freights          McMillan             SFvol6    mcMillan             Hard       90 119835
SF         Costlines & valley Freights          McMillan             SFvol6    mcMillan             Hard       90 119836
SF         Evolution of the SF 4-8-4            Monte Vista          2015      Ainsworth            New        28 111203
SF         Evolution of the SF 4-8-4            Monte Vista          2015      Ainsworth            New        28 111207
SF         Pooll Power West                     4-Ways               PPW       Hanggie              New        50 058330
SF         Santa Fe 2-10-2 Pictorial            Monte Vista          SFvol10   Ainsworth            New        25 063371
SF         Santa Fe Locomotive 132              South Platte Press   2005      Scholz               New        20 074596
SF         Sante Fe &the lost Loco's of Topeka  South Platte Press   2012      Stagner              New        20 104263
SF         Sante Fe 2-10-2 Pict. vol. 11        Monte Vista          2006      Ainsworth            New        28 082819
SF         Sante Fe Heritage                    PRRP Ltd             2003      Preist               New        60 054872
SF         Sante Fe Heritage vol. 4             PRRP Ltd             2003      Priest               New        60 062211
SF         Sante Fe Steam Survivors             South Platte Press   2006      Stanger              New        20 081385
SF         Sante Fe the Chief Way               New Mexico           2001      Strein               New        25 060329
SF         Sante Fe the Chief Way               New Mexico           2001      Strein               New        25 067308
SF         SF 2-10-2 Pictorial vol. 11          Monte Vista          2006      Ainsworth            New        28 082117
SF         SF 2-10-2 Pictorial vol. 11          Monte Vista          2006      Ainsworth            New        28 082122
SF         SF 2-10-2 Pictorial vol. 13          Monte Vista          2008      Ainsworth            New        28 093223
SF         SF 4-6-2  Pict. vol 7                Monte Vista          SFvol07   Ainsworth            New        25 059492
SF         SF 4-6-2  Pict.vol. 4                Monte Vista          SFvol04   Ainsworth            New        25 063366
SF         SF 4-6-2  Pict.vol. 4                Monte Vista          SFvol04   Ainsworth            New        25 063368
SF         SF 4-6-2 Pict. vol. 4                Monte Vista          SFvol04   Ainsworth            New        28 067590
SF         SF Eastern Ok Railway Co. Bk 1       Cammalleri           2001      Cammalleri           New        50 061532
SF         SF Facilities in color vol. 2        MSB                  SFFvol02  Stagner              New        60 076434
SF         SF Furniture & Automobile BC         SFRHMS               1997      Hendrickson          New        40 080132
SF         SF Heritage vol. 4                   PRRP Ltd             2003      Preist               New        60 068991
SF         SF in the IM West  #23               CRM                  CRMvol23  CRM                  New        50 055576
SF         SF in the Intermountain West #23     CRM                  CRMvol23  CRA                  New        50 065431
SF         SF Intermountian West                CRM                  CRMvol23  CRM                  New        50 062787
SF         SF New Mexico Div. vol. 15           Monte Vista          2016      Ainsworth            New        28 112875
SF         SF Pass. Trains in Cailf.            TLC                  2006      Dorin                New        30 082896
SF         SF Pass. Trains in Calif.            TLC                  2006      Dorin                New        30 090048
SF         SF Pict. 4-6-2 vol.4                 Monte Vista          SFvol04   Ainsworth            New        25 058250
SF         SF Rlwy & the Lost Loco of Topeka    South Platte Press   2010      Stagner              New        20 100911
SF         SF Steam Survivors                   South Platte Press   2006      Stagner              New        20 089172
SF         SF Streamlined Observation cars      TLC                  2010      Boyle Jr.            New        21 101070
SF         Sf Streamlined Observation Cars      TLC                  2004      Boyle Jr.            New        21 078140
SF         SF Super Chief & El Capitan          TLC                  2005      Dorin                New        29 071541
SF         SF the Final Years 1980-1996-vol.2   MSB                  2013      Pinkepank            New        60 106745
SF         SF though Passenger Srce             MSB                  2016      Stout                New        60 111713
SF  Pictor Santa Fe Heritage                    Paired Rail          Vol. 1    Cinthia Priest       New        60 052742
SF Bay     Electric Railways vol. 2             Golden West          2014      Duke                 New        27 108477
SF Facilit SF Loco Facilities vol. 1            PRRP Ltd             2003      Crump                New        60 058427
SF in Okla Trackside on the SF in Oklahoma      MSB                  2012      McGee                New        60 106074
SF in Okla Trackside on the SF in Oklahoma      MSB                  2012      McGee                New        60 106076
SF Loc's   Santa Fe Heritage                    Paired Rail          SFhertige Priest               Hard       60 084623
SF Obs     SF Streamlined Obs. cars             TLC                  2004      Boyle Jr.            New        21 066752
SF Overlan San Francisco Overland Limited       SPH&TS               SFOL      Cauthen-Munger       Hard      130 123910
SF Overlan San Francisco Overland Limited       SPH&TS               SFOL      Cauthen-Munger       Hard      130 123913
SF Pass    Santa Fe Passenger Train Compendium  SFRHMS               SFPTC     Michael Flick        New        85 121730
SF Pass    SF Passenger Train Compendium        SFRHMS               SFPassCom M Flick- J Signor    Hard       85 121816
SF Pass    SF Passenger Train Compendium        SFRHMS               SFPassCom M Flick- J Signor    Hard       85 121817
SF Pass Tr SF Passenger Train Compendium        SFRHMS               SF PTC    M Flick              Hard       85 122521
SF Pass.   Santa Fe Passenger Trains            TLC                  99-9      Patrick C. Dorin     New        33 068162
SF Pass.   Santa Fe Passenger Trains            TLC                  99-9      Patrick C. Dorin     New        33 068177
SF Pass. c SF Pass. car Ref. vol. 4             SFRHMS               2008      SFRHMS               New        65 094099
SF Pass. R Sleeping Cars of the Santa Fe vol. 5 SFRHMS               2012      SFRHMS               New        65 105292
SF RDC     Amazing Journey of SF's RDC cars     PacRailSoc           SFRDC     Saalig               Soft       60 095394
SF Steam   SF 3400-3500 , 4-6-2 & 4-6-4, vol 16 Monte Vista          SFvol16   Ainsworth            Soft       28 118258
SF Steam   SF 4-6-2 Vol 4                       Monte Vista          SFvol04   Ainsworth            New        25 053335
Shay       Shay Locomotive                      White River          SHAY      R Henderson          Hard      100 121609
Short Line Clinchfield in color                 MSB                  Clinch    Marsh Jr.            New        60 062554
Short Line Clinchfield in color                 MSB                  Clinch    Marsh Jr.            New        60 062555
Short Line Clinchfield in color                 MSB                  Clinch    Marsh Jr.            New        60 062556
Short Line Clinchfield in color                 MSB                  Clinch    Marsh Jr.            New        60 062553
Shortline  California s Locomotives             Shade Tree           2008      Strapac              New        33 093782
Sierra RR  Hollywood's Railroads vol. 2         Cochetopa Press      2018      Jensen               New        20 114742
Sierra RR  Hollywood's Railroads vol. 2         Cochetopa Press      2018      Jensen               New        20 114743
Sierra RR  Hollywood's Railroads vol. 2         Cochetopa Press      2018      Jensen               New        20 114744
Sierra RR  Hollywood's Railroads vol. 2         Cochetopa Press      2018      Jensen               New        20 114737
Silverton  RR Passes of Otto Mears              Packrat              2019      Strong               New        10 116298
Silverton  RR Passes of Otto Mears              Packrat              2019      Strong               New        10 116299
Silverton  RR Passes of Otto Mears              Packrat              2019      Strong               New        10 116300
Silverton  RR Passes of Otto Mears              Packrat              2019      Strong               New        10 116301
Silverton  RR Passes of Otto Mears              Packrat              2019      Strong               New        10 116302
Silverton  RR Passes of Otto Mears              Packrat              2019      Strong               New        10 116303
SLC-Greely Colorado Rail Annual No. 32          CRM                  CRM 32    CRM                  Hard       50 119088
SOcal      SOUTHLAND                            White River          SLand     Glattenberg          Hard       80 124411
SOcal      SOUTHLAND                            White River          SLand     Miles                Hard       80 124412
SP - SF    SP in San Franciso                   SPH&TS               SPSF      Signor               Hard       80 123054
SP - SF    SP in San Franciso                   SPH&TS               SPSF      Signor               Hard       80 123055
SP 4-8-0 S SP 4-8-0 Locomotives                 SPH&TS               SP 4-8-0  T Dill -J Strapac    Hard       50 124175
SP in San  Southern Pacific in SF               SPH&TS               2023      John Signor          Hard       85 121882
SP LA to B SP LA to Bakersfield                 Daylight Printing    57995     Houston              Hard       80 124421
SP LA to B SP LA to Bakersfield                 Daylight Printing    57995     Houston              Hard       80 124422
SP LA to B SP LA to Bakersfield                 Daylight Printing    57995     Houston              Hard       80 124424
SP LA to B SP LA to Bakersfield                 Daylight Printing    57995     Houston              Hard       80 124425
SP paint   SP Freight & Lettering Guide         SPH&TS               SPF&LG    Harley & Thompson    Hard       70 122416
SP SF      Southern Pacific in San Francisco    SPH&TS               SP SF     John Signor          Hard       80 124460
SP Shasta  SP's Colorful SHASTA Route           4-Ways               SP shasta T Dill               Hard       75 124459
SP SJ Rout SP - Sn Joaquin Route                4-Ways               SP-SJR    Tom Dill             New        55 122121
SP SJ Rout SP - Sn Joaquin Route                4-Ways               SP-SJR    Tom Dill             New        55 122120
SPMW       SP MAINTAINANCE of Way Equipment     SPH&TS               SPMW      K Harrison           Hard      150 124172
SPMW       SP MOW Equipment                     SPH&TS               SP MOW    Ken Harrison         Hard      150 121521
SPRR       Los Angeles Division - SP            SPH&TS               SPLADiv   Signor               Hard       80 122294
SP-SA      SP's San Antonio Div 1960-1996       SPH&TS               SP-SA     Berstein             Hard       90 124092
SPTTT      SP Ten-Coupled Locomotive            SigPress             SP ten    Robert Church        Hard       85 121555
Steam Trai Rails around Lake Tahoe              SigPress             2012      Ferrell              New        60 105926
Steam Whis The Engine's  Moan                   Astragal press       2001      Fagen                New        40 056972
Steinheime A Passion for Trains                 Norton               2004      Brouws               New        65 074101
Stm Loco B North Ameri. Stm Loco. Builders      TLC                  2005      Davies               New        44 078657
Stndrd Gau Grande Mountains                     Grandt               1998      Grandt               New        35 094339
Stock cars Stock Car Cyclopedia vol. 1          Hundman              2007      Hundman              New        30 084836
story of a Katy Northwest                       IndianaU             2002      Hofsommer            New        60 103192
Streamline Covered Wagon Mystique               Rainyday             1998      Humphrey             New        33 088518
Streamline American Streamliner postwar years   Heimburger           2001      Heimburger           New        47 063268
SubWays in 722 Miles                            Hopkins              1993      Hood                 New        19 073740
Sugar Pine Rails to the Minarets                Stauffer Pub         2012      Johnston             New        40 104828
Switchers  Erie Lackawanna Power vol. 1         MSB                  2013      Timko                New        60 108592
System Dem Rio Grande NG in color vol. 2 1960-+ MSB                  2017      Brunner              New        60 113056
T& NO      Texas & New Orleans color Pict.      4-Ways               T&NO      Geon                 New        60 073813
T&NO       T&NO Color Pictorial                 4-Ways               T&NO      Goen                 Hard       60 068538
T&NO       T&NO Color Pictorisk                 4-Ways               T&NO      Goen                 New        60 069063
T&NO       T&NO SP Lines in Texas & Louisiana   SigPress             2008      McLennan             New        70 092086
T&NO       Texas & New Orleans                  SigPress             2010      McLennan             Hard       70 103292
TC,Hoppers Railway Prototype Cyc vol. 14        RP CYC               2006      Hawkins              New        25 091982
Tehachapi  Tehachapi Today !                    Melvin               2010      Melvin               New        50 100943
Texas & Ne Texas & New Orleans Pictorial        4-Ways               T&NO      Goen                 New        60 068344
Texas & Ne Texas & New Orleans Pictorial        4-Ways               T&NO      Goen                 New        60 068351
The Final  Rio Grande Narrow Gauge-             Robb                 2002      Hereford Jr.         New        28 053076
The Iconic SP's Streamlined Articulateds Vol.2  Aeronaut             881971    Herris/Inman         Soft       40 119753
The N P Ra The Northern Pacific                 Hundman              2002      Sanders              New        75 052784
The PAIT S TRRA-Summer 2020 Issue 80            TRRA of St Louis     2020      TRRA                 Soft       40 118894
The PAIT S TRRA-Summer 2020 Issue 80            TRRA of St Louis     2020      TRRA                 Soft       40 118897
The Tunnel Rio Grande Secret Places             CRM                  RGSPVol 2 RC Farewell          New        46 098242
Timetables Timetable Trains 1920's-1950's       Wayner               2011      Wayner               New        22 102828
To the Inl Pacific Electric vol. 1              Monte Vista          2017      Ainsworth            New        28 114456
Tomorrows  The Train of Tomorrow                IndianaU             2007      Morgan               New        50 084448
Toy Trains O'Brian's Collecting Toy Trains      Krause Publications  2006      Doyle                New        30 078469
TP&W       Toledo, Peoria & Westewrn            MSB                  58248-191 Kujawa               Hard       60 082932
TP&W       Toledo, Peoria & Westewrn            MSB                  58248-191 Kujawa               Hard       60 082933
TP&W       Toledo, Peoria & Westewrn            MSB                  58248-191 Kujawa               Hard       60 082934
TP&W       Toledo, Peoria & Westewrn            MSB                  58248-191 Kujawa               Hard       60 082935
TP&W       Toledo, Peoria & Westewrn            MSB                  58248-191 Kujawa               Hard       60 082930
TP&W       Toledo, Peoria & Westewrn            MSB                  58248-191 Kujawa               Hard       60 082931
track plan Lionel Fastrack Book                 Voyageur Press       2006      Schleicher           Soft       35 097789
track plan Lionel Fastrack Book                 Voyageur Press       2006      Schleicher           Soft       35 097791
track plan Lionel Fastrack Book                 Voyageur Press       2006      Schleicher           Soft       35 097792
Trackside  Sante Fe Trackside                   MSB                  SFts      Stagner              New        55 053088
Trails and Gateways to Southern California      Santa Anita          2005      Robinson             New        60 082415
Train Equi American Passenger Train Equipment   Iconografix          2010      Dorin                New        35 101428
Train Pict Trains & Camera                      PRRP Ltd             2011      Boeger               New        60 102203
Train Pict Trains & Camera                      PRRP Ltd             2011      Boeger               New        60 102204
Trains of  Trains of the Circus                 Iconografix          2000      Fred Dahlinger       New        30 056717
Transcontl Milw. Rd Western Extension           Museum of N Idaho    2007      Johnson              New        75 093013
Transit sy NY Transit Memories                  Quadrant             2002      Smith                New        17 052706
Trolleys   Denver's Street Railways vol. 2      Sundance             2004      Robertson            New        75 063916
Trolleys   Denver's Street Railways vol. 2      Sundance             2004      Robertson            New        75 063922
Trolleys-  CaliforniaTrolleys in color vol. 2   MSB                  2013      Jewell               New        60 106964
Turbochrd  GP20 & SD24 EMD's Turbochrged        Withers              1998      Diesel Era           New        30 091763
Union Paci The Union Pacific Drama              Author               2003      Robert P. Olmsted    New        30 068255
Unique loo Burlington Route Tower Cartoonist    South Platte Press   2018      Lomax                New        13 115245
UPRR       UNION PACIFIC Pict'l 1950's-1980's   4-Ways               UPCPic    D Friemund           Hard       70 122109

Used Books

Subject               Title                     Publisher            Stock #   Author               Cond       $   Inv #
 Ice,Tank, Narrow Gauge Pictorial Vol IV        Grandt               90318     Grandt               Good       30 123551
 P-S Libra Offi'l P-S Library, Vol 6-SP prewar  RPC                  PSvol5    Randall              Good      100 122006
 P-S Libra Offi'l P-S Library, Vol 6-SP postwar RPC                  PSvol6    Randall              Good      100 122005
 P-S Libra Offi'l P-S Library, Vol 7 SEast RR   RPC                  PSvol7    Randall              New       100 122004
 Utah      Last Spike is Driven                 UT HS                2018      Utah HS              Good       26 115511
1929 Steam Moody's Steam RRs                    CRHF                 1929      Moody                Fair       80 057410
1970/06    Official Guide of the Railways 6/70  NRPC                           NRPC                 Good       10 035534
19th Centu Locomotive Engineers Album           Bonanza              1295      Abdill               Good       20 121965
19th Centu Rails West                           Bonanza              1250      Abdill               Good       20 121964
4 Horseman Approaching Hoofbeats                Word Pub.            1983      Graham               Good        5 096958
4-8-4      The Northerns                        PFM Books            4-8-4     Pearsall             Hard       50 124437
Abandoned  Ghost RR of Central Arizona          Red Rock             1985      Sayre                Good       20 088932
Alaska rai Rails across the Tundra              PictHist             Tundra    Stan Cohen           Good       15 102571
Alaska RR  Rails North                          Superior             Yukon     Clifford             Hard       40 115380
ALCO       ALCO - A Centennial Remembrance      Self Published       ALCO      Steinbrenner         Hard       65 117676
Alco Chall The Challenger Locomotives           Kratville            1980      Kratville            Good       40 122931
Alco PA's  Diesels of the Espee vol. 1          Chatham              1         Strapac              Good       50 113867
ALCO PA's  Diesels of the Espee Volume One      Chatham              1975      Strapac              Good       20 122939
Amer. Scen Great American Scenic Railroads      Barnes & Noble       ASR       Swift                Hard       15 098446
America    The Railroad Scene                   Golden West          1976      Middleton            Hard       15 117015
American A Railroads                            Nat'l Geo Pub        2018      Ogburn               Good       25 115506
American R All Aboard -the Golden age of Travel Dorset               1989      Yenne                Good       15 109716
American R All Aboard -the Golden age of Travel Dorset               1989      Yenne                Good       15 109717
American R Americas Colorful Railroads          Reed                 5176      Don Ball             Good       20 122855
American R The Trains We Rode Complete          Promontory           90-61899  Beebe                Hard       30 123862
American R The Trains We Rode Vol. 1&2          Howell North         65-25208  Beebe                Hard       30 123863
American R North American Railways              Bison                1977      Hollingsworth        Good       10 085497
American R Americas Colorful Railroads          Bonanza              82354     Ball                 Good       30 121908
American R Railways of the Twentieth Century    Brian Trodd Publishi 10097     Allen                Good       20 121909
American R Railways of the Twentieth Century    Brian Trodd Publishi 10097     Allen                Good       25 121910
American R Trains of America                    Heimburger           81138     Heimburger           Good       20 121918
America's  America's Colorful Railroads         Bonanza              1978      Ball                 Good       20 085517
Amtrak     Amtrak 1978-79 Annual                RTA Pub              1977      Anderson             Good       25 087713
Amtrak     Amtrak Car Diagrams                  Wayner               1001      wayner               Good       40 122007
Amtrak 197 Paess. Train Consist of the 1970's   Wayner               PTC1970   Wayner               Soft       55 122075
Argentine  Stairway to the Stars                Centennial           ACRR      D Abbott             Hard       50 123159
Arizona    Ghost RR of Arizona                  Pruett               Ghost AZ- Sayre                Good       20 098519
Arkansas   Rails to Possum Trot (Reader RR)     Stowe                          Stowe                Good       25 034863
Art        Great Railroad Paintings             Peacock              1976      Goldsborough         Good       15 084949
Art        RR Artisitry of Howard Fogg          Cedco                1999      Hill                 Good       75 084991
ATSF       ATSAF Work Equipment Cars            SFMO                 spiral    Childers             Fair       75 095482
ATSF       Santa Fe Rte to the Pacific          Omni                 1988      Serpico              Good       30 085106
ATSF       SF Car & Loco Plans for Model RR'rs  ATSF                 1953      Santa Fe             Good       45 058467
atsf       SF-vol 3-Albuquerque-LA              MSB                  SFvol3    Stagner              Hard       75 115856
ATSF       Trains Album #12 Santa Fe Ry         Kalmbach             #12       Kalmbach             Good       30 057915
ATSF Photo Santa Fe Railway                     MBI                  10726     Solomon              Good       15 121970
ATSF Railr Coach Cabbage & Caboose              Kachina              930724    McCall               Good       40 122864
ATSF Railr Railroading through Cajon Pass       Prototype Pub        160040    Walker               Good       30 122863
ATSF, UP,  Illus. History of the American RR    Bonanza              69521     Jacobs               Good       80 122001
Australia  Railways Of Australia                Unknown              1963      Lucas                Good       15 031101
AZ         Ghost RR of centarl Arizona          Pruett                         Sayre                Soft       35 051893
AZ         Goast RR of Central ARIZONA          Pruett               GRRof AZ  Sayre                Soft       35 117760
AZ RR      Railroads of Arizona vol2            Howell North         AZ vol2   D Myrick             Hard       45 121655
B & O      History of Baltimore & Ohio          Purdue Univ. Press   1987      Stover               Good       10 092229
B&O        1907 "Southwestern" B&O Periodical   Unknown                        B&O                  Good       20 023065
B&O        B&O Thunder in the Alleghenies       Carstens             2000      Mellander            Good       14 095231
B&O        West End (B&O)                       Barnard,Roberts & Co 2001      Roberts              Good       30 052183
B&O Diesel Blue Diesels & Black Diamonds        H&M                  9629037   Henderson            Soft       20 123869
B&O Hist   B&O Motive Power                     simmons-boardman     1952      Sagle                Good       10 123544
B&O Hist   B&O Steam Finale Vol I               B&O HS               909462    Mellander            Good       30 123543
B&O Hist   B&O Steam Finale Vol II              B&O HS               909462    Mellander            Good       30 123542
B&O Histor B&O Great Photos                     Barnard,Roberts & Co 934118    Roberts              Good       20 123539
B&O Histor B&O Heritage                         Carstens             911868    Krause & Crist       Fair       10 123536
B&O Histor B&O Thunder in the Alleghenies       Corstens Pub         911868    Mellander            Fair       10 123535
B&O Histor Impossible Challenge II (B&O)        Barnard,Roberts & Co 934118    Harwood              Good       50 123538
B&O Passen B&O Passenger Service Vol 2          TLC                  84148     Harry Stegmaier      Good       50 118881
B&O pictor B&O Heritage                         Carstens             Used      Krause, Crist        asis       10 113534
B&O Pictor B&O Salute                           Barnard,Roberts & Co used      Roberts              asis       10 113520
B&O Power  B&O Power                            Standard Printing    1964      Sagle                Good       75 087836
B&O Power  B&O Power                            Standard Printing    1964      Sagle                Good       75 087837
B&O RR     B&O Heritage 1945-55                 Carstens             911968    Krause & Crist       Soft       15 123868
B&O/PRR 18 Snad Patch (Clash of Titans)         Roberts              93-90583  Roberts              Hard       35 123873
Baldwin    Diesels from Eddystone               Kalmbach             1984      Dolzall              Good       40 087305
Baldwin    Locomotives that Baldwin Built       Superior             1966      Westing              Good       30 087533
Baldwin    Locomotives That Baldwin Built       Bonanza              1966      Westing              Good       20 051473
Baldwin    Narrow Gauge Locomotives-Baldwin1877 Unknown              Repro     Reid                 Hard       15 038711
Baldwin Lo The Locomotives Baldwin blt          Bonanza              1295      Westing              Good       50 122009
Bart       From Bullets to Bart                 Central Electric     1989      Bulletin 127         Good       45 087388
BC Rail    BC Rail Motive Power Pict 84-99      X 2200               1999      Karam                Good       25 051743
BC Rail    The Pic. Hty. of RR in B. Columbia   Whitecap             BC Rail   Sanford              Hard       10 117618
Blding Trn Dot,Dot,Dot,Done!                    HistWest             1981      Mills                Good       25 109595
Blk Hills  Making the Grade                     Author               1985      Mills                Good       10 056784
Blk Smke-W Colorado Rail Annual # 29            CRM                  CRMvol29  W Reich              Hard       45 123160
BNSF Motiv BNSF 1996 Motive Power               FourWays-NO-use 4-Wa BNSF MP   Shippen              Hard       15 098527
Book  1 He Montana's                            Swett                1970      Myers                Good       40 094005
Book of Pl Model Railroader Cyclopedia          Kalmbach             1949      MR                   Good       40 087665
Brake Equi Brake Equip 8-ET                     Author               1938      Wstng Hse Air Brk Co Good       25 092425
Brake Equi Brake Equip 8-ET                     Author               1938      Wstng Hse Air Brk Co Good       25 092426
Brass      25 Years of Fine Models -- PFM       PFM Books            01060     Kohl                 Good       50 095491
Bridges    American Barns & Covered Bridges     Author               2018      Sloane               Good       20 115608
Bridges    Bridges & Cupolas                    Sun Designs          2018      Strombeck            Good       20 115605
Bridges    Covered Bridges of the Mid Atlantic  Bonanza              2018      Allen                Good       20 115604
Bridges    Images of Indiana's Covered Bridges  Arcadia              2018      Reed                 Good       20 115609
Bridges    North American Railroad Bridges      Voyageur Press       2018      Solomon              Good       20 115602
Bridges    The Beauty of Railroad Bridges       Golden West          Bridges   Cook                 Hard       30 117692
Bridges    The Great Bridge-Building Contest    Abrams               2018      Zaunders             Good       20 115614
Bridges /T Model RR Bridges & tresltes          Kalmbach             2018      Kalmbach             Good       20 115600
Brit.Col   No Horsecars in Paradise-Victoria,BC RailFare             1981      Parker               Good       10 047721
British    Early British Railways               Penguin              1950      Barman               Fair       15 037282
British    Early British Railways               Penguin              1950      Barman               Good       10 034724
Build,Stru Train Shed Cyclopedia #7 part 1      Gregg                1893      Gregg                Good       10 071888
Bullitin 8 Gary Railways                        CERA                 1949      Buckley              Good       30 093975
C&C Power  C&O Power                            Staufer              COP       Shuster              Hard       40 098425
C&NW Histo Locomotive Facilities C&NW           C&NW HS              86456     Follmar              Good       25 123541
C&O        C&O "Second to none" vol 1 The Cars  C&O HS               1st Ed    Millard              Good       50 038042
C&O        C&O H-7 Series                       NJI                  Classic P Dixon                Good       10 075715
C&O        C&O K-2,K-3 and K-3a 2-8-2's         PFM Books                      Dixon                Soft       15 050423
C&O        Durbin Route                         PictHist             1985      McNeel               Good       20 050404
C&O        Frt Car Equipt of the C&O Ry 1937    McClain              1980      Shaver               Good       25 078333
C&O        Super Power to Diesels               Carstens                       Dixon                Soft       15 050419
C&O        The Allegheny- Lima's Finest         Hundman              1984      Huddleston           Good       60 109710
C&O Coal   Chesapeake & Ohio, Coal & Color      C&O HS               2019      Huddleston           Good       40 116400
C&O RR     The Durbin Route                     PictHist             used      W Price McNeel       asis       10 113501
C&S        C&S Clear creek district             Klinger Pub.         C&Sccreek T Klinger - signed   Sgnd       45 123146
C&S        C&S High Line memories               Klinger Pub.         C&Shlm    T Klinger - signed   Sgnd       45 123147
C&S        C&S Platt Canon memories             Klinger Pub.         C&Splatte T Klinger - signed   Sgnd       45 123145
C&S        Colorado & Southern                  Andover              1987      Grenard              Good       15 054340
C&S        Colorado Raod (w/slip cover)         Wagner               498/1000  Wagner               Sgnd      175 073513
C&S        Colorado Road (C&S, Fw&D)            NRHS                 1970      Wagner               Good      100 029287
C&S        Narrow gauge to Central Plume        CRM                  CRMvol10  Jones                Hard       35 117721
C&S        South Park's Gunnison                Klinger Pub.         C&S SP    T Klinger - signed   Sgnd       45 123148
C&S Frght  Narrow Gauge Pictorial vol. VIII     Grandt               1941      Poole                Good       30 080319
C&S motive Narrow gauge Pict'l, vol 6           Robb                 NGPv06    G Coleman            Soft       25 123161
C&S Motive Narrow Gauge Pictorial Vol VI        Grandt               90318     Coleman              Good       30 123547
C&S Pass/F Narrow Gauge Pictorial Vol VIII      Grandt               90318     Poole Martin         Good       30 123550
C&T        Story of the Cumbres & Toltec        Unknown                        Gibbons              Good       15 039193
Cable Car  Cable Car Carnival                   Grahame              CC C      Clegg                Good       25 098449
Cable Car  Cable Car Carnival                   Hardy                          Beebe                Good       50 035480
Cable Car  Cable Car Days  (San Francisco)      Stanford             1948      Kahn                 Mint       45 022003
Cable Car  Cable Car In America                 Howell North         1982      Hilton               Good       45 051490
Caboose    The Railroad Caboose                 Golden West          cab       Knapke               Hard       15 124208
Caboose, F Train Shed Cyclopedia #75 part4      Gregg                1978      Gregg                Good       10 071943
Cabooses   Cabins Crummies & Hacks Vol 4        H&M                  1993      Henderson            Good       30 087470
Cabooses   Cabooses                             Bradley              1991      Bradley              Good       25 087458
Cabooses   n                                    GN Pacific Pub       1996      Hobbs                Fair       15 056788
Cajon pass CAJON                                TAB                  1985      Walker               Hard       45 116990
Cal Missio California Missions                  Unknown              CalMis    savings              Soft       10 105633
Cal NG     STEINBECK Country - Narrow Gauge     Pruett               SBCNG     Parkinson            Hard       40 117758
Calif      Amador Central - WRRr #403           Western              403       Guido                Good       10 046887
Calif      Bonanza Railroads                    Stanford             Bonanza-v Kneiss               Good       20 098520
Calif      Ca.At The World'S Columbian Exh.1893 Cal HS               1894      CAL                  Mint      100 022123
Calif      Colusa & Lake RR - WRRr #405         Western              405       Guido                Good       10 046885
calif      Growing up with Trains II            Interurban Press     Spl 88    Steinheimer          Soft       30 116987
Calif      Hetch Hetchy & Its Dam Railroad      Howell North         1973      Wurm                 Mint       45 022035
Calif      Klamath Lake RR - WRRr #290-299      Western              290       Clauder              Good       10 046886
Calif      Mallets on the Mendocino Caost       TAB                  1986      Wurm                 Good       35 046634
Calif      Ralston's Ring (Calif. & Comstock)   Staufer              1955      Lyman                Good       25 022067
California Hetch Hetchy and its Dam Railroad    Trans Anglo Books    60935     Wurm                 Good       50 122249
California Story of California Zepher           Quadrant             1972      Zimmermann           Fair        5 106301
CalZephyr  Story of the California Zephyr       Delford                        Zimmerman            Good       30 039026
Canad      Canadian Car Builders Series Vol1-3  Author               Vol 1-3   Halton Cty           Good       20 057980
Canada     Denver's Railroads                   Boston Mills Press   1985      Barnes               Fair       35 061489
Canada     In the Shadow of Giants              Boston Mills Press   1978      Helm                 Fair       40 061484
Canada     Last Spike CP 1881-1885              Penguin              1971      Berton               NoJK        5 053666
Canada     Narrow Gauge for Us                  Boston Mills Press   1980      Cooper               Good       35 051775
Canada     No Horsecars in Paradise (Vict.BC)   RailFare             1981      Parker               Good       15 041368
Canada     Over Hills to Georgian Bay           Boston Mills Press   1981      Mackay               Good       25 051770
Canada     Over The hills To Georgia Bay        Boston Mills Press   1981      Mackay               Good       20 073620
Canada     Railways in the Niagara Penn         Boston Mills Press   1980      Filby                Fair       35 061492
Canada     Vancouver Island Railroads           Golden West          1984      Turner               Xlnt       55 030219
Canadian R Railways of Canada                   Bonanza              82354     Lotz Keith MacKenzie Good       40 121906
Canadian R Railways of Canada                   Bonanza              82354     Lotz Keith MacKenzie Good       40 121907
Canadian S Canadian Steam                       Kalmbach             1961      David P. Morgan      Hard       19 110666
Car & Loco Car & Loco Cyclopedia 1970           Sim-Brd              1970      Simmons-Boardman     Mint      125 062402
Car Builde Car Builders Cyclopedia 19th Edit.   Sim-Brd              1953      sim                  Good      150 109709
Carnival   Pict. Hist. of the American Carnival Carnival Pub.        1971      McKennon             Fair       25 061500
Casper RR  Mallets on the Mendocino Coast       Timber Times         CLCo      T Wurm               Hard       35 121649
CatAlog    Bassett-Lowke Railways  Catalog      SteamAge                       Steam Age            Good       50 022275
CATS       Ticket to Toltec                     OST Pub              CATS      Osterwald            Soft       10 117614
CB&Q       Burlington'd Zephyrs                 MBI                  2004      Zimmerman            Good       30 095098
CB&Q       RPC Pass. Library vol. 1             RPC                  1999      Randell              Good       30 091049
CB&Q       Steam LOc's of the Burlington        Bonanza              1978      Corbin               Hard       45 116980
CCRR       Colorado Central RR                  Sundance             CCRR      Abbott               Hard       45 123136
Cent. Elec Faster than the Limiteds             CERA                 2003      Bullard              Good       40 097095
Central  V Central Vermont                      Sundance             1981      Jones                Good       40 087734
Central El Rainbow of Traction #126             CERA                 1988      CERA                 Good       25 097156
Central Ve Central Vermont Vol III              Sundance             CV        Jones                Hard       35 098612
Chicago    Chicago's Rapid Transit Vol I+II     CERA                 1973-76   CERA                 Good      120 050788
Chicago Co Chicago Surface Lines                Transport History    32000     Lind                 Good       35 121889
Chicago In North Shore                          Golden West          16408     Middleton            Good       15 121962
Chicago Me Chicago Transit                      Northern Illinois Un 87580     Young                Good       20 121963
Chicago Ra Trainwatchers guide Chicago          Swajkart             100       Sawajkart            Good       10 121981
Chicago So How the Medal Was Won                Central Electric     1956      Bulletin 124         Good       40 087831
Chicago Tr Chicago Union Station                Pixels Pub.          74305     DeRouin              Good       30 121991
Chicago Tr Chicagos Commuter Railroads          Andover              19093     Kunz                 Good       10 121990
Chicago Tr Destination Loop                     Stephen Green Press  04804     Cudahy               Good       15 121980
Chicago Tr Guide to Chicago Transit             Andover              1001      Kunz                 Good       10 121992
Chicago Tr Sunset Lines Vol 1-2                 Transportion Trails  49101     Plachno              Good       50 121894
Chicago Tr Sunset Lines Vol 1-2                 Transportion Trails  49101     Plachno              Good       50 121895
China      to CHINA for Steam                   Blanford             1983      Adley                Hard       15 117014
Chunnell   Chunnel, the                         TimeLife             1997      Fetherston           Good       20 053652
Cincinatia B&O's Cincinatian                    TLC                  52095     Dixon Jr.            Soft       40 123867
Circus     I Loved Rogues                       Superior                       lewis                Hard       25 050635
CM         A Colorado Midland Guide & Data      CRM                  CM        McFarland            Hard       45 117728
CM         Colorado Midland                     World Press                    Cafky                Hard      100 060345
CN         CN in the East  Vol. 1-3             Lowe&BH              1981      Lowe                 Good       30 079268
CN         CN in the West Vol. 2-3              BRHS                 1981      Love                 Good       10 079267
CN         CN Steam Power -- Incl 3X Photo Paks RailFare             1969      Clegg                Good       25 067727
CN         Rail Canada vol 2                    LPD Pub                        Lewis                Hard       45 051888
CN         Whistling Through The West           Author               1980      Bowman               Good       10 054388
CNR        Self Propelled Cars of the CNR       Clegg                19951962  Clegg                Good       30 087742
CNS&M      North Shore Line Memories            Quality Books        1980      Campbell             Good       75 050801
CNS&M      Route of the Electroliners (Spiral)  CERA                 Bull 107  CERA                 Good       45 041157
CNW PassHi The 400 Story                        PTJ                  1982      Scribbins            Fair       20 123531
Co RR      Goin' Railroading                    Pruett               CO-RR     Speas                Hard       30 119528
CO Trains  GOIN' Railroading                    Pruett               GRR       Speas                Hard       30 117755
Coach Serv Coach Trains Travel                  Superior             1975      Dorin                Good       30 051485
Coal       Steam on the Anthracite Rpads        Quadrant             1974      Eagleson             Soft       20 117018
Coast Dayl Southern Pacific Daylight Vol.1      MHP                  78-117531 Wright               Hard       70 122633
Cog Wheel  Pike's Peak Cog Road                 Golden West          1972      Abbott               Good       65 073488
Col        MARBLE,vol 2-signed                  Sundance             Marvol2   McCollum, Jr         Hard       45 117582
Col JL     Colorado's Joint LIne                Self Published       SanFran S Clarke               Soft       25 115387
Col NG     Chasing Trains                       Sundance             1995      Richardson           Hard       55 116976
Col NG     Narrow Gauge News                    CRM                  CRMvol21  R Richardson         Hard       35 121664
Col. Pass. Coal,Cinders Parlor amd Cars: #19    CRM                  1991      Farewell             Good       35 109733
Collection Early Railroad Days                  Author               2014      Dees                 Good       20 109222
Colo. High Going Railroading                    Pruett               1985      Speas                Good       45 097087
Colodado   Colorado Springs & PikesPeak         Donning              CS&PP     Hetzler              Hard       50 115366
Color Guid CGW Color Guide to Freight & Pass    MSB                  CGWfrt    Gene Green           Good       40 051710
Color Guid NH Color Guide to Freight & Pass     MSB                  NHfrt     David R. Sweetland   Good       40 051720
Colorado   Aspen on the Raoring Fork            Sundance             1976      Wentworth            Good       45 054342
Colorado   Colorado Railroads                   Pruett               1974      Wilkins              Good       40 073482
Colorado   Colorado's Loneliest Railroad        Pruett               1980      Griswold             Good       45 034694
Colorado   Cripple Creek Railroads              London               1978      Feitz                Good       10 046891
Colorado   CRM Annual 1970                      CRM                  CRMvol08  Chappell             Good       20 055958
Colorado   Crystal River Pictorial              Sundance             1972      McCoy                Good       45 096883
Colorado   Last Gold Rush  (Cripple Creek)      Pollux               1983      Grimstad             Good       20 073635
Colorado   Moffat Tunnel A Brief History        CRM                  Moffet T  Albi                 Good       15 042329
Colorado   Narrow Gauge in the Rockies          Howell North         1958      Beebe                Fair       35 048948
Colorado   Narrow Gauge News -- CRM Annual #21  CRM                  CRMvol21  Richardso            Mint       20 046607
Colorado   Narrow Gauge News CRM Annual #21     CRM                  CRMvol21  Richardso            Good       20 046348
Colorado   Photography of Joseph Collier        Pruett               1983      Collier, Ross        Good       20 073069
Colorado   Railroads of Northern California     Pruett               1982      Jessen               Good       75 073079
Colorado   Rails to the Rockies                 Allen Keller Prod.   1976      LePak                Good       50 059407
Colorado   Rails To The Rockies By Le Pak       Allen Keller Prod.             Le Pak               Unkn       50 028860
Colorado   Rio Grande To The Pacific By Lemasse Sundance                       Lemassena            Mint       50 018407
Colorado   Rocky Mountain Views 1917            Unknown                        DRGW                 Good       75 048423
Colorado   Switzerland Trail Of America (Signd) Pruett               3009      Crossen              Sgnd      100 029957
Colorado   Trails along the Columbine-Monarch   Sundance             1993-4    Coleman              Hard       30 120229
Colorado & Historic Alpine Tunnel               Sage                 1963      Dow Helmers          Good       65 055473
Colorado h An Empire of Silver                  Sundance             1984      Brown                Good       50 099571
Colorado M Lives of James John Hagerman         Sage                 1961      Lipsey               Good       50 040702
Colorado N Colorado Rail Annual  #12 - 1974     CRM                  CRMvol12  CRM                  Hard       35 123110
Colorado N Durango Alwars a Railroad Town       RD Pub               90641     Dorman               Good       70 122247
Colorado N Durango Always a Railroad Town       RD Pub               90641     Dorman               Good       70 122248
Colorado N narrow gauge country                 Heimburger           81596     Ferrell              Good       40 122250
Colorado N Narrow Gauge Recollections           Heimburger           81073     Norwood              Good       50 122244
Colorado N Narrow Gauge to Central              CRM                  54106     Hauck                Good       30 122259
Colorado N Rio Grande Narrow Gauge              Heimburger           81006     Norwood              Good       40 122240
Colorado N The Rainbow Route                    Sundance             82123     Sloan Skowronski     Good       80 122245
Colorado N The Rio Grande Southern              RD Pub               65645     Dorman Richardson    Good       70 122246
Colorado N The south Park Line                  CSRM                 54122     Chappell             Good       24 122253
Colorado R Narrow Gauge in a Kingdom            Glenwood             1971      Conde, J C           Good       45 085637
Colorado R tracking Ghost RRs in Colorado       Century1             1976      Ormes                Good       30 085412
Colorado R Colorado Railroads, chronological    Pruett               CRR's     Wilkins              Hard       40 123157
Colorado R Rails to the Rockies                 Alpine Pub           RRock     G LePak              Hard       30 123153
Colorado R Vanishing Varnish                    Alpine Pub           VVarnish  G LePak              Hard       30 123154
Coloroado  Rocky Mtn RR's of Colorado 1892 Repr Unknown              1977      Jones W              Good       15 046521
Commuter   COMMUTER Railroads                   Bonanza              CRR       Dorin                Hard       20 117789
Commuter   Commuter Railroads                   Superior             1970      Dorin                Good       25 051268
Commuter   Commuter Railroads                   Superior             2005      Dorin                NoJK       15 072042
Commuter   Commuter Trains to Grand Ctrl        Quadrant             2005      Nelligan             Good       10 072013
Commuter T Commuter Railroads                   Superior             1970      Dorin                Good       25 087716
commuters  Coach Trains & Travel                Superior             1975      Dorin                1 ED       30 051271
Conrail    Conrail Vol 1                        RailPace             2005      Hartley              NoJK       40 071999
Conrail    Conrail Vol 2                        RailPace             2005      Hartley              NoJK       40 071997
Conrail    Rise from Wreckage - Hist of Conrail Author               1988      Crane                Fair        5 057397
Const. & O The 1925 Modern American Loco's      Rail Heritage Press  2018      prior                Fair       25 115532
Cotton Bel Cotton Belt Locomotives              Shade Tree           1977      Strapac              Good       20 085381
Cotton Bel Cotton BElt Locomotives              Shade Tree           1977      Strapac              Good       45 078944
Cotton Bel Cotton Belt Locomotives              Shade Tree           1977      Strapac              Sgnd       50 051240
covered Br Coverd Bridges of Penn. Dutchland    Applied arts         2018      Horst                Good       30 115557
covered Br Coverd Bridges of the Northeast      Dover                2018      Allen                Good       30 115558
covered Br Covered Bridges  of the South        Bonanza              2018      Allen                Good       30 115552
covered Br Covered Bridges of California        Uni CA               2018      Morley               Good       30 115554
covered Br Covered Bridges of ILLinois          Author               2018      Eaton                Good       30 115560
covered Br Covered Bridges of the South -w/cvr  Greene               2018      Allen                Good       30 115553
covered Br Covered Bridges Today                Daring               2018      Krekeler             Good       30 115561
covered Br Historic American  Covered Bridges   ASCE                 2018      Mckee                Good       30 115559
CP         The Romantic H. of The C  Pacific    Tudor Pub            CP Hist   Gibbon               Hard       10 117643
CP         Van Horn's Road                      RailFare             1981      Lavallee             Good       30 061644
CP and SPR The Central Pac. and Sou. Pac. RRs   Howell North         63-12942  Beebe                Hard       25 122627
CPR Mainli Railway Mileposts: British Columbia  Railway Milepost     2018      Burrows              Good       35 115579
CPR Mainli Railwy Mileposts:British Columbia #2 Railway Milepost     2018      Burrows              Good       35 115580
CP-SP      Central Pacific & Southern Pacific   Howell North                   Beebe                NoJK       75 032791
CP-UP      Iron Horses to Promontory            Golden West          CP-UP     Best                 Hard       70 124436
CP-UP      Iron Horses to Promontory            Golden West          1969      Best                 Fair       20 039603
CP-UP      Iron Horses to Promontory            Golden West          CPUP      Best                 Good       25 066203
CP-UP      Race To The Golden Spike             Mifflin              1961      Wellman              Good       20 022000
CRA #15    Colorado Rail Annual #15 Idaho/Mon   CRM                  CRMvol15  CRM                  Hard       25 051827
Critters s The Short Line DOODLEBUG             Interurban Press     SLD       Keilty               Hard       45 117794
CRM # 15   Idaho Montana Issue                  CRM                  CRMvol15  CRM                  Unkn       30 048411
CRM # 2    to Silverton in the Snow             CRM                            CRM                  Good        5 048441
CRM #11    A Journal of Railroad History    #11 CRM                  CRMvol11  Hauck,etc            Good       40 034906
CRM #15    Utah, Idaho, Montana issue       #15 CRM                  CRMvol15  Hauck                Good       40 034904
CRM #15    Utah, Idaho, Montana Issue       #15 CRM                  CRMvol15  Hauck                Good       20 035429
CRM annual NG to Central and Silver Plume v 10  CRM                  CRMAvol10 C Hauck              Hard       35 120850
CRM Annual Collected Colorado Rail Annual 8     CRM                  CRMvol 8  CRM                  Good       20 061826
CRRNJ      Locomotives of the Jersey Central    Author               1957      Owen                 Mint       25 058009
CS&CC      Colorado Rail Annual  #16 - 1983     CRM                  CRMvol16  CRM                  Hard       35 123114
Ctr Bm Fla FBC Register 1996                    Soc of Freight car H 1         David G. Casdorph    Good       10 056530
CV         Centarl Vermont, vol 1               Sundance             CVRW-vdv  Jones                Good       40 098514
Cyc        Car & Loco Cyc - 1980                Sim-Brd                        Simmons              Hard      100 050691
Cyc.       Locomotive Cyclopedia                Sim-Brd              1938      Simmons Broadman     Fair      200 109708
Cyclopedia Car Builder's Cyclopedia 1940 (repr) Kalmbach             1940      Simmons-Boardman     Good      200 078268
Cyclopedia Car Builders Cyclopedia1906          Gregg                1906      Hitt                 Good       50 093480
Cyclopedia Car Builders Cyclopedia1946          Sim-Brd              1946      Simmons/Boardman     Good      250 093482
Cyclopedia Car Builders Dictionary (1879)       Gregg                1971      Forney               Good       25 085458
Cyclopedia Car Builders Dictionary (1888)       Gregg                1971      Forney               Good       25 085459
Cyclopedia Car Builders Dictionary 1906 (repr)  Gregg                1971      Gregg                Good       75 071847
Cyclopedia The Model Railroader Cyc. 6th Edtn   Kalmbach             2018      Model Railroader     Fair        5 115234
D&GRW      Official Roster #11 of D&GRW/RGS     Colorado RR Mus-use  2018      Colrado RR           Good       35 115574
D&RG       Colorado Rail Annual 1970            CRM                  CRM1970   Chappell             Soft       15 123105
D&RG       D&RG, Early Years                    White River          D&RG      Ferrell              Hard       45 123140
D&RG-Black Scenic Line of the World             CRM                  CRM1970r  Chappell             Hard       25 123104
D&RGW      RIO GRANDE to the Pacific            Sundance             RG2#768   LaMassena signed     Sgnd       90 124461
D&RGW      Rio Grande to the Pacific            Sundance             RGtP-1994 R LeMessena          Hard       65 120852
D&RGW      ZEPHYRs thru the Rockies             Goodheart            RGZ-1986  H Edmondson          Hard       40 120853
D&RGW K-36 Rio Grande's NG K-36 Locomotives     White River          K-36      Day                  Sgnd       45 123150
D&RGW MOW  Narrow Gauge Pictorial Vol VII       Grandt               90318     Day                  Good       30 123548
D&RGW NG   "The Mudhens"                        Grandt               Volmud    Grandt               Good       20 122256
D&RGW NG   Narrow Gauge Pictorial               Grandt               Vol1      Grandt               Good       20 122257
D&RGW NG   Narrow Gauge Pictorial               Grandt               Vol2      Grandt               Good       20 122255
D&RGW Pass A century of D&RGW Passenger Trains  Rocky Mt             DRGW pass Day                  Hard       45 123151
D&RGW work Narrow Gauge Pict'l, vol 7           Robb                 NGPv07    R Grandt             Soft       25 123168
DB&W       Switzerland Trail of America         Pruett               3089      Crossen              Sgnd      175 050716
Delaware & Delaware & Hudson                    Howell North         1967      Shaughnessy          Good       50 087323
Denver     Denver's Railroads                   CRM                  DRR       Forrest              Hard       45 117725
Denver     Denver's Railroads                   CRM                  DenversRR Albi                 Fair       25 061490
Denver     Mile High Trolleys (Denver)          NRHS Intermtn        1965      Jones                Good       45 050624
Diesel Inf Our GM Scrapbook                     Kalmbach             160040    Crump                Good       30 122862
Diesel Loc MR Diesel Cyl Vol II                 Kalmbach             1980      Hsyden               Good       40 087373
Diesel Spo Diesel Spotters Guide 3ea            Kalmbach             1972      Pinkepank            Good       25 056894
Diesels    Dawn of the Diesel Age               Interurban Press     SP 80     Kirkland             Fair       75 095464
Diesels    Diesel Locomotive Rosters            Wayner               Diesel    Wayner               Good       50 054374
Diesels    Diesel Locomotive Rosters            Kalmbach             1982      McDonald             Fair       10 061417
Diesels    Second -Diesel Spotter Guide         Kalmbach             2013      Pinkepank            Fair       25 106616
Diesel's   Diesel Loco's Cyc vol. 2             Kalmbach             1980      Hayden               Fair       25 056806
Diesels (U Diesel Locomotive Rosters            Kalmbach             1982      McDonald             Good       15 087228
Diesles    Official Loco Rosters 1999           DPA-Delt             1999      Kerr                 Fair       10 054391
Directory  ILLustraed Encycloedia Modern Loco   Crescent             1983      Cook                 Good       25 109894
Directory  Steam Pass. Srvce Directory          Kalmbach             1983      Kalmbach             Good       10 109898
Dixie RR   Extra South Dixie Steam RR           Starrucca Valley     1964      Reid                 Fair       25 058529
Dome Train The DOMELINERS                       Superior             DL-1973   P Dorin              Hard       40 120849
Domeliner  Domeliners - Yesterdays Trns of Tomo Kalmbach             01076     Zimmerman            Fair       25 044865
Dreams,Vis Colorado Rail Annual  #20 - 1993     CRM                  CRMvol20  CRM                  Hard       50 123118
DRGW       ALAMOSA / SALINA and the Valley Line RD Pub               AS-V      Dorman               Hard       50 117753
DRGW       Buckwater 1890-1920                  Pruett               1989      Jones                Good       15 056098
DRGW       CHAMA / CUMBRES with a Little Chili  RD Pub               Chili     Dorman               Hard       50 117751
DRGW       Chasing the Narrow gauge             Heimburger           CtNG      Richardson           Hard       45 123137
DRGW       Chasing the Narrow gauge, V2         Heimburger           CtNGv2    Richardson           Hard       45 123138
DRGW       D&RGW Narrow Gauge Plans             Heimburger           1976      Heimberger           Good       40 057917
DRGW       D&RGW Narrow Gauge Plans             Howell North         1976      Don Heimburger       Good       30 056025
DRGW       Locomotives of the Rio Grande        CRM                  LocsDRGW  CRM                  Good       40 067198
DRGW       Moffat Road                          CSRM                           Albi                 Soft       10 050721
DRGW       Moffat Road                          Sage                 1962      Bollinger            Good       75 034912
DRGW       Narrow Gauge in the Rockies ist edit Howell North                   Beebe                NoJk       40 048395
DRGW       Narrow Gauge to the Rockies          Howell North         NGtR-1970 L Beebe              Hard       35 120801
DRGW       Rails to the Rockies, signed         Alpine Pub           RR-1976   G LePak              Hard       35 120800
DRGW       Rio Grande Mainline of the Rockies   Howell North         52        Beebe & Clegg        Sgnd       75 055425
DRGW       Rio Grande Narrow gauge              Heimburger           RGNG-1981 J Norwood            Hard       45 120831
DRGW       Rio Grande to the Pacific            Sundance             RGPac     LeMassena            Hard       45 117586
DRGW       Rio Grande-Mailline of the Rockies   Howell North         RG-MitR   L Beebe & C Clegg    Hard       35 120919
DRGW       Scenic Line of the World             CRM                  CRM # 8 r CRM                  Hard       45 117727
DRGW       The Moffat Road                      Sage                 1962      Bollinger & Bauer    Good       55 073080
DRGW       The Rio Grande Pictorial             Sundance             RGP-1971  D McCoy              Hard       45 120832
DRGW       Thirty Pound Rails - DRGW            Unknown              1956      Choda                Good       10 046879
DRGW       Thr Rio Grande Mountains             Robb                 1500      R Robb               Soft       45 116772
DRGW       Vanishing Varnish                    Allen Keller Prod.   1166      Gregory LePak        Sgnd      100 055409
DRGW       Vanishing Varnish (DGRW Passenger)   Allen Keller Prod.   974       LePak                Sgnd       95 054214
DRGW Gons  Narrow gauge Pict'l, vol 3           Robb                 NGPv03    R Grandt             Soft       25 123162
DRGW Locom Narrow Gauge Pict'l, vol 11          Robb                 NGPv11    R Grandt             Soft       25 123165
DRGW NG Pa Colorado Rail Annual  #25 - 2003     CRM                  CRMvol25  H Danneman           Hard       50 123122
DRGW Pass  VANISHING Varnish, signed 1567       Alpine Pub           VV-1978   G LePak              Hard       45 120799
DRGW Pass  Narrow Gauge Pict'l, vol 2           Robb                 NGPv02    R Grandt             Soft       25 123164
DRGW Pass  Colorado Rail Annual  #24 - 2000     CRM                  CRMvol24  CRM                  Hard       45 123121
DRGW Ref S Narrow Gauge Pict'l, vol 4           Robb                 NGPv04    R Grandt             Soft       25 123163
DSP&P      D.S.P.&P. - Pictorial Supplement     World Press          DSP&P-Sup R Kindig             Hard      150 120231
DSP&P      Denver South Park & Pacific          World Press          DSP&P # 4 M.C. Poor            Hard       50 120233
DSP&P      Denver South Park & Pacific          World Press          DSP&P # 7 M.C. Poor            Hard       65 120234
DSP&P      DSP&P                                World Press                    Poor                 Unkn       95 018623
DSP&P      DSP&P - Memorial Edition             World Press          1976      Poor                 Xlnt      200 034998
DSP&P      DSP&P Memorial Edition               World Press          1976      Poor                 Good      125 035435
DSP&P      DSP&P Pictorial - 1976               Rocky Mt             DSP&P-197 M.C. Poor            Hard       75 120812
DSP&P      Mineral Belt - Vol 1 #1466           Sundance             MBvol1    D Digerness          Sgnd       45 120829
DSP&P      The Mineral Belt vol 2 - signed      Sundance             MB vol2   Digerness            Hard       65 117591
Dump,Tanks Train Shed Cyclopedia #63 part3      Gregg                1925      Gregg                Good       10 071929
E & L  184 San Antonio                          Staufer              1970      Westig               Hard       40 098410
E Michigan When E Michigan Rode Rails Bk2       Interurban Press     EMR       Schramm              Hard       25 098451
E&P RR     Eureka & Palisade RR                 White River          E&P RR    Maxwell              Hard       70 123158
E&P RR     The Eureka & Palisade                White River          E&P       G Maxwell            New        80 121630
Early Stea Early Railways                       Oxford               10077     Dale                 Good       10 121999
Early Stru Structures of the Early West         Author               2018      Bell                 Good       20 115612
East Broad Colorful East Broad Top              Heimburger           2019      Ferrell              Good       40 116404
East end   Erie Lackawanna in color vol. 3      MSB                  1994      Young                Good       50 097644
East Shore East Shore Suburban Rw               Golden West          IRS       Hanson               Soft       25 098439
Eastern St Eastern Steam Pictorial              D. Carleton Rail Boo 1975      Pennypacker          Good       30 087433
Edition 2  Rutland Road                         Howell North         1964      Shaughnessy          Hard       45 098422
EL RR Hist EL Death of An American RR           Stanford             BC1       H Roger Grant        Fair       20 118884
Elect Rlwa Electric Railways Dictionary         Gregg                1972      Hitt                 Good       50 085494
Elect. RR  Texas Electric Railway               CERA                 1982      Myers                Fair       50 058611
Electric   Cable Railways of Chicago            Elec Rwy His Soc     1954      Elec Rw Hist Soc     Good       10 058866
Electric   Elect Ry Directory 1924              Wagner               Repr      McGraw-Hill          Good       15 057997
Electric   Electric Loco Plan & Photo Book      NJI                  1965      Unknown              Good       25 061646
Electric   Interurban That Never Was            Gordon               2003      Gordon               Good       10 058834
Electric   Northeastern Ohio Electric Railways  CERA                 108       Cera                 Fair       50 058607
Electric R The Lima Route                       Cam-Tech             1998      Trostel              Good       45 109581
Electric R The NOT&L Story 109                  CERA                 1966      Blower               Fair       35 109533
Electric R Electric Railway Cars & Trucks 1905  Glenwood             1972      Stephenson           Good       15 085380
Electric R Gary Railways                        CERA                 1975      CERA                 Good       20 087817
Electric R Modernization of car 15 #35-45       CERA                 1930      CERA                 Good       20 087816
Electric R Traction Heritage #57                Baldwin Loco Co.     1981      Baldwin Loco Co.     Good       15 109596
Electric R Badger Traction #111                 CERA                 1969      CERA                 Good       50 087773
Electric R Faster than the Limits #137          CERA                 2004      Bullard              Good       50 087795
Electric R Green Line #134                      CERA                 2000      Lehmann              Good       50 087798
Electric R N.O.T. & L.Story #109                CERA                 1966      Blower               Good       50 087768
Electric R Electric Rlwys of NorthEastern Ohio  CERA                 1965      CERA                 Good       50 087764
Electrics  Train Shed Cylcopedia                Gregg                1978      Cycopedia            Good       10 087499
EMD        Classic Locos - Vol 1  S-1 Thru S-6  H&M                  1993      Szachacz             Good       20 057935
EMD        Our GM Scrapbook                     Kalmbach             1976      Trains               Good       30 085117
EMD        Our GM Srapbook                      Kalmbach             GM-1971   Trains               Soft       15 120816
England    Pre-Grouping Railways                IanAllan             1980      Heap                 Good       10 051788
Epic of Fl Soldiers of Fortune                  TimeLife             1981      Seagrave             Good       15 109739
Epic of Fl The Raf at War                       TimeLife             1981      Barker               Good       15 109740
Erie       Men of Erie                          Random House         1946      Hungerford           Good       15 053649
Erie       Men of Erie                          Random House         1946      Hungerford           1 ED       15 053648
Erie RR    Erie Lackawanna in color vol.4       MSB                  1997      Young                Good       50 097649
Erie RR    Erie RR Trackside                    MSB                  1999      DeYoung              Good       55 097661
European   Railway Journey (Euro Gen'L Hist)    Urizen               1977      Schivelbu            Good       10 023450
F&CC       Idaho-Montana, #15                   CRM                  CRMvol15  CRM                  Hard       45 117733
F&CC       RR in the Rcks 1/2 century ago, #18  CRM                  CRMvol18  CRM                  Hard       45 117736
Fiction    Casey Jones' Locker                  Hesperia             1959      Shaw                 Good       10 034871
Finelines  Finelines Vol 11 #'s1-5 Bound        Finelines            1974-75   Many                 Hard       50 059438
Finelines  Finelines Vol 8 #'s1-6 Bound         Finelines            1971-72   Many                 Hard       50 059436
Fire Fight First Water, Tigers!                 Sono Nis             1987      Parker               Good       30 073515
Flats,Gon. Train Shed Cyclopedia #62 part2      Gregg                1925      Gregg                Good       10 071928
Florida    Flagler's Folly-RR to Sea & Blown Aw Unknown              1990      Bethel               Good       10 038643
Freight    Boxcars Since 1983                   FCJ                  TH Mono 8 Casdorph             Mint       15 078826
Freight    Illus. Modern Frt Cars of N. Amer    DPA-Delt             1982      Kerr                 Good       25 078332
Freight    Pullman-Std Color Guide to Frt       MSB                  PULLstd   Kinkaid              Mint       45 058014
Freight &  Train Shed Cyclopedia #57            Gregg                1898      Gregg                Good       10 071925
Freight Ca Classic Freight Cars Vol 5           H&M                  1994      Yurko                Good       30 087455
Fresno     When Fresno Rodet the Rails          Interurban Press     Fresno    E Hamm, jr           Soft       25 120683
Frght cars Freight Cars Journal  #55            Soc of Freight car H 1993      Gasdorph             Good       10 079243
Frght,Pass Train Shed Cyclopedia #73 part1      Gregg                1978      Gregg                Good       10 071941
From Steam Portrait of the Rails                Lib Con              2018      Ball                 Good       20 115843
F-UNITS    F-UNITS                              Quadrant             1982      Mulhearn             Good       15 055290
GE         Electrication by GE #116             CERA                 1974      CERA                 Good       50 095223
GE Elcetri Electrification by GE                Central Electric     1927      Bulletin 116         Good       50 087392
Geese      CRM #9                               CRM                  CRMvol9   Jones                Hard       35 117720
General    American Locomotives 1871/1881       Hardy                1875      Hardy                Good       75 085664
General    Journey By Rail                      Mallard                        Lowe                 Good       10 026612
General    Railways Then and Now                Crown                          Nock                 Good       25 032787
General Ph Portrait of the Rails                Galahad              74-77007  Ball                 Hard       20 122638
Georgetown Colorado Rail Annual  #10 - 1972     CRM                  CRMvol10  CRM                  Hard       35 123108
German Ele Archiv elektrischer Lokomotiven      Author               1963      Bazold               Good       10 077172
Gilpin     The Gilpin Gold Train                Heimburger           Gilpin    M.H. Ferrell         Hard       45 121634
GM - EMD   Our GM Scrapbook                     Kalmbach             GMscrap   kalmbach             Soft       25 116053
GM Diesels GM First Gen od Diesels Vol. 1-2     Delta                1982      Kerr                 Good       50 058400
GN         Lines West  (GN Ry, 1887-1967)       Bonanza              1967      Wood                 Good       30 034693
GN         Lines West -- GN                     Bonanza              1967      Wood                 Good       20 053930
GN         Lines West -- Pict. Hist 1887-1967   Bonanza              1972      Wood                 Good       25 041358
GN         Lines West - Pict. Hist. of GN       Superior             1967      Wood                 Good       45 038837
GN         Lines West (GN)                      Superior             1967      Wood                 Good       35 058031
GN         Lines West GN Motive Power           Superior                       Wood                 Good       30 033011
GN         Scratchbuilding GN Wood Structures   Self Published       1987      Peterka              Good       10 083623
GN History Railroad History #143                R&LHS                2018      R&L HS               Good       15 115546
GN Pict. H Lines West                           Superior             1967      Wood                 Good       25 109707
GN Rlwy    Lines West                           Superior             1967      Wood                 Good       25 096414
GN RR      Lines West                           Superior             LW GN     Wood                 Soft       15 098609
Gon&Hopper Train Shed Cyclopedia #70 part2      Gregg                1943      Gregg                Good       10 071937
Gon&Hopper Train Shed Cyclopedia #70 part2      Gregg                1943      Gregg                Good       10 071938
Gondolas,  Train Shed Cyclopedia #5             Gregg                1940      Gregg                Good       10 071901
Gondolas,  Train Shed Cyclopedia #5             Gregg                1940      Gregg                Good       10 071896
Gondolas,  Train Shed Cyclopedia #5             Gregg                1940      Gregg                Good       10 071897
Gondolas,  Train Shed Cyclopedia #5             Gregg                1940      Gregg                Good       10 071898
Gondolas,  Train Shed Cyclopedia #5             Gregg                1940      Gregg                Good       10 071899
Gondolas,  Train Shed Cyclopedia #5             Gregg                1940      Gregg                Good       10 071900
Great Nort Lines West                           Superior             1967      Woods                Good       30 087709
GTW        Grand Trunk Western RR               Superior             1977      Dorin                Good       30 087735
GTW        Grand Trunk Western RR               Superior             1977      Dorin                Sgnd       45 057989
Guide      Guide to Tourist RR's & RR Museum    Kalmbach             2018      Kalmbach             Fair       10 115526
Guide      Pennsylvania covered Bridges         Uni Pitts.           2018      Evans                Good       15 115538
H7 Locomot C & O H7 Series                      NJI                  1979      Dixon                Good       15 087583
HF to Cl 1 East End B&O "Neck of the Bottle"    private              92-72900  Hollis & Roberts     Hard       40 123870
High Count Trails amongt the COLUMBINE-V89      Sundance             TCol 89   McCoy                Hard       20 119518
High Count Trails amongt the COLUMBINE-V90      Sundance             TCol 90   McCoy                Hard       20 119519
Highways C Railroad Maps                        MAC Pub              2018      Publisher            Good       35 115575
History    Encyc of WestRail - vol 1-4 set      Author                         Robertson            Hard      125 050680
History    Milw, Alco to Bombardier             Delta                1979      Kerr                 Fair       10 058599
History    Super Chief                          Golden West          1980      Repp                 Hard       50 088908
History    The World of Railroad's              Chartwell            2018      Chant                Good       40 115061
History    White Pine Route                     Museum of N Idaho    2003      Burg                 Good       40 109638
History C& The NorthWestern                     Northern Illinois Un 2019      Grant                Good       40 116392
History CP The CP and SP Railroads              Howell North         63-12942  Beebe                Hard       80 123859
History in American hertige History of RR       Bonanza              1983      Jensen               Good       25 109895
History Sa San  Juan Country                    Griffiths            1984      Griffiths            Good       20 099575
Hoprs,tank Train Shed Cyclopedia #71 part3      Gregg                1943      Gregg                Good       10 071939
IC Pictori IC Along the Lake Front              Transport History    1986      Lind                 Good       40 099485
IC Rail Hi IC Steam Finale                      South Platte Press   35283     Stagner/Lee          Good       30 121899
IC Rail Hi Limiteds Along the Lakefront         Transport History    IC1996    Lind                 Good       25 121897
IC Rail Hi The IC Railroad History              Transport History    IC1992    Lind                 Good       49 121896
IC RR Hist Illinois Central Railroad            MacMillan            61498     Stover               Good       15 121971
IC Streaml Illinois Central Streamliners        TLC                  1995      Somers               Good       45 099489
IC Train H Illinois Central Streamliners        TLC                  89107     Somers               Good       50 121891
Idaho      Colorado Rail Annual  #15 - 1981     CRM                  CRMvol15  CRM                  Hard       35 123113
ILLUSTRATI The Trains we Rode vol. 1            Howell North         2018      Beebe                Good       20 115844
India      Imperial Way  (India)                Houghton             1985      Theroux              Good       10 085116
India      Imperial Way - By rail in India      Unknown              1985      Theroux              Good       15 041348
Indiana    Gary Railways                        CERA                 Bul 84    Buckley              Good       15 042410
Interbans  LA Rlway Pre- Huntington cars        Interurban Press     2013      Swett                Good       40 107392
Intermodal Journal of Container Transport       Soc of Freight car H Vol 2(1)  JL Becker DG Casdorf Good       10 056519
Internatio Jane's World Railways                McGraw-H             1973      Sampson              Good       75 085231
Internatio Lore of the Train                    Crescent             1983      Ellis                Good       10 071953
Internatl  Great Trains, the                    Crown                1973      Morgan               Good       20 053446
Internatl  Railways                             Hamlyn               1972      Loxton               Good       10 053463
Internatl  World's Railroads                    Chartwell            2000      Chant                Mint       50 045669
Intl       Great Book of Trains (International) Portland             1987      Hollingsw            Good       10 036024
Intl       Modern Railways the World Over       Unknown                        Allen                NoJK       10 036991
Intl       Pictorial Story of Railways          Crescent             1974      Cornwell             NoJK       15 037411
Intl       Railways in the Formative Years      McMillan             1973      Nock                 Good        5 036001
Int'l      Jane's World Railways                Janes                1951      Jane's               Fair       75 051698
Intrntl    Love of Trains                       Octopus              [1974     Hand                 Good       15 053659
Japan      Sayonara Streetcar                   Interurban Press     1978      Forty                Good       25 058441
Jersey Cen Jersey Central Story                 D. Carleton Rail Boo 1976      Carleton             Good       50 087440
John Steph Horsecar, Cable Car, and Ominbuses   Dover                73-80949  White Jr.            Soft       10 121384
Journal    American Railroad Journal vol.2      Golden West          1968      Duke                 Good       25 109763
Journeys W Colorado Rail Annual  #22 - 1997     CRM                  CRMvol22  CRM                  Hard       45 123120
K-2/K3 Loc C & O K-2/3 &3a 2-8-2                Pacific              1979      Dixon                Good       20 087584
Kansas Int Arkansas Vallley Interurban          Interurban Press     AVI       #19                  Soft       10 098639
Kansas,Okl Highball a Pageant of Trains         Bonanza              2018      Beebe                Good       50 115504
Katy Hist  Katy RR His Society bulletin 1       KATY HS              1978      Lyon                 Good       10 123546
Key System Key System Album                     Interurban Press     KeySystm  Walker               Hard       35 115388
Key West   Last Rain to Paradise                Crown                LTtoP     Standiford           Hard       10 115397
Kuhler     My Iron Journey                      NRHS Intermtn        NRHS Kuhl Kuhler               Hard       15 117598
L&N        Louisville & Nashville Steam Locs    Prince                         Prince               Hard      150 050367
L,K, & W R UP West from Leavenworth             South Platte Press   1999      Quastler             Good       20 058584
Lackawanna Lackawanna Heritage                  Carstens             C-51      Krause               Good       10 058134
Lackawanna Lackawanna RR in color               MSB                  1990      Sweetland            Good       45 097641
Lackawanna Lackawanna-Superpower RR of NW       TLC                  1998      LeMassena            Good       50 097659
LARy       Los Angeles Ry Through the Years     Author               1973      Easlon               Mint       55 058202
LAUPT      The Last of the Great Stations       Interurban Press     LAUPT     Bradley              Soft       15 117640
Lehigh Val Lehigh Valley In Color               Morn Sun - Use MSB   1989      Yanosey              Good       45 087439
Lionel     All Abaord -- Story Of Lionel Co.    Workman              1981      Hollander            Good       15 029237
Lionel     Great Toy Train LAYOUTS              TM                   GTTL      McComas-Tuohy        Hard       20 117807
Lionel     Greenberg Lionel Catolog vol 1-6     Greenberg            LNL vol 1 Greenberg            Hard      600 117597
Lionel     Greenberg's GD to LIONEL HO trains   Greenberg            GBHO      Rosa                 Hard       20 117806
Lionel     LIONEL Collector Guide vol 1 to 5    TM                   LCGvol1-5 McComas-Tuohy        Hard       75 117803
Lionel     Price Guide Lionel set of 2          Greenberg            1982      Greenberg            Fair       20 067172
Lionel Fas The Lionel Fastrack Book             Voyageur Press       2020      Schleicher           Good       15 117926
Loco Album Locomotive Engineer's Album          Superior             1965      Abdill               Good       20 084981
Loco Drwin Train Shed Cyclopedia #72 part2      Gregg                1912      Gregg                Good       10 071940
Loco Photo Train Shed Cyclopedia #69 part1      Gregg                1912      Gregg                Good       10 071935
Loco Photo Train Shed Cyclopedia #69 part1      Gregg                1912      Gregg                Good       10 071936
Loco Profi Loco Profile #4 American Type 4-4-0  Profiles             0000      Reed                 Good        5 085431
Locomotive CF7 Locomotives                      Railroad Press       1997      Poole                Good       30 087511
Locomotive E Units: Standard Bearers.....       NJI                  1988      Maywald              Good       30 087522
Locomotive Erie Builts and H20-44's             Withers              1999      Sweetland            Good       30 087528
Locomotive Ilustrated History MLW, Bomb, Alco   Delta                1979      kerr                 Good       25 087525
Locomotive Locomotive Dictionary (1906)         Gregg                1972      Fowler               Good       75 085460
Locomotive Locomotive Dictionary 1906 (repr)    Gregg                1972      Gregg                Good       75 071848
Locomotive Recent Locomotives 1886 (large)      Author               1972      Mallet               Good       75 085148
Locos      Collector'S Book Of The Locomotive   Potter               1966      Alexander            Good       30 023167
Locos      Iron Horses-Amer. Locos 1829-1900    Norton               1941      Alexander            Good       25 030805
Loco's     Train Shed Cyclopedia #1             Gregg                1922      Gregg                Good       10 071911
Loco's  40 Train Shed Cyclopedia #58            Gregg                1977      Gregg                Good       10 079232
Locos & Ro The R.G.S. Story, vol 12             Sundance             RGSv12    Coleman              Hard       45 123132
Loco's 40& Train Shed Cyclopedia #66 part10     Gregg                1941      Gregg                Good       10 071932
Loco's of  Train Shed Cyclopedia #56 part 6     Gregg                1941      Gregg                Good       10 071924
Loco's of  Train Shed Cyclopedia #58            Gregg                1941      Gregg                Good       10 071926
Loco's of  Train Shed Cyclopedia #64 part9      Gregg                1941      Gregg                Good       10 071930
Loco's of  American Steam                       Sundance             1989      Lemassena            Good       40 096956
Logging    Green Timber                         American             1968      Ripley               Fair       20 056778
Logging    Last Of The 3-Foot Loggers           Golden West          1962      Krieg                Good       50 025846
Logging    Logging RR in Skagit County          NWSL                 Skagit    D Thompson           Hard       45 121643
Logging    Matches, Flumes, and Rails           Trans Anglo Books    54130     Stephens             Good       40 122239
Logging    Pino Grande                          TAB                  1984      Polkinghorn          Good       45 055981
Logging    Railroad Camp                        Canadian Caboose Pre 1992      Wolf                 Good       15 073104
logging    Railroad Camp                        Canadian Caboose Pre Logging   Wolf                 Soft       20 115392
Logging    Railroads in the Woods               Unknown                        Labbe                Good       35 032460
Logging    Rayonier                             Darwin               1982      Spencer              Hard       35 117006
Logging    Steam & Thunder in the Timber        World Press          S&T 4328  M Koch               Hard       50 121641
Logging    Steam & Thunder in Timber            World Press          1979      Koch                 Sgnd      150 080321
Logging    Steam Shovel Plan Pack               Author               44-16-2   Atlantic Equipt      Good       30 068858
Logging    Steamwinder in the Laurel Highlnds   Logging RR Era       1973      Kline Jr.            Good       45 073128
Logging    Sunset along Susquehanna Waters      Logging RR Era       1972      Taber lll            Good       45 073129
Logging    Thunder in the Mountains             TAB                  1989      Johnston             Soft       25 073575
Logging    Timber                               Schiffer             Timber    Andrews              Soft       25 115402
Logging  # Sunset along Susquehanna Waters      Logging RR Era       1972      Taber lll            Good       45 073127
Logging #5 Goodyears an Empire in the Hemlocks  Logging RR Era       1971      Taber lll            Good       45 073130
Logging #7 Sawmills among the Derricks          Logging RR Era       1975      Taber lll            Good       45 073131
Logging Ma Williamette                          OSO Pub              2004      Publisher            Mint       50 109630
LS&I RR    IRON Ore Railroads                   Bonanza              Iron      Dorin                Hard       10 117665
LV         Lehigh Valley RR Passenger Cars      RR Ave               bk #1     Warfel               Mint       55 058466
LW Pass ca Grand Trunk in New England           New England Press    STMLNC    RPC                  Soft      100 062270
Magor      Magor Car Corporation                SigPress             2000      Kaminski             Good       50 078309
Manf Rlwy  TRRA-Summer 2019 Issue 79            TRRA of St Louis     2019      TRRA                 New        40 117523
Many       Portrait Of The Rails By Don Ball    Unknown                        Don Ball             Fair       15 017812
Many       Rails West (First Ed.)               Superior             1960      Abdill               Mint       35 023986
map, time  Colorado Rail Annual 1990 Issue#18   Author               1990      Co RR Museum         Good       25 085184
maps       Colorado Rail Annual 1983 Issue#17   Author               1987      Co RR Museum         Good       25 085182
maps       Colorado Rail Annual 1987 Issue#17   Author               1987      Co RR Museum         Good       25 085183
maps       CRM #16                              Author               CRMvol16  Co RR Museum         Good       25 085181
Maps       Railroad Maps                        MAC Pub              2018      Mac Pub              Good       20 115615
McCloud RR Pine Across the Mountain             Golden West          MCCloud   R Hanft              Hard       30 121638
McCook Div High Plains Route                    Service Pres         1986      Kistler              Good       15 092406
MEC        Maine Central in Color vol 2         MSB                  MCvol01   Plant                Hard       55 040171
Mex-Ouray  Colorado Rail Annual  #11 - 1973     CRM                  CRMvol11  CRM                  Hard       35 123109
Mich. Tran Deteoit it's Trolleys & Interurbans  Michigan             2018      Henning              Good       15 115544
Midlands R Rails Across the Midlands            Golden West          1964      Cook                 Fair       30 058571
Midwest    American Steam vol. I                Sundance             1987      LeMassena            Good      100 105209
Midwest    The Prairie Trains                   Olmsted              Prairie   R Olmsted            Hard       50 120712
Mikado     America's War Horse 2-8-2            Quadrant                       Lemassena            Soft       10 050797
Military R Railways at War                      Howell North         1980      Westwood             Good       15 062434
Milw Rd in Milwaukee Road West                  Superior             1972      Wood                 Good       35 099495
Milw Road  Milwaukee Electric's                 Author                         Holley               Hard       45 051832
Milw Road  Milwaukee Road Steam Power           Transport History              Tigges               Hard       45 051833
Milwaukee  The Hiawatha Story                   Kalmbach             HS1973    Jim Scribbins        Hard       35 106060
Misc       A Locomotive Engineer'S Album        Superior             1965      Abdil                Mint       25 023026
MKT        Katy Northwest                       Pruett               1976      Hofsommer            Good       50 051483
MKT        MKT in Color                         MSB                  MKT       George               Good       40 032917
Model Rail Model Traction  Handbook             Jones                1975      Mallery              Good       20 085401
Model RR   All-Time Index --Model RR Mags       Wayner               1969      Wayner               Good       20 057926
Model RR   Assortment of 14 Model RR Books      Kalmbach             Set of 12 Misc                 Good       50 083621
Model RR   Index of Model Periodicals 1971-75   Unknown              1977      Cardwell             Good       10 038644
Model RR   Model Railroad Handbook Vols 1,2,3   Chilton              I,II,III  Schleiche            Good       25 042529
Modeling   Mine & Mill Modeling                 Paradise             1996      Griffiths            Good       12 073473
modeling t More on Up Clear Creek               Benchmark            UCCv2     H Brunk              Hard       45 123127
modeling t Up Clear Creek                       Benchmark            UCCv1     H Brunk              Hard       45 123128
Modern Tr  Modern Trains                        Unknown                        Allen                Unkn        5 031265
Moffat Tun Moffat Tunnel Brief History          CRM                  1978      Albi                 Good       10 085515
Moffel Roa The Collected Colorado Rail Annual   CRM                  CRMvol1-7 Jones                Hard       35 117719
Monarch Br Trails amongt the COLUMBINE-V93-4    Sundance             TCol 93-4 McCoy                Hard       20 119515
Monon      Monon Route                          Howell North         1978      Hilton               Good       60 034806
Monon      Monon Route                          Howell North         1978      Hilton               Fair       40 059049
Monon Rte  Monon Route                          Howell North         0000      Hilton               Good       45 095269
Montour    Montour RR                           Silver                         Schaeffer            Hard       45 050768
Motorcars  Short Line Doodlebugs                Interurban Press     Spec #99  Keilty               Sgnd       95 071622
Motorman M How to Become A Succssful MM         Unknown              1908      Aylmer               Soft       75 119259
Mount Lowe Mount Lowe Railway                   Arcadia              2007      Michael Patris       New        20 085851
MR         The Model RR CYCLOPEDIA 1944         Kalmbach             1944      Kalmbach             Hard       15 119509
Mtr Pass.  Train Shed Cyclopedia #67 part5      Gregg                1925      Gregg                Good       10 071933
Museum     Rail Museum and Historic York        Yorkshire Press      1975      White                Good       50 097170
N Amer     Trains We Rode I+II                  Promontory           1990      Beebe                Good       40 051602
N Chicago  Early Bulletin #1-19                 Central Electric     CRT       Bulletin #1-19       Hard       25 098437
N&W        N&W Rlwys Magnificent Mallets        TLC                  2018      Warden               Good       20 115595
N&W        USRA 2-8-8-2 Series                  NJI                  0000      Dressler             Fair       15 058669
N&W/Virgin N&W + Virginian in Color             TLC                  1994      Lewis                Good       25 058772
N. Amer    Hear The Train Blow                  Grosset              1952      Beebe                Good       40 051474
N. Amer    Portrait of the Rails - Steam to Die Galahad              1971      Ball                 Fair       30 040539
N. Amer    Trains We Rode Vol II                Howell North         1966      Beebe                Good       60 041921
N. Amer.   America's Colorful Railroads         Bonanza              1980      Ball                 Fair       25 059047
N. Amer.   Story of American Railroads          Crown                1947      Holbrook             Good       10 048938
N. America Hear the Train Blow                  Dutton               1952      Beebe                Fair       45 084956
N.Amer     American RR Journal Vol 2 1967-68    Golden West          1968      White                Good       25 038591
N.Amer     American Shortline Ry Guide          Kalmbach             01039     Lewis                Fair       10 054323
N.Amer     America's Colorful RR's              Reed                  .        Ball                 Good       45 054240
N.Amer     America'S Rr'S -- The 2nd Generation Norton               1980      Ball                 Good       40 030761
N.Amer     Famous American Trains               Grosset              1934      Reynolds             Good       35 032907
N.Amer     Great Trains Of North America        Crescent                       Whitehous            Unkn       10 031077
N.Amer     Hear that Lonesome Whistle Blow      Holt                 1977      Brown                Good       15 034734
N.Amer     Hear the Train Blow                  Grosset              1952      Beebe                Good       50 037179
N.Amer     Highball--A Pageant of Trains        Bonanza              1945      Beebe                Good       15 053658
N.Amer     Highball--A Railroad Album           Bonanza              1950      Beebe                Good       15 053657
N.Amer     North American Rys                   Bison                1977      Hollingsworth        Good       15 053650
N.Amer     Portrait of Rails-From Steam to Dies NYGS                 1972      Ball                 Poor       15 036116
N.Amer     Railroads Triumphant                 Oxford               1992      Martin               Good       15 053653
N.Amer     Story of American Railroads          Unknown                        Holbrock             Good       15 032358
N.Amer     Story Of American Railroads          Bonanza              1957      Holbrook             Good       15 025861
N.Amer     Story of American RR's               Crown                1947      Holbrook             NoJK       10 054368
NAmerican  Encyclopedia of N Amaerican RR       Chartwell            01936     klein                Good       20 121914
NAmerican  Encyclopedia of N American RR        Chartwell            01936     klein                Good       20 121915
Napa       Napa Valley Route                    Interurban Press     NVroute   Swett                Hard       75 115362
Narrow Gau Colorado Rail Annual #9              CRM                  1971      Hauck                Good       25 109743
Narrow gau Narrow Gauge Pictorial Vol 4         Robb                 1985      Grandt               Good       30 085482
Narrow Gau Narrow Gauge Railway Scenes          Canadian Caboose Pre 1992      Wolf                 Good       25 109730
Narrow Gau NG to Central and Silver Plume #10   CRM                  1972      Hauck                Good       30 109742
Narrow Gau Colorado Rail Annual  #21 - 1994     CRM                  CRMvol21  CRM                  Hard       50 123119
Narrow gau American Narrow Gauge Railroads      Stanford             804717311 Hilton               Mint       40 119032
Nat'l Park Trains of Discovery                  Roberts              NP-West   A Runte              Soft       20 120684
NCarolina  Crossties Through Carolina           Helios               1969      Gilbert              Good       40 034839
NE-USA     American Steam,vol 2-signed          Sundance             AStm vol2 LeMassena            Hard       50 117581
Nevada     Eastern Nevada RR's - WRRr #211-E    Western              211-E     Guido                Good       10 046883
Nevada     Railroads of Nevada, vol2            Howell North         RRNevV1   Myrick               Hard       45 116974
NevRR      Railroads of Nevada vol1             Uni Nv               Nev vol2  D Myrick             Hard       40 121653
NevRR      Railroads of Nevada vol2             Howell North         Nev vol2  D Myrick             Hard       45 121652
New York C History of the NYC RR System         Bonanza              84-28537  Klein                Hard       15 123864
NG         American Narrow Gauge                Golden West          1978      Krause               Good       50 034701
NG         American Narrow Gauge                Golden West          1978      Krause               Good       50 095867
NG         Narrow Gauge in the Rockies          Howell North         1958      Beebe                Fair       25 063888
NG         Narrow Gauge in the Rockies          Howell North         1970      Beebe                Good       30 073619
NG         Narrow Gauge Silverton Train 45 ...  Author               1970      Aiken                Good       10 085514
NG         Narrow Gauge..then and now           Self Published       NGT&N     huxtable             Soft       20 115393
NG         NG Memories 1969                     Author               1970      SColo. NG Memories   Good       20 065309
NG         Trails among the Columbine           Sundance             1988      Sundance             Good       45 109580
NG-USA     American Narrow Gauge                Golden West          USA-NG    J Krause             Hard       35 121646
NG-USA     American Narrow Gauge                Golden West          USA-NG    J Krause             Hard       35 121645
NJ Transit NJ Transit                           RailPace             1996      Gallo                Good       25 087719
NKP        Nickel Plate Road                    Kalmbach             1978      Rehor                Good       75 039060
No Amer    America's Colorful Railroads (signed Reed                 1978(1st  Ball                 Sgnd       75 049153
No. CA. RR Northern California Railroads        Sundance             1982      Matthews             Good       45 114103
NoCal      NoCal Railroads vol 2                Sundance             NoCal vol Matthews             Hard       50 117583
North Amer Articulated Steam Locomotives vol.1  Sundance             1979      LeMassena            Good      100 105210
North Amer Articulated Steam Locomotives vol.II Sundance             1991      LeMassena            Good      100 105211
Northwest  Union  Pacific Steam                 EG Pub               1949      Ehernberger          Poor       40 087667
NP         LINES WEST                           Bonanza              NP-LW     Wood                 Hard       10 117664
NPC RR     Narrow Gauge to the Redwoods         Trans Anglo Books    66-29756  Dickinson            Hard       30 122637
NS         Norfolk Southern 1982-94 Motive Pwr  Withers              1995      Withers              Good       30 029240
NS         Norfolk Southern 2000                Withers              2000      Withers              Good       15 051346
NWP        Albion Branch (of the NWP) WRRr #264 Western              264       Borden               Good       15 046881
NY Lines   NYC Early Power 1831-1916            Staufer              2018      Staufer              Good       40 115571
NYC        Along the right of way -NYC          Author               1964      Fogg                 Good       25 095252
NYC        Locos of the New York Centrla Lines  Author               1966      May                  Good       30 058149
NYC        New York Subway (1904 repr)          Author               1904(rep  Arno                 Good       45 051275
NYC        New York Transit Memories            Quadrant             1997      Smith                Good       20 051753
NYC        Thoroughbreds                        Staufer              1974      Staufer              Good       45 112859
NYC  Diese Memories of NYC Diesels              Carleton             1983      Carleton             Good       45 087265
NYC  Power New York Central Later Power         Author               1981      Staufer              Good       90 087267
NYC Locomo NYC Diesel Locomotives               TLC                  89166     Edson/Smith          Good       55 121902
NYC Passen NYC's Great Steel Fleet 1948-1967    TLC                  95-61342  Doughty              Hard       40 123872
NYC Pictor NYC Canadian Streamliners            Douglas Smith        used      D. Smith             asis       10 113526
NYC, B&O,  Illus. History of the American RR    Bonanza              69521     Jacobs               Good       80 122002
NYC, B&O,  Illus. History of the American RR    Bonanza              69521     Jacobs               Good       80 122003
NYNH&H     New Have RR - Fond Look Back         Pershing             1978      Pavlucik             Good       15 051348
NYO&W      Final Years, New York, Ontario & W   Carstens             1977      Crist                Good       10 042314
Ocean Shor Last Whistle                         Howell North         1974      Wagner               Fair       30 058556
Ohio       N,O,T&L Story                        CERA                 109       Blower               Good       55 058121
Oregon     Railroads Down The Valleys (Oregon)  Pacific              1950      Mills                Sgnd       85 028408
Oregon RR  Steam Towards the Sunset             Lincoln County       43002     Palmer               Good       15 122251
Oregon RR  Stations West                        Crown                243431    Culp                 Good       10 122876
Otto Perry OTTO PERRY Master RR Photg           CRM                  OP        Jones                Hard       35 117722
Overland L The OVERLAND Limited                 Howell North         OL        Beebe                Hard       35 117744
P&LE's     P&LE's MIKADOS                       Kahndog Pub          2018      Polaritz             Good       35 115055
Pac NW     Main Streets of Northwest            TAB                  1989      Repp                 Good       60 050031
Pacific Co Ships & Narrow Gauge Rails           Howell North         PCC       Best                 Hard       20 098564
Pacific El Cars of the Pacific Electric Vol 1   Interurban Press     Spec 28   Swett                1 ED       50 078510
Pacific El Life and times of the PE             Orange Empire        1001      Garcia               Good       10 121979
Pacific No Rails to the Pacific Northwest       Author               1964      Lind                 Fair       50 056890
PacNW      Rails to the Pacific Northwest       Lind                 1964      Lind                 Good       75 053466
Pageant of Hightball                            Bonanza              1945      Beebe                Fair       20 109641
Paintings  Great Railroad Paintings             Peacock              1971      Goldsborough         Good       20 109891
Pass       More Classic Trains                  Howell North         Pass 2    Dubin                Hard       60 115860
Pass       NIGHT TRAINS                         Lamke Press          Nightrn   Maiken               Hard       75 115863
Pass       Night Trains                         Lamke Press          NightT    Maiken               Hard       60 116771
Pass       Some Classic Trains                  Howell North         Pass 1    Dubin                Hard       60 115859
Pass       The STREAMLINE Era                   Golden West          SF Pass   Reed                 Hard       45 117694
Pass       Trains we Rode                       Howell North         TWR-vol2  Beebe                Hard       45 115862
Pass Cars  Car Bldr's Dictionary-1879           Unknown              1879      unknown              Hard       50 090170
Pass. Cars ILL.Treasury of Pulmn Stndard vol.1  Delta                1981      Kerr                 Good       40 079219
Pass. Cars Train Shed Cyclopedia #8             Gregg                1931      Gregg                Good       10 071879
Pass. Trai Trains We Rode                       Howell North         BC1       Beebe & Clegg        Fair       40 118882
Pass.Postl Train Shed Cyclopedia #65 part4      Gregg                1925      Gregg                Good       10 071931
Passenger  Railroad Passenger Car (The)         Johns Hopkins        1957      Mencken              Good       25 030791
Passenger  Trains We Rode Vol 1                 Howell North                   Beebe                Good       50 035491
Passenger  Narrow Gauge Pictorial Vol II        Grandt               90318     Grandt               Good       30 123552
Passenger  Chicago's Passenger Trains           McMillan             1982      Olmsted              Good       45 112857
Passenger  Colorado Rail Annual  #19 - 1991     CRM                  CRMvol19  CRM                  Hard       50 123117
PCC        PCC - The car that fought back       Interurban Press     1980      Carlson              Fair       50 058405
PE         Cars of Pacific Electric vol III     Interurban Press     37        Swett                Soft       75 050742
PE         Glendale & Montrose                  Pacific              1966      Moreau               Mint       55 058200
PE         Life and Times of the PE             OERM                 1985      OERM                 Good       10 097110
PE         Los Angeles Pacific                  Interurban Press     Spec #18  Swett                Mint       50 058677
PE         Los Angeles Pacuific Album           Interurban Press     Spec #40  Swett                Good       50 071558
PE         Mt. Lowe Pictorial                   Pacific              1964      Moreau               Mint       40 058199
PE         PE in Transition 1911                Interurban Press     Spec 30   Swett, Ira           Good       30 085103
PE         Ride the Big Red Cars                Trans Anglo Books    RidePE    Crump                Hard       50 124203
PE         So. Cal and the Pacific Electric     Author               1980      Howard               Good       30 073158
PE         Trolley Days in PASADENA             Trans Anglo Books    PE Pasa   seims                Hard       50 124204
PE Album   Henry Huntington and the PE          TAB                  1978      Crump                Good       30 109540
PE History Cars of the Pacific Electric 28      Interurban Press     2024      Swett                Good       20 122934
PE History Cars of the Pacific Electric Vol II  Interurban Press     2024      Swett                Good       20 122933
PE History Interurban Special 38                Interurbans Publicat 2024      Swett                Good       20 122938
PE Operati PE, operation of Pass & Frt Eqipmt   PERY                 1917      B. Dixon             Good       50 104855
PE Pictori Ride The Big Red Cars                TAB                  Used      Crump                asis       25 113540
PE Pictori Ride The Big Red Cars                TAB                  Used      Crump                asis       25 113541
Penn Diese Penn Diesel Years  vol. 5            MSB                  1993      Yanosey              Good       50 087261
Pennsy     Pennsylvania Railroad 1940's-50's    Elm Tree             1986      Ball                 Good       50 042374
Pennsylvan Muncy Valley Lifeline  (PA)          Taber                1972      Taber                Good       40 055939
Pennsylvan Scenes Along Rails Vol 1 Anthracite  Depot Square         1996      Hudson               Good       30 052187
Pennsyvani Pennsy Steam & Semaphores            Bonanza              81-18178  Westing              Hard       20 123871
PFE        PFE Refrig cars #1                   Apache Press         1978      Da Costa             Good       10 056643
PFM        PFM 25 Yrs of fine Models            PFM Books            1979      Kohl                 Mint       45 089938
Phenomenon Port Los Angeles                     Golden West          1975      Marquez              Fair       35 109583
Philadelph Pig & Whistle                        CERA                 Bulletin  DeGraw               Good       45 096832
Photo By C American Steam                       Sundance             1987      LeMessena            Sgnd       75 099501
Photo By C American Steam                       Sundance             1987      LeMessena            Sgnd       75 099502
Photo By C American Steam                       Sundance             1987      LeMessena            Sgnd       75 099503
Photo By C American Steam                       Sundance             1987      LeMessena            Sgnd       75 099504
Photo Surv Pict Encycl of Railways              Hamlyn               1974      Ellis                Good       10 088904
Photog     Ed Nowak's New York Central          Interurban Press     2005      Nowak                Good       20 072019
Photograph Traveling the Pennsylvania RR        Uni  Penn            2002      Van Horne            Good       35 109535
Photo's    Catalogue of Otto Perry RR Photo's   Denver               1977      Zeil                 Good       25 109766
Photo's    Catalogue of Otto Perry RR Photo's 2 Denver               1980      Zeil                 Good       25 109767
Pict Histo Lines West                           Bonanza              2018      Wood                 Good       10 115235
Pictorial  American Locomotives 1900-1950       Bonanza              1950      Alexander            Good       25 109764
Pioneer Am Eric Saloane America w/cover         Promontory           2018      Sloane               Good       25 115550
Poctcards  Railroads vol. Upstate NY            Vestal               2018      Palmer               Fair       15 115536
PR RR      Hist of the Pennsylvania RR          Smithmar             HPRR      Jacobs               Hard       20 098498
Private Ra Mansions on Rails                    Howell North         1959      Beebe                Good       75 055976
PRR        50 Best of PRR- Books 1,2&3          Roberts              1977.78   Davis,etc            Good       90 038885
PRR        NY region Time Table No. 11          PRR                            PRR                  Soft        5 037975
PRR        Pennsy Power III                     Staufer              1968      Staufer              Good       35 101535
PRR        Pennsy Power ll                      Lib Con              2019      Staufer              Good       20 116330
PRR        PRR 1847 Annual Report BoD (Original PRR                  1847      PRR                  Xlnt      100 049067
PRR        PRR Diesel Pict Vol 3 - EMD Switch   Withers              1996      Hahn                 Good       15 058170
PRR        PRR Diesel Pictorial Vol 1-AlcoRS    Withers              1995      Hahn                 Good       15 058168
PRR        PRR Historical & Descriptive 1875    PRR                  1875      PRR                  Xlnt       95 049069
PRR        PRR Pass.and Frght car Diagrams      Wayner               1981      Wayner               Good       35 095270
PRR        PRR Steel OPen Hopper Cars           Highland Station     2000      Teichmoeller         Good       23 078307
PRR        Remarkable GG-1                      Quadrant             Review #  Zimmerman            Good       15 051741
PRR Histor On The Mainline                      Potter               69606     Alexander            Good       20 121973
PRS        By Rail to the Boardwalk             TAB                  1986      Gladulich            Good       60 058216
Ptj Ann87  Passenger Train Annual 1987          PTJ                  1987      PTJ                  Mint       20 024592
Pullman    Night Trains                         Lamke Press          Pullman   Maiken               Hard       50 117655
Pullman Sy Night Trains                         Hopkins              1989      Maiken               Good       45 095234
Pull-Std   Offi'l P-S Library, vol 6-SP postwar RPC                  PSvol6    Randall              Hard      100 115852
PV-Lake Ci Colorado Rail Annual  #14 - 1979     CRM                  CRMvol14  CRM                  Hard       35 123112
RA #72     Railwayn Age Volume 72               Unknown                        RA                   Good       20 043087
Rail cars  Short Line Doodlebug                 Interurban Press     spec #99  Keilty               Good       90 073649
Rail to Bo By Rail to the Boardwalk             TAB                  2018      Gladulich            Good       35 115447
Railroad A Train Wrecks                         Schiffer             51995     Reed                 Soft       15 123877
Railroad P Life Along the Line                  Abrams               54000     Link                 Hard       35 123878
Railroad P Highball (A Pagent of Trains)        Bonanza              82-12975  Beebe                Hard       15 123861
Railroad P Growing Up with Trains               Interurban Press     2014      Sims                 Fair       25 109212
Railroad P Trains in Transition                 Hawthorn Books       75-42838  Beebe                Soft       15 121385
Railroadin Railroading the Modern Way           Coward               RTMW1951  Farrington           Poor       10 122082
Railroads  Focus: The Railroad in Transition    Barnes               1971      Carper               Fair       15 040538
Railroads  RR the Great American Adventre       Nat'l Geo Pub        2018      Ogburn               Good        5 115811
Railway Co The Lore of the Train                Madison Square Press 1971      Ellis                Good       30 109889
Railway to Jungfrau Express                     Jungfrau             2018      Gurtner              Good       15 115545
Randsburg  A Road to Riches                     Omni                 Ransbg    P Serpico            Hard       45 121657
Randsburg  A Road to Riches                     Omni                 80123     Serpico              Good       30 121901
Rapid Tran Chicago's Rapid Trans Vol. I&II      Gregg                1973      Cent. Railfans Asso  Good      100 087637
Rapid Tran Illustrated Rail Rapid Transit       Delta                1980      Kerr                 Good       30 087427
Rayonier   Rayonier                             Darwin               1982      Spencer              Good       30 080534
Rding Diff Railroading Coast to Coast           Bonanza              1976      Farrington Jr.       Good       20 097163
Reading RR Memories of Reading Co. Power        D. Carleton Rail Boo 1985      Carleton             Good       45 087437
Regs       Consolidate Code of Operating Rules  Unknown              1959      MStP&StM             Good       40 034883
review #5  Twilight On The Narrow Gauge         Quadrant             1976      Kramer               Good       15 094000
RGS        Colorado Rail Annual-#9              CRM                  CRMvol9   CRM                  Soft       20 116978
RGS        CRM Annual #9                        CRM                  CRMvol09  Hauck                Fair       15 057562
RGS        Silver San Juan-signed #119          Pruett               1973 D    M H Ferrell          Mint      225 121623
RGS        The SOUTHERN a Narrow Gauge Odessey  RD Pub               RGS-O     Dorman               Hard       50 117752
RGS D&RGW  Narrow Gauge Pict'l, vol 1           Robb                 RGS-D&RGW R Grandt             Soft       25 123169
RGS Geese  Colorado Rail Annual  1971           CRM                  CRMvol09  CRM                  Hard       25 123107
RGS Rico-D Narrow Gauge Pict'l, vol 9           Robb                 NGPv09    R Grandt             Soft       25 123166
RGS Story  Over the Bridges-Ophir to Rico       Sundance             RGSvol4   Coleman              Hard      100 119989
RGS Story  Over the Bridges-Vance to Ophir      Sundance             RGSvol3   Coleman              Hard      150 119988
RGS Story  Rico and the Mines                   Sundance             RGSvol5   Coleman              Hard       75 119990
RGS-Geese  Col Rail Annual- #9                  CRM                  CRMvol09  CRM                  Hard       25 120825
RGZ        Never on Wednesday                   PTJ                  RGC-1980  R Loveman            Hard       35 120803
RICO & the The R.G.S. Story, vol 05             Sundance             RGSv05    Coleman              Hard       45 123131
Rio Grande Rio Grande ... to the Pacific        Sundance             1974      LeMassena            Good       75 094363
Rio Grande Rio Grande to the Pacific            Sundance             1974      LaMassena            Good       50 097160
Rio Grande Rules & Instructions                 Author               1977      D&GRW                Good       25 085229
Rio Grande Silver San Juan the RGS              Pruett               2019      Hope                 Good      100 117081
Rlwy & Loc More Classic Trains                  Kalmbach             1974      Dubin                Good       45 109571
RM 1963-19 The Collected CR Annual 1-7          CRM                  CRMvol01- Chappell             Soft       25 123106
Rockies    COLORADO's Highest                   Sundance             Rock-1977 G Crouter            Hard       30 120798
Rockies    Overland To The Rockies              Fox                            Fox W                Good       20 026678
RR         Great American Railroads             Metro Books          2006      Swift                Hard       30 116999
RR         HIGHBALL                             Bonanza              HB        Beebe                Hard       10 119523
RR         OTTO PERRY - Master RR Photographer  CRM                  1982      Albi                 Hard       35 117003
RR         Otto Perry - Master RR Photographer  CSRM                 O Perry   Albi                 Hard       50 119508
RR         The Railroad Scene                   Golden West          TRS       Middleton            Hard       20 124434
RR         Twilight of the Stean Engines        Grosset              HB        Ziel                 Hard       10 119524
RR Adverti CLassic Railroad Advertising         Krause Publications  RR Adv    Tad Burness          Hard       35 120671
RR Bridges Buauty of Rilroad Bridges            Golden West          2018      Cook                 Good       40 115565
RR Changin The Iron Horse                       Walker               2018      Walker               Good       20 115607
RR E Michi When Eastern Michigan Rode the Rails Interurban Press     MRR       Jackson              Hard       25 098543
RR History Col Rail Annual # 11                 CRM                  CRMvol11  CRM                  Hard       45 117729
RR in Film The Movie Railroads                  Darwin               MovieRR   Jensen               Hard       60 124209
RR in the  Colorado Rail Annual  #18 - 1990     CRM                  CRMvol18  CRM                  Hard       35 123116
RR of So.  Sierra Railway                       Howell North         1960      Deane                Good       35 073467
RR of Yest Western Pacific                      Superior             1978      Denevi               Fair       25 057441
RR Photogr The Train Watchers Guide             Kalmbach             24061     Drury                Good       10 121974
RR Photogr Trains                               Abrams               44812     Outerbridge          Good       35 121912
RR Photogr Wheels Rolling West                  Westrail Publication 246614    Styfee & Benson      Good       10 122943
RR Photo's Growing up with Train                Interurban Press     1982      Sims                 Good       40 097080
RRing Rock RRing the Rockies a half century ago CRM                  1990      Jones                Good       35 109734
RR's -Lead Silver Rails -TheRR's of Leadville,  Sierra Grande Press  Leadville C James              Hard       45 123152
Rules of O CB&Q Rule Book                       Author               0000      CB&Q                 Fair       25 092419
S. Shore & Chicago South Shore &South Bend      Bonanza              1985       Bulletin #124       Good       35 099499
SacNrn RR  Sacramento Northern                  SigPress             SN        Demoro               Hard       60 114145
Sacramento Interurbans Special 32               Interurbans Publicat 1963      Swett                Good       15 122946
Saga of St Alocmotive Engineer's Album          Bonanza              1980      Abdill               Good       25 109768
San Fran   Earth Shook, Sky Burned('06 Quake)   DoubleDa                       Bronson              Good       30 022130
San Juan   Requiem for the Narrow Gauge         CRM                  RNG       Grensrd              Hard       35 117723
Santa Fe   ATSF Annual Reports 8 misc.incl 1897 ATSF                           ATSF                 Fair      100 034619
Santa Fe   Santa Fe 1940-1971 in Color Vol 1    MSB                  1992      Stagner              Good       50 087790
Santa Fe   Santa Fe Intermntn West              CRM                  CRMvol23  Forrest              Mint       35 051758
Santa Fe S Iron Horse of the Santa Fe           SRHS                 SFS       Worley               Hard       65 098432
SD-40      GM's Phenomenal SD-40                Delta                SD40-1980 J Kerr               Soft       25 120836
Seaboard   Seaboard Air Lne Railway             Prince                         Prince               Hard      150 050359
Seaboard   Seaboard RR color guide              MSB                  SRRcolor  Faulk                Good       45 058720
SF         Cumulative Index                     SFRHMS               2003      Hiser                Good       45 112866
SF         Greenberg's Gde to AF Prewar O Gauge Greenberg            AFpw0     Kimball              Hard       30 117795
SF         Rates,Rules & working conditions     ATSF                           yardmen              Soft        5 037976
SF         Route of the Warbonnets              McMillan             RofTWB    J Mcmillan           Hard       50 120720
SF         Santa fe Motive Power                McMillan             SFMP      J Mcmillan           Hard       50 120721
SF         Santa Fe Trails, vol 2               Olmsted              SFvol2    R Olmsted            Hard       50 120714
SF         Santa Fe's Diesel Fleet              Chatham              SF Diesel J Mcmillan           Soft       40 120717
SF         Santa Fe's Diesel Fleet              Chatham              SF Diesel J Mcmillan           Soft       40 120718
SF         SF Diesel painting Guide             SFRHMS               SF Diesel none                 Soft       70 120705
SF         SF Diesels & Cars                    Wayner               SFD       Wayner               Good       25 113886
SF         SF in color 140-1971 vol. 3          Golden West          SFvol3    Stagner              Good       50 113857
SF         SF RR vol. 1                         Golden West          1995      Duke                 Mint       55 089936
SF         Super Chief ...Train of the Stars    Golden West          1980      Repp                 Good       45 097232
SF         Warbonnets and Bluebonnets           McMillan             WB&BB     J Mcmillan           Hard       50 120724
SF         Wheat Lines and Super Freights       McMillan             WL&SF     J Mcmillan           Hard       50 120722
SF Cable C Cable Car Days in San Francisco      Stanford             SFC       Kahn                 Hard       25 098450
SF Cal     Steel Rails through California       Golden West          SF cal    Duke                 Hard       40 124433
SF cal     The Santa Fe's Big Three             McKay                SFBT      Farrington           Hard       70 124435
SF Coast   The Surfliners                       TAB                  SF Surf   Stephenson           Soft       45 117670
SF Depots  SF Depots- The EASTERN Lines         SFRHMS               SF Depot  R Walz               Hard       45 120691
SF Hoppers SF Hoppers, 1959 to 1995             SFRHMS               SF Hopper C Sllater            Soft       45 120700
SF Observa SF Streamlined Observation Cars      TLC                  2004      Boyle                Mint       21 071834
SF Rails   Rails to San Francisco               Quadrant             SF bay    H Demoro             Soft       30 120673
SF Standar SF System Standards, Vol 1- 4        Kachina              SF Std    none                 Mint      200 120709
SF steam   Iron Horses of the Santa Fe Trail    SRHS                 SF loc    Worley               Hard      100 124432
SF TT      G,C&SF Rwy-TT Vol 3-Gulf Lines       SFRHMS               SF TT Gul none                 Soft       35 120692
SF TT      SF TT - Employee 1928                SFRHMS               SFTT 1928 none                 Soft       35 120701
SF TT      SF West Lines-TT Vol 1- Western Lns  SFRHMS               SF TT Eas none                 Soft       35 120695
SF#5000    The MADAME QUEEN - ATSF 5000         PRRP Ltd             ATSF5000  Sam Teague           Hard       60 120670
Shaughness The Call of Trains                   Norton               2008      Shaughnessy          Hard       45 116997
SLC-Greele Colorado Rail Annual  #32 - 2017     CRM                  CRMvol32  CRM                  Hard       45 123125
Slim Gauge Slim Gauge News Vol 3 #1-4 Bound     Slim Gauge News      1973      Many                 Hard       50 059435
SL-west    SL's of the InterMountain West       4-Ways               SL West   J Shaw               Hard       45 121661
Smke Boxs& Train Shed Cyclopedia #74 part3      Gregg                1978      Gregg                Good       10 071942
South      Classic Steam Trains of the South    TLC                  2000      Tillotson            Hard       35 116982
South Afri The Great Steam Trek                 Mayflowe             SFRR      Jorgensen            Hard       15 098430
Southeast  Smoke Trails in Rebel Land           Stowe                1960's    Stowe                Good       25 034864
Southern P SP review 1978-79                    PCLH&S               1979      Strapac              Good       50 087477
SP         4300 4-8-2's SP Mt Class Loco's      CVP                  1980      Church               Good       40 097092
SP         4300 4-8-2's the SP MT Class Loco    Church                         Church               Good       75 035469
SP         America's Bicentennial Queen         Shade Tree           1975      Wright               Fair       15 059517
SP         America's Bicentennial Queen 4449    Wright               1975      Wright               Good       10 096952
SP         Beaumont Hill                        Golden West          SPB       Signor               Good       50 113866
SP         Diagrams Common Std Pass Trains      SPH&TS               1996      SPH&TS               Good        5 050331
SP         Diesels of SPVol I Alco PA's         Chatham              1975      Cortani              Good       40 051761
SP         Historic cars of theSouthern Pacific Wayner                         Wayner               Soft       40 037950
SP         History of Sunset Ry (SP)            Kern County          1994      Bergman              Good       40 058032
SP         Pull-Std Library Vol 8 -- Rock Islan SP                   P-S Lib 8 SPCO                 Fair       50 078530
SP         Southern Pacific Review 1978-79      Shade Tree           1979      Strapac              Good       50 078844
SP         SP Bulletin #94 (Full steam roster)  R&LHS                94        Best                 Good       75 075791
SP         SP Daylight , Train98-99 , vol. 1    Wright               1970      Wright               Fair       90 057444
SP         SP Historic Diesels vol.6            Shade Tree           1999      Strapac              Good       25 058394
SP         SP Into The 90's (Soft)              4-Ways               SP90      Shine                Fair       20 019774
SP         SP Steam Switchers                   Benchmark            2014      Deimling             Good       40 109221
SP         SP Today                             Pacific                        Stephenso            Soft       20 037947
SP         SP,DRGW SSW Into the 90's            4-Ways               SPdrg     Shine                Good       30 039765
SP         SPH&TS List of Books on SP           SPH&TS               1995      SPH&TS               Good        7 050327
SP         SPT&NO Common Std Diagrams           SPH&TS               1948      SP                   Good       30 067725
SP         Steam over Donner                    Monte Vista          2007      Still                Hard       40 117000
SP         Steam over Donner                    Monte Vista          2007      Still                Hard       40 117001
SP Dayligh SP DAYLIGHT, vol 1 - 1st Ed          MHP                  SPDL      Wright               Hard      100 119808
SP Dayligh SP DAYLIGHT, vol 1 4th print         Wright               SP D/L    Wright               Hard      150 117684
SP GS Hist Those Daylight 4-8-4's               Kratville            2024      Church               Good       60 122871
SP motive  SP Review 1980                       R&LHS                SPR1980   Strapac              Soft       35 124198
SP motive  SP Review 1981                       R&LHS                SPR1981   Strapac              Soft       35 124197
SP motive  SP Review 1983-85                    PCLH&S               SPR1985   Strapac              Soft       35 124196
SP Mtn     DONNER PASS                          Golden West          Donner    Signor               Hard       60 115864
SP Power   SP Motive Power Annual, 1966-67      Chatham              SPMPA-196 Chatham              Soft       25 120840
SP&S       North Bank Road                      Washington State U P SPS       Gaertner             Soft       20 098545
SPCRR      South Pacific Coast                  Pruett               SPCRR     B MacGreagor         Hard       50 121636
Spirit of  The Pathfinder                       TimeLife             1980      Nevin                Good       15 109736
SP-LA      SP's COASTLINE                       SigPress             SPcl      Signor               Hard       50 124200
SPNG       Slim Rails in the Sand               TAB                  SPNG-1985 G Turner             Soft       35 120839
SPNG       SPNG "Slim Princess in the Sunset"   SPH&TS               SPNG-     JD Morris            Hard       50 123156
Spring 198 Railroad History #146                R&LHS                2018      R&L HS               Good       15 115547
SP's 4-10- 4-10-2 Three Barrels of Steam        Glenwood             73-77544  Boynton              Hard       60 122639
SP-SF Teha SP-SF TEHACTAPI                      Golden West          SPSFT     Signor               Hard       70 124201
St. Louis  St. Louis Car Company                Howell North         1978      Young                Good       50 087425
St.Louis S St.Louis Union Station               Author               1987      Wayman               Good       12 085126
Steam      Am.Ry Master Mechanics Assoc (1915)  American             1915      Master Mech          Poor       40 055962
Steam      Amer.Locomotives 1871-1881 (11X16)   Unknown              850/1000  El Camino            Good      100 034790
Steam      American Locomotives 1900-1950       Bonanza              1950      Alexander            Poor       20 023239
Steam      American Locomotives By Alexander    Alexande             R                              Good       30 015532
Steam      Classic North American Steam By Huxt Steamscenes                    Huxtable             Mint       39 018412
Steam      Colorful World of Steam              Octopus                        Westwood             Good       10 033864
Steam      Famous Steam Locomotives             Author               1974      Cook                 Good       20 054362
Steam      Farewell To Steam                    Greene               1966      Plowdon              Good       20 051477
Steam      Farewell to Steam (Not just Trains!) Greene               1966      Plowden              Good       30 034754
Steam      Georgian Locomotive                  Weatherv                       Bryant               Good       25 033878
Steam      Golden age of Steam                  Smithmar             1996      Server               Good       10 095228
Steam      HIGHBALL  a Pageant of Trains        Bonanza              HB        Beebe                Hard       10 117748
Steam      Highball -- A Pageant of Trains      Appleton             1945      Beebe                Good       40 034115
Steam      Iron Horses                          Courage              2001      Del Vecchio          Fair       25 060870
Steam      Kinsey Locomotive Portraits          Chronicle            1984      Replinger            Good       25 057953
Steam      Last of Steam                        Howell North         1960      Collias              Good       25 033684
Steam      Last of Steam                        Howell North         1960      Collias              Good       45 034114
Steam      Loco Quarterly Vol 5#1,2,3           Loco Quarterly       Vol5#1,2  n/a                  Good       15 051361
Steam      Locomotive  Quarterly #1             Loco Quarterly       LQ #1     Loco Q               Soft        5 117639
Steam      MIXED TRAIN Daily                    Howell North         MTD       Beebe                Hard       40 117749
Steam      Riding the Limited' Locomotives      Superior             RtLL      McCall               Hard       30 117710
Steam      Roper's Handbook of the Loco (1880)  Unknown              1880      Roper                Mint       45 034136
Steam      Steam, Steel & Stars                 Abrams               1984      Link                 Hard       75 116994
Steam      The AGE of STEAM                     Howell North         AofS      Beebe                Hard       45 117747
Steam      Western Steam Spectacular            Shade Tree           WS        Strapac              Fair       25 113832
Steam      Yankees Under Steam (Not Just RR's)  Unknown              1970      Stevens              Good       25 034813
Steam and  C&NW Power                           Superior             1972      Dorin                Good       25 092408
Steam Engi Locomotive Engineer's Album          Bonanza              1965      George B. Abdill     Good       30 055468
Steam engi Roper's HBk of Land & Marine-1874    Unknown              1874      Roper's              Hard       50 090169
Steam hist Notable Locomotives of 1906          Loco Workshop        1001      Lorenzen             Good       10 121978
Steam Loc  Railroad - Culture                   Random House         Amer Stm  McPhreson            Hard        5 117625
Steam Loco Loco Quarterly Vol  XVI [2]          Loco Quarterly       vol 16    n/a                  Soft       10 050756
Steam Loco Loco Quarterly Vol XXI [3]           Loco Quarterly       vol 21    n/a                  Soft       15 050752
Steam Loco Train Shed Cyclopedia                Gregg                1973      31Car Builder        Good       10 087494
Steam Loco Train Shed Cyclopedia #2             Gregg                1972      1930 Loco Cycl       Good       10 087491
Steam Loco North American                       TLC                  2005      Davies               Good       40 097704
Steam Loco A Locomotive Engineers Album         Bonanza              1295      Abdil                Poor       15 122956
Steam Loco Georgia RR and West Point Route      Author               2014      Richard E. Prince    Good       15 108970
Steam Loco High Iron                            Bonanza              used      Lucius Beebe         asis       10 113505
Steam Loco Highball                             Bonanza              used      Lucius Beebe         asis       10 113506
Steam Loco Treasury of Baldwin Locos            DPA-LTA              1983      Kerr                 Good       40 087314
Steam Loco Superpower                           Godine               1987      Weitzman             Good       25 073614
Steam Loco Age of Steam                         Howell North         0000      Beebe                Good       45 096950
Steam Loco How a Steam Locomotive Works         TLC                  2013      Parker               Good       30 107381
Steam Loco Train Shed Cyclopedia  #53           Gregg                1919      Gregg                Good       10 071922
Steam Loc' Roper's Handbook of Loc's-1874       Unknown              1874      Roper's              Hard       50 090168
Steam Loc' The Iron Horse                       Galahad              200 ill   Comstock             Hard       15 112326
Steam Nort American Steam vol.II                Sundance             1989      LeMassena            Good      100 105208
Steam RR H The Grant Locomotive Works           Pruett               80494     Ferrell              Good       30 121985
Steam Smok Smoke across the Praire              NRPC                 1964      Wagner Jr.           Good       50 097130
Steam to D Portrait of the Rails                NYGS                           Ball                 Hard       35 060347
Steam,Dies B&O Power                            Staufer              1829      Sagle                Good       60 096967
Steam/Dies Erie Power 1840-1970                 Staufer              1970      Westing              Good       75 087576
Steam/Dies C&O Power 1900-1965                  Staufer              1965      Shuster              Good       60 087580
SteamShip  Old Bay Line (Baltimore Steam Ships) Bonanza                        Brown                Mint       15 036375
Steamship  The Island Queen                     Univ. of Akron       36348     White                Good       20 121982
Stem & Die C&O Power                            Staufer              1965      Staufer              Good       75 095254
stereoscop Waiting for the Cars                 Nevada               2018      Goldbaum             Mint       50 115507
Stories    A Treasury of RR Folklore            Bonanza              2018      Harlow               Good        5 115071
stream obs Illustrated Treasury                 DPA-LTA              2001      Kerr                 Good       60 097707
Street Car Interurban to Milwaukee              CERA                 2018      CERA                 Good       35 115054
Streetcar  Trolley Car Treasury                 McGraw-H             1206      Rowsome              Good       10 121966
Suburia    5:10 to Suburia                      McMillan             1975      Olmsted                         20 071991
Swtch, Frg Train Shed Cyclopedia #2             Gregg                1930      Gregg                Good       10 071908
Swtch, Frg Train Shed Cyclopedia #2             Gregg                1930      Gregg                Good       10 071909
T&P Refere Texas & Pacific Freight Cars         T&P                  1957      T&P                  Fair       10 123533
T.D.Judah  Rails from the West (Bio of Judah)   Golden West          1969      Hinckley             Good       25 034990
Telluride  The R.G.S. Story, vol 02             Sundance             RGSv02    Coleman              Hard       45 123130
Tennessee  Colorado Rail Annual  #17 - 1987     CRM                  CRMvol17  CRM                  Hard       35 123115
Texas Trac Texas Electric Railway               CERA                 1969      Myers                Poor       15 122955
The final  Con Rail                             Author               1997      Withers              Good       40 094741
Timetable  Calif. Region Timtable  3            Altamont             2018      Altamont             Good        5 115800
Timetables UP RR System Employee Timetables     UPHS                 2018      UPHS                 Good       40 115563
Tourist    Great American Scenic RRs            Dutton               1985      Berger               Good        5 061642
Tracion Rl Cable Rlwy Co.'s system              Murdock              1973      Alioto               Good       15 073112
Track Plan Trck Planning for Realistic Opertion Kalmbach             1963      Armstrong            Fair        5 109755
Traction   Electric Ry Dictionary 1911 (repr)   Gregg                1971      Gregg                Good       50 071853
Traction   Interurban Newsletters 1943-44       Interurban Press     1978      Effle                Good       25 078521
Traction   Rainbow of Traction                  CERA                 1988      Bulletin 126         Good       50 087393
Train Wrec Train Wrecks ndj                     Bonanza                        Reed                 Unkn       10 031253
Trains     Encyclopedia of Steam&Rail           Unknown              802952    Garratt              Hard       10 119253
Trains     Focus: RR in Transition              Barnes               1971      Carper               NoJk       25 050036
Trains     Highball                             Bonanza              HBLB      Beebe                Hard       25 124206
Trains     History of North American Rail       Chartwell            814559    Chant                Hard       10 119254
trains     LuxuryTrains-Orient Ex to TGV        Vendome Prs          LUXtrns   Behrend              Hard       35 124210
Trains     The Great Book of Trains             Salamander           Trains    Cook                 Hard       20 117601
Trains     The Last Steam RR In N. America      Abradale             52298     Garver               Hard       10 119258
Trains     Trains-Mid-Century                   Author               1947      Williams             Good       15 053656
Trains & L Encyc. of Trainss & Loco's           Metro Books          2000      Riley                Good       10 091274
Trains of  Twilight of World Steam              Madison Square Press 72-92372  Ziel and Eagleson    Hard        5 121379
Trams      Steam Tramways                       Rocky Mt                       RMRC                 Soft        5 050631
TranCon    Night Trains-Pullaman                Johns Hopkins        NtTrns    Maiken               Soft       45 124205
Trancon. R Makin' Tracks                        Praeger              74-25464  Mayer and Vose       Hard       20 121387
Trans. n C Tracks, Tires & Wires                Interurban Press     1981      McCaleb              Good       35 114111
Transit Ma Transit Maps of the World            Penguin              TMW       Ovenden              Soft       10 098554
Transition American Railroads in Transition     Barnes               used      Robert S Carper      asis       10 113502
Trolley    Beaver County Trolleys               Rohrbeck             1985      Rohrbeck             Good       10 058837
Trolleys   Buses,Trolleys & Trams (Worn DJ)     Hamlyn               1961      Dunbar               Poor       10 039699
Trolleys   Ft. Wayne & WV Trolleys              CERA                 1983      Bradley              Good       50 058609
Trolleys   Lincoln Land Traction                Traction Orange Co.  1965      Johnson              Good       50 087762
Trolleys   Remember When                        CERA                 1980      Carlson              Good       40 087365
Trolleys # Ft Wayne & Wabash Valley Trolleys    CERA                 1983      Bradley              Good       50 087802
Tweetsie N Tweetsie Country                     Pruett               80826     Ferrell              Good       50 122241
U.P.operat Union Pacific1977-1980               Overland             1980      Cockle, George       Good       50 085625
U.S. Canad Diesel Locomotive Rosters            Kalmbach             2013      McDonald             Fair       25 106614
U.S. Canad Diesel Locomotive Rosters            Kalmbach             2013      McDonald             Fair       25 106615
U.S. Mex.  Diesel Locomotive Rosters            Kalmbach             1982      McDonald             Good       15 087229
U-Boats    U-Boats                              Boston Mills Press   1994      McDonnell            Good       25 058699
Union Paci Camas Prairie                        PFM Books            1986      Rieger               Good       50 092385
Union Paci History of the Union Pacific         Bonanza              67602-8   Cahill & Piade       Hard       15 123865
United Sta Diesel Locomotive Roster             Kalmbach             2018      Mcdonald             Good       20 115610
UP         Centennials in Action                Overland             1980      Cockle               Good       40 096978
UP         High Iron to North Platte            South Platte Press             Stensvad             Soft       15 050465
UP         Mighty 800                           Kratville            1967      Kratville            Good       45 109711
UP         Railroads Triumphant                 Oxford               1992      Martin               Good       25 109617
UP         Turbines Westward                    AG Press             1975      Lee                  Good       75 117021
UP         Union Pacific 1977-1980              Overland             1980      Cockle               Good       50 096921
UP         Union Pacific in North Platte        Parkrail             1992      Park ll              Good       10 096925
UP         UP 1997 Motive Power Annual          4-Ways               UP97      Shippen              Good       40 056130
UP         UP 1998-1990 Motive Pwr Annual       4-Ways               UP98      Curlee               Good       45 050623
UP         UP Motive Power Annual 1997          4-Ways               UP97      Shippen              Hard       40 050439
UP         UP RR Painting Guide 1903-01930      UP                   1981      UPRRHS               Good       25 058067
UP         Westward To Promontory  By Combs     American                       Combs                Good       15 019656
UP 1992    UP Annual 1992                       Hyrail                         Strack               Soft       25 050447
UP Flat ca UP Class F-50-15 Flat Cars           Soc of Freight car H 1992      Waite                Good       10 079242
UP Heritag Union Pacific 8444                   Colorado RR Mus-use  918654    Hill, Kindig         Good       20 122869
UP Pass tr P-S Library - UP 1933 to 1937        RPC                  vol 13    Randall              Hard       50 119238
UP Pass tr P-S Library - UP 1937 to 1958        RPC                  vol 14    Randall              Hard       50 119239
UP RR in 1 Union Pacific 1990                   Withers              1991      Cockle               Good       40 087639
UP/WP      The Feather River Canyon             Pentrex              UP 1996   S Schuallinger       Hard       20 120821
UP-CB&Q    Sterling Colorado                    Sundance             UP-CBQ    Jones                Hard       60 116774
UP-CP      Great and Shining Road               TimeLife             1988      Williams             NoJK       15 053665
Urban Tran Janes Urban Trnasport Systems        Janes                UT        2000-2001 Ed.        Hard       40 098588
Urban Tran Urban Transport Systems              Janes                2012      pattison             Hard       75 105063
US Railroa Trains by Robert Selph Henry         Self Published       1949      Henry                Fair       10 122533
US Railroa Trains by Robert Selph Henry         Self Published       1949      Henry                Fair       10 122534
US RR Hist The Trains We Rode                   Howell North         2024      Beebe, Clegg         Good       30 122877
US RR Hist The Trains We Rode vol 2             Howell North         2024      Beebe, Clegg         Good       30 122878
US RR Hist The Trains We Rode vol 2             Howell North         2024      Beebe, Clegg         Good       30 122879
US RR Hist Railroads An American Journey        Promontory           40833     Ball                 Good       20 121911
US RR Hist The Trains We Rode                   Promontory           40817     Beebe Clegg          Good       40 121988
US RR Maps Railroad Atlas IL & MO               Steam Powered        45058     Walker               Good       10 121996
US RR Phot Portrait of the Rails                Galahad              51009     Ball                 Good       20 121913
US Steam   American Locomotives                 Bonanza              1950      Alexander            Good       20 122953
US Steam   American Locomotives                 Bonanza              2024      Alexander            Good       20 122867
US Steam H American Single Locomotives          Smithsonian          2567      White                Good       15 121977
US Steam H The Iron Horse                       Fitzhenry            45010     Comstock             Good       15 121961
USA        American Steam, vol 1-signed         Sundance             AS vol1   Cutler               Hard       45 117578
USA RR     Highball                             Bonanza              Highball  Beebe                Hard       15 115406
USA RR fre The American Freight car             Hopkins              Frt 1     White                Hard       40 118905
USA RR's   Moody's Railroads - 1928             Moody's              1928      unknown              Hard       50 090173
USA RR's   Poor's Manual of RR - 1898           Poor's               1898      unknown              Hard       50 090172
USA RR's   Poor's Manual of RR - 1908           Poor's               1908      unknown              Hard       50 090171
USA Steam  N American Steam Loco Builders       TLC                  NASLB     H Davies             Hard       45 121656
USRA Syste USRA System Plan                     ICC                  191975    USRA                 Good        7 057408
Utah Gost  Some Dreams Die                      Dream Garden Press   2018      Thompson             Good       20 115617
V&T        The SILVER Short Line                TAB                  V&T       Wurm                 Hard       60 117669
Vancouver  Vancouver Island RR's                Golden West          1981      Turner               Good       30 051605
Virginia   Covered Bridges in Virginia          Upsteam Press        2018      Pierce               Good       15 115539
Vol 19 No. North Western Lines                  C&NWHS               1992      C&NW HS Magazine     Good        5 087745
W.USA      Out West on Overland Train           Gallery              1967      Reinhart             Fair       15 051700
Wabash     Wabash                               Heimburger           1984      Heimburger           Good       50 097647
wagons     Hub, the 1888 Wagon Magazine Repr    Author               May 1888  Hub                  Good       15 073406
War,Loco's Train Shed Cyclopedia #9             Gregg                1919      Gregg                Good       10 071865
War,Loco's Train Shed Cyclopedia #9             Gregg                1919      Gregg                Good       10 071866
War,Loco's Train Shed Cyclopedia #9             Gregg                1919      Gregg                Good       10 071867
War,Loco's Train Shed Cyclopedia #9             Gregg                1919      Gregg                Good       10 071868
War,Loco's Train Shed Cyclopedia #9             Gregg                1919      Gregg                Good       10 071870
War,Loco's Train Shed Cyclopedia #9             Gregg                1919      Gregg                Good       10 071871
War,Loco's Train Shed Cyclopedia #9             Gregg                1919      Gregg                Good       10 071872
War,Loco's Train Shed Cyclopedia #9             Gregg                1919      Gregg                Good       10 071873
Wash DC    Story of Metro                       Interurban Press     Spec 101  Deiter               Good       15 057967
Water Tank Colorado Rail Annual  #31 - 2012     CRM                  CRMvol31  W Reich              Hard       45 123124
Watercolor The VANISHING DEPOT                  Livingston Press     WatClr    Bye                  Hard       25 117811
West       Rails West  (Misc. Rr'S)             Bonanza                        Abdill               Good       30 022015
West End   Erie Lackawanna in color vol. 1      MSB                  1991      Young                Good       45 097642
West RR Ph Overland to the Rockies              Fox                  12220     Fox                  Good       15 121975
West US    Western Train By Steinheimer/Sims    Golden West                    Sims                 Good       40 030308
West USA   Pacific Slope Railroads              Superior             1959      Abdill               Good       35 038654
West USA   Railroading West -- b/w Photos       RailCar              1975      Brouwe               Good       15 045606
Western Hi Empire On Wheels                     Stanford             1949      Settle               Fair       10 122528
Western Hi Pony Express                         Howell North         1952      Bloss                Fair       10 122530
Western Hi Sovereigns of the Sage               Desert Magazine Pres 1958      Murbarger            Fair       10 122531
Western RR The Butterfield Overland Mail        The Huntington Libra 1958      Wright               Fair       10 122524
Western RR Railroads of the Black Hills         Superior             21320     Fielder              Good       20 123540
Western US Encyc W. RR Hist Vol 2 Mtn States    Taylor Pub           Vol, 2    Robertson            Good       55 055248
Western US Locomotive Engineer's Album          Superior             1965      Abdill               Good       20 051465
Western US Rails West                           Bonanza              1960      Abdill               Mint       30 051462
Western US Rails West                           Superior             1960      Abdill               1 ED       35 051463
Western US Rails West                           Superior             1960      Abdill               1 ED       35 051461
Westrn Rlw Journey through Western Rail History CRM                  1997      CRM                  Good       35 109582
Windy City The Iron Horse                       Northern Illinois Un 2005      Young                Good       40 097703
WM         WM color Guide                       MSB                  WMcolor   Brown                Good       45 058717
WM Rlwy    WM clor gde to Frght&Pass. Equip.    MSB                  1995      Brown                Good       50 097656
WM RR Hist Working on the Western Maryland      WM Hist              73859     Wes Morgenstern      Good       50 118879
WP         Western Pacific Pictiorial           Steel Rails West Pub WPP-1979  J Ryczkowski         Hard       40 120811
WP&Y       Gold Rush Narrow Gauge WP&Y          TAB                            Martin               Good       20 031209
Wreck of t Tragic Train "The COSF"              Superior             77-3499   DeNevi               Hard       45 123874
WSLCo      Last of the 3 foot Loggers           Golden West          WSLCo-197 A Kreig              Hard       35 120845
WV  Scenic CASS-Scenic RR of West Virginia      Carstens             2018      Krause               Fair       10 115533
WWII       Steel Rail to Victory-WWII           Hawthorn Books       WWII      R Ziel               Hard       20 120922
WWII       The IRON HORSE at WAR                Howell North         RRWW2-197 J Valle              Hard       35 120827
WWII Histo The SAAAB Story                      Orange Empire        1951      Miller               Fair       10 122527
Yosemite   RR's of Yosemite Valley              Yosemite             Yosemite  Johnson              Soft       30 115381
Yosimite R Railroads of Yosimite Valley         TAB                  YosimiteR H Johnson            Soft       25 121648
YVRwy      Short Line to Paridise               Flying Spur Press    YVRwy-196 H Johnson            Soft       25 120804

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Created on Sunday, March 30, 2025 4:28:20 PM

The Original Whistle Stop, (626) 796-7791